New Year's Eve.

New Year's Eve.

The whole city of King Yu was in a festive mood, the streets and alleys were decorated with lights and red lanterns were hung in the shops.

royal palace.

Except for Bai Qi, who was in charge of Changluo, all the generals from all directions returned.

As for the construction of the main army, after more than half a month of reorganization, it can be considered initially completed. Although the organization is still somewhat chaotic, the command system of each army has been temporarily clarified.

Tonight Emperor Yu hosted a banquet for civil and military officials, and half of the civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty were from the Yongwang Palace.

Among them, there are Wu Qi, the coach of the Chinese Army, and Chen Qingzhi, the deputy commander, and Ran Min.

The commander-in-chief of the Han army was Huo Qubing, his deputy commanders were Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, and military counselor Chen Ping.

The head coach of the Tang Dynasty Army is Li Jing, and his deputy coaches are Xue Li and Qin Qiong.

The Song Dynasty army coach Yue Fei, deputy coaches Han Shizhong and Yang Zaixing.

The deputy commanders of the Great Qin Army, Zhang Han and Meng Tian!

In addition, there are Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Gao Shun, Lan Yu, Huang Zhong, Cheng Yaojin, Xue Dingshan and Fan Lihua.

Among the generals, the five good generals were stationed in Yingzhou with Cao Cao, and Qi Jiguang and Zhou Yu, the naval forces of Dayu, also never returned.

As for the Lu Bu trio, they were in Da Yan. I heard that Xing Daorong and Pan Feng were now the vanguard generals of the Northern Yan Army in Da Yan!

Several people from the Ming Dynasty, such as Xu Da and Chang Yuchun, all went to Dali. Du Ruhui and Liu Bowen were also in Dali and never returned.

And the Western Four!

Among the civil servants, there were Jia Xu, Li Ru, Shang Yang, Zhuge Liang, Chen Gong, Du Fu, Xin Qiji, Su Shi, Wei Zheng, Di Renjie, Xun Yu, Changsun Wuji, and Dong Zhongshu.

Li Yuanfang is in charge in Huainan, so this time Ning Fan has become the focus of the officials again, and there are so many new faces in the Yongwang Mansion, which also makes Zheng Xuan a little restless!

"Everyone, I, Dayu, am able to achieve today's grand scene, all of you are indispensable. Come, let me drink to you!"


Emperor Yu held up the wine glass, and all the ministers turned their attention to Ning Fan and said with a smile: "Your Majesty's words are serious, I will rely on His Highness the Crown Prince for support..."

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince should take the lead, we are just doing odd jobs!"

“I, Dayu, have His Highness the Crown Prince, it is God’s blessing!”

"In terms of merit, His Royal Highness is the number one!"

The civil and military officials of the entire dynasty never left the prince. The depression in Emperor Yu's heart could not be imagined. The queen seemed to have noticed the depression of Emperor Yu, and said with a smile: "Whether it is the prince or everyone, they are all for me, Dayu." Serve your Majesty faithfully!”

"It is your Majesty's blessing that I can have such a Qilin son with you. Come, I would like to toast you all!"


The banquet was in full swing. Zheng Xuan seemed to be in a bad mood. He drank two more glasses of wine and looked at Ning Fan: "Your Highness, I offer you a drink!"

"Master Zheng, you're welcome, let's drink together!"


Zheng Xuan smiled, held the wine glass in front of Ning Fan, and asked with a smile: "Your Majesty... Your Highness, look at my position as assistant... second assistant..."


Ning Fan frowned slightly and said calmly: "Your second assistant?"

"Did Mr. Zheng drink too much?"

"Master Zheng, please sit down quickly. It's a palace banquet tonight and we won't talk about political affairs!"

"Yes, Lord Zheng, sit down quickly and don't bump into His Highness the Crown Prince."

Several close ministers beside Zheng Xuan were tugging on his clothes and carefully observing the expressions of Ning Fan and Emperor Yu, but Zheng Xuan flicked his sleeves: "Prince, you are simply not a human being!"

"Now, His Majesty is in a prestigious position, but you have repeatedly clashed with His Majesty, controlled the government, manipulated ministers, excluded dissidents, and had no regard for the emperor. You are simply acting wantonly!"

"Your Majesty, I want to impeach the prince for deliberately treason!"

"Your Majesty, please dethrone Ning Fan from his position as crown prince. This crown prince's position should have belonged to the fourth prince..."

Emperor Yu's expression became more and more gloomy. Ning Fan also looked at him playfully. The ministers on the side all looked trembling and shouted at Zheng Xuan: "Master Zheng, you have drunk too much, don't talk nonsense!"

"Why don't you confess to His Majesty and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Lin Qiushi was also frightened, and quickly raised his hands to Emperor Yu and said: "Your Majesty, Zheng Xuan made a mistake while drunk, please spare him from death!"

"Plead guilty?"

Zheng Xuan pointed at Ning Fan with a righteous look on his face: "The prince has the blood of the previous dynasty, but now he holds great power. The brave generals in the army and the ministers who hold important positions in the court are all his prince's people!"

"If one day, the prince plots something evil, what should your majesty do?"

"Please depose the prince!"

Zheng Xuan staggered to Ning Fan again, hugged his arm, and laughed: "Prince, you can hide it from them, but you can't hide it from me!"


"You have ulterior motives in sending all the princes to a bitter and cold place like Guanshan."

"Now, I want to...expose you!"

Ning Fan was still calm and calm, looking at Zheng Xuan with a smile: "I didn't expect that Mr. Zheng is still an upright person."

"That...that is!"

"I, Zheng Xuan, have always stood tall and upright, standing tall and upright!"


Ning Fan couldn't help but admire and said loudly: "Back then, when I was setting up the brocade clothes, I cleaned up the corrupt officials in the court. They ransacked the houses of those who deserved to be ransacked and beheaded those who deserved to be executed!"

"But Master Zheng is the only one who has the breeze on his sleeves, and I admire him very much in my lonely heart."

"It's just that today, on New Year's Eve, maybe I was too excited and drank too much!"

"Father, in recognition of Mr. Zheng's dedicated service to the country and his many years of hard work, I sincerely request that I pardon his death, demote him to the rank of commoner, and grant him a thousand taels of gold so that he can return home in rich clothes!"


The queen's face was cold, and she looked at Zheng Xuan calmly: "Did you speak out of turn after drinking?"

"You are guilty of provoking the emperor and his ministers and slandering the prince, and you deserve to die!"

"Mother, Lord Zheng has no ill intentions, and what he said makes sense. Please forgive me!"


The queen left in a huff, and Emperor Yu looked at Zheng Xuan coldly, saying in a deep voice: "Give him fifty lashes, confiscate the Zheng Mansion, expel the Zheng family from the capital, and no one from the Zheng family will ever be an official!"

"As ordered!"

Ning Fan watched Zheng Xuan being dragged out, and he was so happy in his heart. There was one more position!

"Father, while all the civil and military officials are here today, I have something else to say!"

"Go ahead!"

"Now the position of the second assistant in the cabinet is high, but the position is crucial. I ask father to confirm the candidate for the second assistant!"

"Lord Zheng has been dismissed, and the position of Shangshu Ling is also very important. Please discuss it!"


Looking at the bright smile on Ning Fan's face, the ministers were speechless. What Zheng Xuan said was absolutely right!

The prince is not shy about eliminating dissidents and appointing confidants!

Emperor Yu couldn't help but twitch his mouth. He looked around and looked at the civil and military officials. There was a little more regret on his face: "I, Dayu, have a prince, which is Dayu's blessing!"

"Today, in the great struggle of the world, I have this unicorn child. In the future, I, Dayu, will surely be able to seize the destiny and gain orthodoxy!"

"I have something to say today, and I will talk to you!"


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