The passerby stared straight at Zhang Sanfeng, swallowed his saliva, did not dare to say any more words, and ran away, looking back three times at a time.

One after another figures came with swords and stopped a hundred feet away from Zhang Sanfeng, with cold faces and deep fear in their eyes.

"A person from Dayu?"

"How dare a mere secular dynasty invade our fairy mountain!"

The leader of this group of people was a middle-aged man, with a superior attitude, as if he was a real immortal.

Zhang Sanfeng raised his brows with a bit of displeasure on his face. He was a man who respected the old and loved the young, but these little guys just sat on his head and looked down at him.

He was unhappy.

"Come down!"

Zhang Sanfeng struck out with a light palm, and the wind surged up dozens of feet around his body. A large handprint appeared out of thin air and directly enveloped more than ten figures, and they were pushed downwards.


"How dare you, a mortal, dare to take action against an immortal?"

The middle-aged man seemed to have been forcibly subdued. He looked at the big handprint with shock and fear, but he still spoke harshly.

More than ten people hurriedly pulled away, and the flying swords under their feet stabbed at the big handprint.

But Zhang Sanfeng's palm gave them no room to resist at all. Sand and dust flew into the sky, and more than a dozen ethereal figures fell into the mortal world in an instant, and got up from the ground in disgrace.


"Back off!"

A figure appeared in front of everyone, and as more and more figures fell, they all stood behind the old man who was the leader.

It was an old man with an immortal Taoist spirit. He was wearing a Taoist robe and holding a whisk in his hand. He looked at Zhang Sanfeng and said, "Fellow Taoist, this is a bit too much."

"This is Wangxian Mountain, and Taoist friends are not allowed to be presumptuous."

"In that case, let's fight!"

Zhang Sanfeng took a step forward, and an extremely powerful aura rose into the sky. The face of the old man holding a fly whisk also changed suddenly, and his eyelids twitched wildly: "Wait a minute!"

"Fellow Taoist is a master of Taoism. To attack some juniors would be to bully the younger ones."

"How about... sit down and have a cup of tea?"

"Holy Lord, this person despises the Immortal Land and does not punish this official. How can the majesty of the Immortal Land exist?"

The disciple who was the leader just now was filled with indignation, and seemed to be emboldened by the presence of Wangxian Saint.

However, Wangxian Shengzun's expression froze, and there was a bit of anger in his eyes: "Presumptuous!"

"Wangxianshan has always been responsible for saving the common people. How have you ever been allowed to stand high and claim to be an immortal?"

"It seems that you have all forgotten your roots."

"If fellow Taoist hadn't come here today, I wouldn't have known that you are so arrogant on weekdays."

"I will face the wall for ten years even if I go back!"

After hearing the reprimand of Holy Master Wangxian, everyone looked startled, except for the elders behind him, who all had silent expressions on their faces.

When did such a terrifying existence appear in the world?

A sword flattened their mountain tops. Is this guy still a human?

All the elders were trembling with fear, especially after learning that this person was Dayu, they were all panic-stricken.

"I won't drink the tea anymore. I came here today to ask for an explanation for me, Dayu!"


The smile on Wangxian Shengzun's face condensed, and he bowed slightly and said: "That's good, I have heard about this, Wangxian Mountain has crossed the line."

"Great Elder!"

"Holy Lord!"

"You will leave today and go to Dayu in person to apologize to His Majesty Emperor Yu."


Seeing how the always domineering Great Elder was so peaceful and well-behaved at the moment, the hundreds of disciples behind him were also stunned.

They are Wangxian Mountain!

The leader of the world, the being who is admired and worshiped by the world, is now bowing to a mere secular dynasty?

"No need!"

Zhang Sanfeng looked at Saint Wangxian and said calmly: "Let's fight first!"

"Fellow Taoist, when we are in the realm of you and me, it would be beneath our status to fight and kill!"

"I have no identity, just an ordinary groom beside the prince!"


Even the Holy Lord Wangxian was shocked. A groom beside Prince Dayu had such strength?


Extremely ridiculous!

"I'm going to move."

Zhang Sanfeng stepped lightly, and flew out directly, and slapped it out with a light palm. Saint Wangxian's expression condensed. Seeing that this battle was inevitable, he said helplessly: "Let's fight on the East China Sea!"


The two figures stood up at the same time and swept towards the east side of the island.

"Come on, let's go over and take a look."

"Hmph, this person really doesn't know how high the sky is and how dare he fight against the Holy Lord!"

"That is, the Holy Lord has not taken action for decades."

But when they just took off, they felt a barrier blocking them from advancing.

A light voice came into my ears: "You are waiting here, and you are not allowed to move without permission."

Everyone was stagnant, and all the elders looked horrified. Could it be that even the Holy Lord didn't have much confidence?

Among the crowd, only Pingtian shook his head slightly and looked at the group of fellow apprentices with some pity.

You guys!

He was still too young and had not suffered severe beatings from his seniors.

Hey, there are also elders, why don’t you listen to your advice if you say it’s fine?

Above the East China Sea.

Two figures faced each other. Wangxian Shengzun looked at Zhang Sanfeng with a solemn expression and asked, "I wonder where your friend is from?"

"Why have I never heard of it?"

"I'm just an ordinary person, so naturally I can't see the eyes of an immortal."

Wangxian Saint laughed dryly and asked again: "I wonder what level you are at now?"

"But have you taken that step?"

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head slightly, looked at Wangxian Saint with some impatience, and said calmly: "You will know after the fight."

As he said that, Zhang Sanfeng made a starting move, and a Tai Chi diagram appeared out of thin air on the calm sea surface, and the power of the two yin and yang enveloped the sea area of ​​hundreds of feet in radius.


Wangxian Saint's face also showed a solemn look. There are only three saints in the world, one in Penglai and two in Kunlun, but he has been trapped in the late stage of the heavenly realm for more than a hundred years.

He has not been able to take that step so far, but now, this person actually makes him unable to see through, at least he is also a peak of the heavenly realm!

If he was at the peak of the Heavenly Man Realm, he might be able to fight with all his strength, but if he really took that step...


As Zhang Sanfeng slapped out his palm, the flow of time in this sea area seemed to be slowed down. Wangxian Saint took out a long sword and shouted in a deep voice: "One sword to flatten the immortals!"

The sword light whistled out, stretching over a thousand feet. The terrifying sword light swallowed up and evaporated the endless sea water, but when his sword touched Zhang Sanfeng's palm, the sharp sword force instantly became extremely gentle.

"How is this possible?"

Zhang Sanfeng made a Tai Chi starter posture, his arms swayed slowly, and a huge Tai Chi diagram appeared horizontally in front of him, crushing the sword light bit by bit.

"I will use 30% of my strength. If you can take my palm without dying."

"The matter of Wangxian Mountain is over.


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