Ning Fan successfully moved into the general's mansion, while Dian Wei and Zhao Wanhu also escaped.

After returning to the study, an armored general knelt in front of "Yang Tai": "General, the city gates and streets have been blocked. I have sent people to search for the two assassins."

Ning Fan did not know the identity of this general, so he nodded slightly: "I know, this matter will be left to you in full charge."


After that, the general looked at Ning Fan and said in a deep voice: "General, now the Dali has conquered Dongbo City, and our 50,000 troops are almost wiped out."

"Now there are only 30,000 soldiers in the city. Should we ask for help from the imperial city?"

"Send scouts and keep an eye on the movements of the Li army."


After the general left, Ning Fan sat quietly in the study and took out a letter from his sleeve.

The list of Heibingtai's spies in Yan.

Now the infiltration of Heibingtai into Dayan has reached an extremely terrifying level. Liujiang City, Zijing City, and basically every city has spies from Heibingtai.

And it's not just Heibingtai. Shen Wansan has been operating here for nearly a year.

Economic warfare can also be arranged.

"Di Zi No. 7 spy."

"Liujiang City General's Mansion, Yang Tai's concubine."

Ning Fan looked at the information on the list, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. He didn't expect that the spy from Liujiang City happened to be Yang Tai's concubine. In this way, everything seemed to become much simpler.

"Someone come!"


"Go tell the third lady to come to see me."


With his own people in the general's mansion, everything became much simpler.

Not long after, a charming woman with a graceful figure walked in.


"I don't know what important things you want me to do in the middle of the night?"

"Take me back to your room."

Ning Fan took out a black token from his sleeve. The third lady's pupils suddenly shrank, but her face was trying to remain calm.

"General, what is this?"

"Let's talk about it in the room."


"Dizi No. 7 spy, don't be nervous, don't let people suspect."

Ning Fan lowered his voice and whispered in the ear of the third lady.

The third lady's face suddenly changed, and soon returned to calm: "I know."

The two came to the third lady's house.

"Xiao Cui, let the servants in the yard go to rest tonight."

"Yes, madam."

Ning Fan put his arm around the third lady's waist, walked into the bedroom, and sat on the bed.

As soon as he sat down, the third lady came forward to greet him. He could tell his identity at once, and he was definitely not an outsider. The Black Ice Platform has an extremely strict review mechanism.

Especially the Dizi No. 7 spy, basically all have a single line of communication, and the black card just now is the highest level token in the Black Ice Platform.

"Your subordinate He Runer greets you, sir."

"Get up!"

"General, are you also..."


Ning Fan shook his head slightly and said softly: "Yang Tai has been replaced by me. Tell me about the situation in the general's mansion."


He Runer nodded, looked at Ning Fan deeply, and said softly: "Yang Tai has three generals under his command. The one who went out of the city to help today is one of his three generals, Lin Qiu."

"Since Liujiang City is a military town, and Yang Tai is from a general family, so Liujiang City has always been guarded by him."

"Now, in the general's mansion, the only ones who can mobilize troops are Yang Tai and two generals under his command."

"They are Zhong Hui and Liu Kang, both of whom are peerless generals."

"There are 30,000 soldiers in the city now. Although their combat power is not as good as Dayan's elite armor, they are also trained all year round."

"One-third of Dayan's war grain is stored in the granary, and the grain supply to the east mainly comes from here."

He Runer explained the intelligence of Liu Jiangcheng and the important personnel of the general's mansion one by one. Ning Fan secretly planned in his heart and gradually formed a complete set of tactics.

"Can you contact Xu Da, the commander of the Ming Army?"


Ning Fan nodded, found the pen and ink on the table, picked up the pen and wrote a secret letter, and took out a private seal from his arms, stamped it on the rice paper, folded it, and handed it to He Runer.

"Send this letter to Xu Da as quickly as possible. The intelligence level is top secret!"


He Runer nodded solemnly, sealed the envelope, and shouted to the outside: "Xiao Cui!"


He Runer walked out, glanced into the room, and whispered: "Send this letter, Ming Army, Xu Da!"


Obviously, Xiao Cui is also a member of the Black Ice Platform, and perhaps her level is not high, so He Runer did not mention Ning Fan.

"Sir, the message has been sent."

"How long will it take for it to reach Xu Da?"

"The Ming army has begun to march towards Liujiang. If everything goes well, it will be there tomorrow."


Ning Fan nodded, with a gleam of brilliance in his eyes: "Contact Zijing City and pay close attention to the movements of Zijing City."

"If reinforcements are sent, investigate their marching routes."


He Runer began to get busy. Every spy above the ground level has a complete intelligence transmission team, and these teams weave a complete intelligence network.

At midnight, Xiao Cui's figure hurriedly appeared outside the door.

"General, General Zhong has something important to report and is waiting in the lobby."

"Got it!"

Ning Fan stood up and looked at He Runer: "I'll go first."


After arriving at the lobby, several generals were waiting. When they saw "Yang Tai", they hurriedly greeted him, including the armored general in the study. Through He Runer's narration, Ning Fan knew that this person was Yang Tai's general, Liu Kang.

"General, the vanguard of Dali has set up camp outside the city. Scouts report that the main force will arrive tomorrow afternoon at the latest."

"A full 300,000 soldiers and horses!"

Ning Fan nodded slightly, his face solemn: "Liujiang City must not be lost. Now my Dayan main force is all on the eastern front to defend against Dayu's main force. There are still soldiers and horses in Zijing City that can be mobilized."

"Send scouts immediately and ask His Majesty to come to the rescue."


"Zhong Hui, from now on, you will be in charge of the city defense."

"Liu Kang, you are responsible for the transportation of food and grass, and you must ensure the supply of food and grass on the eastern front."


"Yang Tai" carefully deployed the city defense of Liujiang City and looked at the generals: "Everyone, now my Liujiang City is fighting a desperate battle, and we must appease the soldiers."

"Liujiang City must not be lost."

"Tomorrow, I will personally inspect the camp."


After everyone left, Ning Fan returned to He Runer's courtyard.

"Who is responsible for the military registration?"

"My Lord, the military registration list of Liu Jiangcheng is in your hands."


Ning Fan was slightly surprised, and a smile appeared on his face. In this way, Dian Wei and his men's identities can be completely cleared and regularized?

Fight for Dayan!


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