Jiang Wen was busy checking the setting with the drama management, striving for every frame to be an impeccable famous scene.
Brother Fa recovered from Jiangbei and was communicating with the photographer.
And Uncle Ge had already arrived on the set when Jiangbei and Fa Ge were playing against each other.
At this time, he was reciting his lines.
After 8 minutes of one shot, there is no problem with the two old actors. As for Jiangbei…
It’s nine o’clock.
The scene, the dining table has been set up.
Zhou Runfa, Ge You, and Jiangbei, the three giants are seated!
Director Jiang clapped his hands and looked at the three leading actors.
“Three, thisWhether the scene is a scene in an interior scene, or a very difficult one shot to the end, Fa Ge and the uncle are old scenes, take care of the newcomers, and try to finish filming in a week. ”
After finishing speaking, Brother Fa and Uncle Ge cast kind eyes on Jiang Bei.
In this scene, they are not the protagonists. This young master who is full of gangsters is the real protagonist!
[Ding, the famous scene is activated! 】
[Famous scene special effects]: Acting skills +100%, momentum +100%, movie retention rate +100%, 1% chance to double the box office, 99% chance to win praise from film critics! The fan rate is 90%!
With the sound of the system.
At this moment, Jiang Bei entered the play, incarnate as the thug Zhang Muzhi!
In the early years, he came out of the lecture hall and followed General Songpo. At the age of 17, he became the captain of his pistol and killed countless enemies.
It’s a pity that General Cai lost Neon and returned to China by smuggling himself.
At that time, the warlords separated the regime, and the world was in chaos!
A loyal child cannot serve the country. There is no other way. The brothers followed him to eat, so they had to become grass bandits, turned into thugs, and roamed the mountains and fields!
From among the green forests, he is heroic and courageous, robbing the poor to help the rich, killing chickens to make an example to monkeys, and never merciless!
Because he understands that this group of bastards who are shaving their fat are not worthy of sympathy!
In my ears, the general’s words are like gold: I would rather be a bandit than join forces with them and oppress the people!
And Zhang Mazi’s reputation has also become the nightmare of the southern squires!
Jiang Bei’s thoughts were surging, and his facial expressions were all clearly captured by the camera.
Then, he opened his mouth and said.
“I, Mr. Ma, the county magistrate, bought it. I bought an official just to make money. Moreover, Mr. Ma doesn’t like to earn money from the poor.”
As Jiang Bei said, he stretched out his thumb and tapped it on his chest.
Fa Ge turned into Huang Silang, took a sip of tea, had big gold teeth, smiled deceitfully, and had a playful expression: “Then…whose money do you want to earn?”
“Whoever has money will earn it.”
“Then who has money?”
Jiang Bei pointed with one hand: “You have money.”
Under the camera, the astonishment in Brother Fa’s eyes flashed by, and he laughed and said, “Cheer up! The county magistrate is looking for something, just take it!”
Jiang Bei laughed.
“I’m not a bandit! I’m the county magistrate, and the county magistrate must pay attention to being honest and honest to make money…”
“Well said!” Fa Ge gave a thumbs up, eyes met, “In Goose City, there are two big families, both of whom sell people to America, build railways, and earn dollars~”
As soon as money was mentioned, Uncle Ge got excited and said with a confused face: “He’s talking about knives.”
“Nononon…dollar, money used by Americans! you know?” Fa Ge rubbed his index finger, the bully is so bad, he made a godlike performance!
“Dollar…here it is…” Uncle Ge continued to pretend to be confused, and said with a smile, “As soon as Master Huang comes, the money will arrive!”
laughing out loud.
Under the mirror, the three played against each other, and the undercurrent was surging.
Huang Silang won 1v2, and he did not fall behind.
Master Tang pretended to be confused and played a beautiful assist.
Zhang Muzhi sits firmly in the central army, and if the enemy does not move, I will not move.
“Then let’s have a drink?”
In order to strive for authenticity, this glass of wine is real wine.
A pungent taste enters the throat, and the show begins!
Jiang Bei patted the clothes on his body: “Master Huang, you are being polite. Everyone in the southern country knows that in Goose City, you, Huang Silang, are the boss!”
“The boss is always empty-handed.” Fa Ge raised his eyebrows. “When I open my eyes every day, hundreds of people eat, drink, and scatter, and they all wait for me to serve them. How many mouthfuls will actually fall into my mouth? If the county magistrate is really anxious Is there a good place for me to make money?”
As soon as he heard about making money, Jiang Bei became interested. He rolled up his sleeves and waved his hand: “Oh? Mr. Huang, please tell me. Ma will listen carefully.”
Fa Ge looked around the two of them and spit out three words.
“Zhang! Ma! Son!”
At this moment, Jiang Bei’s eyes were a little dazed, but he was not timid. Uncle Ge didn’t turn his head, and meowed to Jiang Bei.
Brother Fa stared at Jiangbei with arrogance!
A full 6 seconds!
There was not a word of dialogue between the three of them, and the scene was extremely weird!
“Zhang Mazi?”
Jiang Bei said.
“Yes, Zhang Mazi!”
“Then, does this pockmarked Zhang have anything to do with us? Or does it have something to do with money?” Jiang Bei pulled his facial muscles, viciously.
“It’s all related.”
Jiang Bei snorted, “Could it be that he’s in Goose City?”
Fa Ge paused for a moment, just for a moment, Master Tang’s hands and feet were cold, because… the person sitting in front of him was really pockmarked!
“Not here either…”
After saying a word, Jiang Bei suppressed his throat, sneered, and made eye contact with Uncle Ge.
Good guy, Schrödinger’s pockmark…
Uncle Ge saw the timing, took the conversation, poured wine, and complimented: “Master Huang’s words are quite mysterious!”
Jiangbei Fujiu: “Then…where is this kid? Listen to Master Huang for a chat with us?”
“Let’s talk!”
Brother Fa’s eyes turned hard: “This person occupies the traffic throat around Goose City, do you understand?”
Uncle Ge was confused: “I don’t understand.”
“What kind of business am I in? Do you understand?”
Jiang Bei was even more confused than Uncle Ge: “I don’t understand!”
Uncle Ge sighed, and explained to Jiangbei: “Master Huang’s business is a big business, and the small half of the country’s tobacco and soil are sold by Master Huang!”
“Wrong! I’m just running errands for Liu Dutong! And… it’s just one of them.”
Jiang Bei frowned: “Then how many legs does Liu Dutong have?”
Master Ge’s pretense is so confused: “Three legs! Master Huang still has one thigh!”
Brother Fa suddenly raised his thighs and smashed them on the table.
“Yes! Thigh! But my leg is broken!”
Jiang Bei opened his eyes wide: “Broken!”
Uncle Ge was shocked: “How did it break?”
“My goods are robbed by Zhang Mazi in eight out of ten cases. Think about it, how much money he made!”
Uncle Ge squinted at Jiangbei and said jokingly: “Then this Zhang Mazi is very rich, what else is there?!”
At this point, the entire crew can hear needles drop!
Ps: New book old man, five watch every day, rain or shine, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for reward~)

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