The next day, Jiangbei was the news that he had signed with Zhonghuang, which exploded the whole network!
And Yang Shoucheng, the boss of the Chinese Emperor, took the earliest flight to Yanjing.
Go straight to the hotel in Jiangbei.
“Boss… Boss… Slow down.”
Yanjing International Hotel, a Rolls-Royce with an FV yellow card, drove into the parking lot and just got off the car to the front desk of the hotel.
Qiao Xinyue, who was trotting all the way down, was out of breath and didn’t even have time to paint.
no way.
This is the president of Zhonghuang Group with a market value of 100 billion, Yang Shoucheng!
She is the vice president of a small artist department, and she must not be neglected.
Yang Shoucheng walked through the cip (important guest) channel of the International Hotel. In addition to Qiao Xinyue, he also followed his assistant, Pei Zhemao, who was already the vice president of China Emperor.
“Dignified doctor from Pennsylvania, and I’m also the vice president of Chinese Emperor Artists. This physical strength is not very good.”
Walking and laughing.
Obviously, “Four, five, three”, Boss Yang is very happy, and the giant is very happy!
“Don’t lose weight all the time, you are so pretty, which man wants you.”
Qiao Xinyue stuck out her tongue, not being arrogant: o(‘^’)o
However, work is work and cannot be sloppy.
“Boss, that’s all Mr. Jiang’s request yesterday. Do you think there is anything else to add?”
Yang Shoucheng strode like a meteor, buttoning his suit.
“Even though I mentioned it, I gave him the unlimited contract, nothing else matters.”
Qiao Xinyue thought for a while: “No, Mr. Jiang only has so much.”
At the door of the Jiangbei Hotel, Yang Shoucheng knocked on the door, and soon the door opened.
Jiangbei actually got up early. After running for thirty minutes in the hotel gym, he was sweating profusely just after taking a shower. He was surprised when he saw Yang Shoucheng standing at the door, dusty and dusty!
“Boss, why are you here?”
Yang Shoucheng smiled happily: “I’ll give you money.”
Jiang Bei laughed dumbly, Yang Shoucheng in his mind was very serious, he didn’t expect to be so amused.
“You’re joking, boss, please come in.”
A group of four or five people entered the room, and in an instant, it seemed a little crowded.
There is a reception room specially prepared by the hotel.
Qiao Xinyue sat next to him, and vice president Pei Zhemao accompanied Yang Shoucheng, and the assistant took notes.
Yang Shoucheng said, “Mr. Jiang, Xinyue told me your thoughts yesterday. On behalf of the Emperor, I sincerely invite you to join the big family. The Emperor agrees to your request.”
Jiang Bei smiled and said, “Boss Yang…isn’t thinking about it?”
It was Yang Shoucheng’s turn to be surprised.
“Haha… Since I dare to give you natural resources, I believe in my own vision. You will not disappoint me.”
“Zhonghuang is willing to walk hand in hand with Mr. Jiang. You and the company…not a relationship between superiors and subordinates, but a partner. As you said, you must win the Grand Slam of the Global Best Actor!”
Shut up.
The assistant was quick-witted and handed over a brand new contract.
“Mr. Jiang, this is a special contract of ‘natural resources’ that belongs to you only. Please take a look.”
Jiang Bei took it and opened the contract.
I scanned it directly with the system. Unexpectedly, Yang Shoucheng gave more generously.
The summary of “Regarding the Normative Document on the Contract of Zhonghuang’s Exclusive Signing of Natural Resources Artists” is very simple.
1. Unlimited jumping out of the contract.
2. Business contracts, advertisements, performances, endorsements, copyrights, etc., are divided into eighty-two. (Artist Jiangbei 80%, company 20%)
3. An annual salary of 30 million yuan.
4. The group’s resource preference is not less than 30%, and the artist Jiangbei has the right of preference.
5. Equipped with one deputy general manager, two team assistants, two dressing rooms with the group, and several public relations teams.
6. Do not interfere with the private life of artist Jiangbei (premise to maintain the company’s image)
Others don’t need to be looked at, it doesn’t matter, Jiangbei can accept it.
“Mr. Jiang, after signing this contract, you are an artist of Zhonghuang Natural Resources. You should have seen it too. Instead of signing a contract, it would be better to say… cooperation?”
Jiangbei asked a question: “Mr. Yang, why do you value me so much? Are you willing to give rare natural resources?”
Yang Shoucheng suddenly laughed.
“That’s right, Zhonghuang’s natural resource contracts are very few. You can count them with both hands. No one in the industry has ever seen the true nature of natural resource contracts.”
“On the other hand, looking at the natural resources given by the Emperor, which one is not a big hit?”
Hua Tsai.
Brother Fa.
Liang Chaowei.
Thank you for listening to the wind.
Even… Mr. Chen has won a contract for natural resources, but it’s a pity.
“Actually, it wasn’t the bandit-filled performance in “Let the Bullets Fly” that moved me, nor the lame man in “Chasing the Dragon”.”
Yang Shoucheng glanced at Qiao Xinyue.
“It was you who rejected Bona’s words yesterday. You want to be the best actor in the world’s Grand Slam. You want to make the discourse movie win the Oscar, create an era of actor in Jiangbei that belongs to you, and let my Chinese actors stand on top of the world!”
“I like ambitious people, no matter what Mr. JiangThe level of future achievements, no matter how far you go back in the future, or even establish your own business, the emperor will always be your backing 0  …”
Although the rhetoric is a bit grand.
But in line with Yang Shoucheng’s identity, Jiang Bei also sighs, no wonder Yang Shoucheng has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and his status is unshakable.
“I’m from China, so naturally I support my own people, haha.”
Jiang Bei took a deep breath.
Signing this contract means that the emperor will usher in an era belonging to Jiangbei.
It’s just that the Emperor of China is gambling, betting that Jiangbei is very popular, betting that Jiangbei is in full swing!
The Emperor of China made the right bet!
Jiang Bei suddenly stretched out his hand and smiled.
“Boss Yang, it’s a pleasure to work with.”
Yang Shoucheng, who was still a little surprised, was stunned for a moment, and the next second, he happily held Jiang Bei’s hand.
“Happy cooperation!”
The rest is very simple. Sign the contract and explain some matters. As for the legal affairs, Pei Zhemao, the vice president, is a Doctor of Laws from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
It’s all over.
Jiangbei and Yang Shoucheng came to embrace.
“Beizai, I still have some things to do. Let’s go ahead and take advantage of the release of this episode of “Let the Bullets Fly”. You also have a lot of things to do. By the way…don’t be so tired and take a rest.”
“Okay, Mr. Yang, walk slowly.”
Just two steps away, Yang Shoucheng suddenly turned his head to look at Qiao Xinyue who was following him.
“Beautiful girl? Still following me?”
Qiao Xinyue was stunned: “I.0.6..Mr. Yang, I…I have to go back to the company after the work is done…”
The assistant next to him and the vice president laughed.
Yang Shoucheng pointed to Jiangbei.
“You are Jiangbei’s manager, what are you doing with me? You are no longer the vice president of the Chinese Emperor’s Artists Department. You are Jiangbei’s manager.”
Qiao Xinyue was stepping on high heels, her face flushed.
“I’m what I’m, I just said and decided, your salary standard, the company will send you an email.”
Pei Zhemao, the vice president next to him, smiled and said, “Congratulations to Miss Qiao, you have been promoted and made a fortune.”
Ps: 11th update! ! ! ! ! Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for rewards~

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