Back to Beijing on the 7th.
When the plane landed and came out of the airport, Jiangbei’s head was always in pain.
Brother Bo and Brother Jing were drunk last night. If Qiao Xinyue hadn’t come to pick her up, he wouldn’t want to leave.
Inside Daimler’s nanny car.
Qiao Xinyue handed Jiangbei a glass of honey water, and took out a fax from the emperor from the file bag.
“At present, there are a total of 7 movie invitations, three variety shows, and one – a talk show.”
“I think these seven-movies are all good.”
“The first film, “Infernal Affairs 2″ directed by Liu Weiqiang, was produced and styled by Media Asia. The investor has Zhonghuang, and the director immediately took a fancy to you. He wanted you to audition Liu Jianming. He thought you were the best. Candidate, current status: Waiting for startup.”
“The second film, “Eight Hundred” directed by Guan Hu, is an anti-Japanese war film. The director is pulling in investment, but if you choose a role, you will fall in love with you at a glance. The script is approved, the actors are auditioned, the investors are admitted, and so on. It will take at least three months to start shooting, and what the boss told me to convey is that if you want to shoot, he will shoot.”
“The third part, a big foreign IP, “The Fast and the Furious 7″, this sequel has been filmed for 6 episodes so far, Universal Pictures plans to stir up a wave of feelings, but it doesn’t want to give up such a big market as China. It happens that at present, the domestic Your limelight is on the rise, they have assessed your influence in the country, and they want you to star in Fast 7. The specific role is to be determined. Personally, I am very inclined to this movie. This movie is the key to us opening the Oscars. It is also a bridge for you to enter the world. Although it is a pure popcorn movie, it is very popular abroad, and it also has a certain influence in China and has many fans.”
“The fourth film, the invitation of Bangzi Kingdom, Zhonghuang and Bangzi’s film company have always been in close contact, but the boss is all about cultivating filmmakers. Regarding the trainee culture, uh… I can’t say I like it, anyway, it’s not bad if I don’t hate it. However, movies in this country have always been known for their daring and boldness. CJ Entertainment Co., Ltd. of Bangzi Country contacted us and intended to make you appear in the new play “Save Me From Evil”. The current boss’s attitude is that everything Depending on what you mean, you want to shoot, OK, no problem, we’ll try to get in touch with them, if you don’t want to… um, let him get out.”
“The fifth film, the independent film “Joker”, there is a copyright dispute for this script, and I don’t like the R-rated film set in the United States. It has a great impact on your international reputation.”
Jiang Bei didn’t speak, but listened carefully until the name of “The Clown” came out, and his eyes suddenly showed a hint of fanaticism.
Qiao Xinyue observed that Jiang Bei’s eyes were strange.
“But it doesn’t matter. “Joker” is still a long time away from the start of filming. At least Warner has to solve the copyright issue. This is still being discussed, and we still have a lot of room for manoeuvre.”
“The sixth film, “New Police Story”, this film is the first company established by Chen Long and the boss, and it is also the first project to be established. To be honest, the boss is not very optimistic because it has been filmed before this. There are many prequels of police stories. The current situation is that the screenwriter, director, and management are all in place. The main actor is Brother Chen Long, and there is a lack of a villain. The boss asked me to ask if you are interested? If there is, one word: shoot!”
“The seventh film, “The True Color of a Man”, is directed by Chen Musheng. He has been polishing the script for three years for this film. It is a classic Hong Kong film, involving explosions, action, and undercover, but the casting is very difficult. In between, Xie Tingfeng has been confirmed to participate in the role, but it is still not enough, it just happened that this part of “Let the Bullets Fly” was released, and Chen Musheng found the boss and hoped that you will play, the conditions are up to you, and the role is up to you.”
Jiangbei thought carefully about the whole process.
I have to say that Yang Shoucheng really liked him. These 7 movies were all carefully selected, and it happened that Jiangbei had seen them all!
All are exquisite!
At present, the word-of-mouth + box office is invincible, naturally “Infernal Affairs 2”, this movie, to be precise, this series of movies, is the pinnacle of Huayu movie police + undercover + community.
“New World”, a remake of Bangziguo in the previous life, won two Qinglong Actors in one fell swoop!
It is conceivable how arrogant it is.
“Eight Hundred” is also good. The film is heroic, and Jiang Bei’s temperament has changed slightly, which perfectly fits the theme of the film.
As for “Fast and Furious 7” and “Joker”, to be honest, Jiangbei is very interested, but at present his fame only stays in China, and he still needs to consolidate, which can only be determined.
“New Police Story” and “The True Color of a Man” are equally good, and the characters in the two dramas are in line with Jiang Bei’s temperament.
“In addition, this is a quotation list, which can be negotiated.”
Qiao Xinyue took out a printed fax from the Emperor, with the prices of the 7 dramas marked on it, respectively.
“Infernal Affairs 2”
[Introduction]: The film tells the story of the police and the Tsim Sha Tsui community Ni family sending undercover agents to each other’s interior in Xiangjiang in 1991.
[Production + Distribution]: Media Asia Film and Television Co., Ltd.
[Investor]: Media Asia + Zhonghuang.
[Role]: Liu Jianming (to be determined).
[Remuneration]: 16 million.
[Director]: Liu Weiqiang + Mai Chaohui.
[Remarks]: Excellent +.

“Eight Hundred”
[Introduction]: In 1937, the story of the eight hundred warriors from the reinforcement battalion of the 527th Regiment of the 88th Division of the Third War Zone, defending the Sixing Warehouse and sniping at Neon.
[Production + Release]: To be determined.
[Investor]: To be determined.
[Role]: Optional.
[Remuneration]: 5 million+.
【Director】: Guan Hu.
[Remarks]: Excellent +.

“Fast and Furious 7”
[Introduction]: The plot of the film will unfold between Dominic Toretto’s team and the villain Decarte Shaw, telling the story of Decarte Shaw’s revenge for his younger brother.
[Production + Distribution]: Universal Pictures.
[Investor]: Universal Pictures.
[Character]: The second male.
[Remuneration]: 2 million US dollars.
[Director]: Wen Ziren.
[Remarks]; Excellent.

“Save Me From Evil”
[Introduction]: The film tells the story of Ren Nan, an agent who completed the assassination mission for the last time, and was killed by the government.Abandoned, and while searching for his kidnapped daughter, he was hunted down by the bloodthirsty executioner’s ‘Thunder’, revenge!
【Production + Distribution】: CJ Entertainment Co., Ltd.
[Investor]: CJ Entertainment + Zhonghuang (to be determined)
[Character]: Rennan or Lei.
[Remuneration]: 4.5 million US dollars.
[Director]: Hong Won-chan.
[Remarks]: Good.

“Joker”/”Joker: Origins”/”Joker Prequel”
[Introduction]: The film tells the story of Arthur, a comedian who was in trouble in the 1980s. He gradually went into a mental breakdown, started a crazy criminal career in Gotham City, and eventually became Batman’s old enemy.
[Production + Distribution]: Warner Bros.
[Investor]: Warner Bros.
[Film Rating]: R.
【Character】: The clown.
[Remuneration]: 1 million US dollars +
Directed by: Todd Phillips.
[Remarks]: Excellent.

“New Police Story”
[Introduction]: It tells about the legend of the police force – Chen Guorong, because of his carelessness, many brothers were killed by the five criminals headed by Azu, and he became increasingly passive. Later, under the stimulation of Zheng Xiaofeng, he regained his courage and succeeded. Solve the case.
[Production + Distribution]: Zhonghuang + Chen Long Pictures.
[Investor]: Zhonghuang + Chenlong Pictures.
[Character]: The villain Guan Zu.
[Remuneration]: 20 million.
[Remarks]: Excellent +.

“The True Color of a Boy”
[Introduction]: The film mainly tells the story of three policemen fighting against a gang of criminals who commit crimes again.
[Production + Distribution]: Poly Bona.
[Investor]: Poly Bona.
[Role]: Optional.
[Remuneration]: Customized.
[Director]: Chen Musheng.
[Remarks]: Excellent +.
Among them, except for “Joker” and “Fast and Furious 7”, which are marked in red, the others are bold.
And “Infernal Affairs 2” and “Eight Hundred” were marked as “Excellent+” by Qiao Xinyue.
“I personally prefer “Infernal Affairs 2” and “Eight Hundred”, because these two films fit your own temperament too well. Brother Bei, although “Let the Bullets Fly” made you popular, there will be “Chasing the Dragon” in the follow-up Shine brilliantly, I think first of all, take a steady path, go solid, play to the extreme in a variety of movie styles, and choose other themes.”
“Although I think “Joker” and “Fast and Furious 7″ are also good, it is easy to attack the international market by breaking into the international market.” Qiao Xinyue expressed her opinion and shook her head, “And foreign countries are more advocating extreme culture + chauvinism, That is, a movie with a strong personal color.”
This is also the reason why individual heroic American blockbusters are so popular in foreign mainstream markets.
Of course, it is also very popular in China.
It’s just that the domestic audience is more inclusive.
“Why did you label “Save Me From Evil” as ‘good’?” Jiang Bei asked.
I suddenly realized that it is good to have an agent. There are many things that you don’t need to worry about, and they will be arranged clearly. Everything is done in a proper manner, without leaks. Analyze the film and the artist’s future development plan from all angles.
Otherwise, if Jiangbei doesn’t have a movie, he will choose a movie that is not suitable for him, and it will affect his career, not to mention his strength.
What’s worse, the direct image has plummeted, playing with eggs~
So, Qiao Xinyue, this agent, is perfect, per Facott~
“I watched this movie. My postgraduate studies were “World Film Development History and Different Viewing Concepts of Regional Culture”, “Save Me From Evil”, the story is monotonous and basically all elements are replaced by other The director has repeatedly filmed, qiguan business, ex-secret agents, murdered girlfriends, extreme perverted killers, none of these characters have been through a thousand trials and tribulations.
“Compared with the popular tastes of the audience at the moment, it’s a far cry.”
Jiang Bei nodded, the analysis is in place, Jiang Bei has seen this movie, the whole film is just one word – cool, the connotation is not at all, the story is not brilliant, only the sense of blow is real, the selling point is probably the intracranial climax of the fist to the flesh.
“Besides, we reject the natural attributes of Bangziguo, and I’m afraid it will affect your screen image.”
“As for “Infernal Affairs 2” and “Eight Hundreds”, the appearance of any role will consolidate your screen image. You have acting skills, and what you do is like what you do. The most important thing is that Infernal Affairs has a place in the hearts of domestic movie fans. It’s too high, since the end of the first episode, netizens have been calling to watch the second episode, and now the script has been polished, just waiting for the actors to be in place.”
“Once you star in “Infernal Affairs 2″, your screen image will be directly linked to the gods. I dare not say that you are a god, but at least, in the next few years, no one will surpass it!”
Jiang Bei nodded.
Except for three foreign films.
The remaining four Chinese-language films are all remarkable, and there is room for negotiation in the remuneration, and the director is a leader among the five generations of directors.
Choosing a movie is also a technical job.
Jiangbei doesn’t have much desire for money now, what he wants is fame!
Another name, still afraid of not making any money?
After thinking about it, Jiangbei decided to contact the crew of “Infernal Affairs 2” and director Guan Hu of “Eight Hundred”.
He must ensure that every 2-3 months, a well-known film is released, so that he can continue to maintain his screen image and not disappear from the public eye.
good meal, Naturally, eat it while it’s hot!
“Okay, I think it’s okay. Please help me contact director Liu Weiqiang and Guan Hu to arrange for the shooting period. Isn’t “Eight Hundred” still in the project approval status? Give director Guan Hu a reassurance, just say I am Jiangbei, willing Act!”
Qiao Xinyue said happily: “OK~ I love you~”
Jiangbei: …
Is the 29-year-old young woman so cute?
“As for the reason for choosing “Eight Hundred”, it is easy to explain. This kind of good Anti-Japanese War movie, even if the script is not good, I will try my best to approach it. For nothing else, sorting out the correct view of history is one of the compulsory courses for artists. ”
Tsk tsk…Look at this ideological awareness.
Qiao Xinyue looked at Jiangbei again with admiration.
“In addition, in addition to 7 movies, we also have three film and television variety shows and one talk show.”
“I think one of them is good.”
“”The Actors Please Take Their Places” is an online variety show. Four well-known directors have been selected, and the contestants will participate in the competition. The directors will comment on their acting skills. stage for acting.”
“It’s just… Internet variety shows are more restricted. Sometimes in order to create gimmicks, some fresh meat with no acting skills will be invited. I’m afraid that if you put them together, the price will drop a bit.”
More than a drop in price?
It’s an insult.
But slapping in the face is still possible.
“Who are the director and judges?”
“Chen Kaige, Guo Xiaosi, Er Dongsheng and Zhao Wei.”
Without even thinking about it, Jiang Bei blurted out: “Pass.”
Qiao Xinyue nodded: “I don’t want you to participate either. Although they offer a season reward of 28 million, this kind of money is still forgotten. Not to mention lowering your status, it is easy to create a negative fishing boat. The big bully the small, and it is even more impossible to lose.”
Just kidding, anyone can be a director now?
Guo Xiaosi…
A businessman who relied on plagiarizing his superiors and brazenly making movies, which ended in disgrace, is also called a director? !
This is no longer an insult, but bad luck!
“The second variety show, I think you can consider it, Yang Ma’s “This is the actor”!”
“The second season has already been filmed. Since the first season was aired, it has been very popular. The core model is the same as “Actors Please Take Your Place”. The difference is that all the participants in this variety show are old actors. ”
“The whole process is dry, there is no prologue, there is no host, and it will enter the competition when it comes up.”
“The five directors of the first season are: Zhang Yimou, Feng Gang, Wu Yusen, Li Yin and Director Xu Ke.”
“According to the number of director seats sent by the variety show director of the second season, the number of directors has increased from 5 to 7! Among them, Wang Jiawei and Xing Ye are the most important ones!”
Jiang Bei opened his eyes wide!
Sure enough, Yang Ma made a move, and big names gathered!
Not to mention Zhang Yimou, the national teacher among the five in the first season, already represents the top level of Chinese-language movies.
Now, Wang Jiawei and Master Xing are joining in the second season. This is a fucking fight between gods!
The Beijing circle, the Hong Kong circle, and the Northwest circle, this is the rhythm of competition.
Jiang Bei suddenly felt something interesting…
“And the actors who participated in the performance are also young and strong Chinese actors + powerful faction: Chen Kun, Sun Li, Zhou Xun, Zhang Yishan, Wang Kai, Hu Ge, Jiang Shuying, Lei Jiayin, Zhu Yawen… ”
Interesting, very interesting!
These actors are the mainstay of the future successors of old dramas. It should be very interesting to compete with them on the same stage!
“As for the highlight of the second season, there are plenty of gimmicks. Not only are all the actors from the previous season in place, but all the extras are Xiangjiang movie stars, Wu Zhenyu, Xie Tingfeng, Liang Chaowei, and…” Qiao Xinyue glanced at Jiangbei, obviously, Jiang Bei was tempted, “And the actor with thousands of faces, Liang Jiahui!”
Mother Yang’s face is great!
“I’ve decided to participate in this variety show!”
As a human being, you must have a winning mind, otherwise what is the difference from a salted fish? Yeah.
“Boss Jiang is tempted, hee hee, let me help you get in touch with the column group of “This is the actor”. This show is a live broadcast, which means that there is no need for rehearsals and recordings. There are still 4-4 years before the release of the second season.” 6 months, that is, at the beginning of next year, I counted the time, you can shoot at least three movies during this period, and the column team of “This, Is the Actor” will also create momentum, presumably…it should be very exciting. ”
0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0 ・・・
I don’t know why, but Jiangbei is suddenly eager to try, excited~
“Is there another variety show?”
Qiao Xinyue lowered her head and flipped through the file: “There is also a dubbing variety show “Sound on the Scene”. , Lord Qian.”
“However… this variety show is premiering, that is, around Christmas, when “Chasing the Dragon” is released. I thought about it. At this time, you should have at least two or three shows on you, and you will be very busy. .”
This program is also good.
What is important is the actor’s line skills and tone of voice. With old drama bones as endorsements, the effect of the show should not be bad.
It’s a pity, the time cannot be missed.
Jiang Bei shook his head: “That can’t be helped.”
With Jiangbei’s current strength, it is king to focus on filming. What kind of actor is an actor who has no works when he is away from home?
onlyThe two films “Let the Bullets Fly” and “Chasing the Dragon” are simply not enough to support Jiangbei’s ambition.
Participating in variety shows also depends on your strength.
Don’t make a joke all over the internet at that time, it’ll make you head overwhelmed.
“The last one is Xiaoguo Culture’s talk show “Tucao Conference”, they want you to participate and accept Tucao…”
Qiao Xinyue looked helpless when she said it.
Co-authors have many flaws in our artists? ? ?
Are we dirty artists? !
Jiang Bei smiled and said, “It’s not the time yet, and there’s nothing wrong with me, right?”
It’s not a star who plays a big name, there are contradictions and so on.
“They actually just want to gain popularity. Recently, your popularity has exploded, and everyone wants to take a piece of the pie. They offer a price of 6 million. In the future, I’ll give you this kind of brainless variety show, and it will make you unhappy. ”
Qiao Xinyue stuck out her tongue, a little apologetic.
Jiang Bei shook his head and said seriously.
“It’s not impossible. The stars who can go to the Tucao conference are at least very open. Sometimes, it is a kind of mind to be able to take out their own black materials and make fun of them. I don’t know about other artists, but for me, this variety show is On the contrary, more people will know a different Jiangbei.”
Do you ask Qiao Yu if he dares to attend the “Tucao Conference”?
Every minute, he can’t take care of his life. Yes, the effect of the show has been achieved, and people also leave at night. Let’s have dinner~
Qiao Xinyue thought about it for a while, that’s the truth.
“Then let me help you contact Xiaoguo Culture?”
“Is there enough time?”
“I’m afraid I can’t.” Fingering the time, “I’ve bumped into the schedule again. It’s not enough for Xiaoguo Culture to say that as long as Mr. Jiang has time, they can wait for any issue.”
Good guy, Daddy is so hot, you have to take advantage of it… Haha.
Everything was arranged properly, Jiang Bei couldn’t help but sigh, the advantage of signing a brokerage company is this, there are endless movies, endless money, and endless variety shows.
Anyway, if you want to die, you can’t die.
At least until February-March next year, I have nothing to worry about.
“Also, how is the box office of “Let the Bullets Fly” now?”
When it comes to the box office, Qiao Xinyue is overjoyed.
“Congratulations! Hee hee, at present, the filming rate of the eight major theater chains is 70%, and the attendance rate is 98%. According to the real-time statistics of Maoyan… The box office of “Let the Bullets Fly” has exceeded the guaranteed release of 1.5 billion! This achievement has already broken the record for the fastest box office of a Chinese-language film.”
“Jiang Dao’s team is negotiating with China Film, whether it can be postponed for two months.”
Hiss… that’s awesome!
Over 1.5 billion in 7 days! What concept? ! fear…
“According to the 2% box-office bonus, based on a rough calculation, you are now at least 10 million yuan.”
A lot, what bike do you want?
This is my first movie. If I don’t lose money, I will be thankful. To be able to earn money is the accumulation of virtue from my ancestors!
“However…the 7-day holiday is over, and the traffic peaks are high, so be prepared for a decline. At present, the box office growth curve of “Let the Bullets Fly” has been rising all the way. After the 7th, it may fall back, but it is not as expected. 2 billion+ box office, not much difference.”
Very normal.
The popularity of a movie cannot last forever. The 7-day explosion is already phenomenal. Calculation is a masterpiece in the film industry, and it will gradually fade out of people’s vision.
There are always new films, new masterpieces, to replace the original ones.
What Jiangbei has to do is to surpass himself!
The next one, 3 billion box office!
For the rest of the time, Jiangbei didn’t care much.
How to maintain fans…
How the PR team…
How to maintain the heat…
Those are the tasks of the management team behind him, and his only purpose is to make a good movie.
Closing his eyes and resting, he turned on the system.
In addition to the 800,000 purchase of the character template of [Yin Xiao-Ni Yongxiao], there is still 200,000 reputation points left, which Jiangbei plans to use for the lottery!
[Ding… Gold treasure chest lottery draw, congratulations to the host, I have drawn a bottle of the all-purpose drop potion]
[Ding… Gold treasure chest lottery draw, congratulations to the host, I have drawn a bottle of the all-purpose drop potion]
[Ding… Gold treasure chest lottery draw, congratulations to the host, I have drawn a bottle of the all-purpose drop potion]
[Ding… Gold treasure chest lottery draw, congratulations to the host, I have drawn a bottle of the all-purpose drop potion]
Jiangbei: …
No way, your face is so dark?
Well, if you send it to Hua Tsai or other artists of Zhong Huang, it will return the favor.
After all, it is inevitable to get hurt when filming. Money can’t buy this kind of good stuff.
For actors like Fage and Andy, money is just a number for them, and giving gifts and money can’t directly hit their weak spots.
Only by being useful can you buy people’s hearts!
A full 190,000 reputation points, 19 bottles of almighty bruise potion, but also drunk.
[Ding…Gold treasure chest lottery, congratulations to the host, the film and television drama “River Mountain” – famous lines! 】
Jiang Bei:?
Click to view.
[Heshan Film and Television Drama – Famous Lines]: A piece of honor, a ode, a piece of history.
[Effect]: The host reads it aloud, momentum +100%, emotional infection +999, resonance +100%, there is a 50% chance to trigger double reputation within 7 days!
[Ps]: This prosperous world is as you wish!
(Note 1: This line has acting blessing.)
(Note 2: Please pay attention to the occasion of reading aloud.)
Understood!The system rewards a line, and reading aloud can add grandeur.
and many more…
Isn’t this tailor-made for the “National Drama Festival”? !
Reading the lines.
-Since Pangu opened the sky.
-Three emperors established the country, and the five emperors opened the border.
– Whenever the country encounters a major event, the man must be there to sacrifice to the country with the sacrificial corpse.
– That is, the bones become mounds, and rivers of blood flow.
– Nor can you humiliate the land of the country or lose the territory of the country.
-Spirit is full of liver and gallbladder, and will take the edge of the blade.
– Handsome lance full of blood, Wang sharp blade glows.
-I don’t distinguish between the old and the young, the seniority and the baseness.
– Must work hard together.
– pouring the water of the Yellow River, breaking the waves of the East China Sea,
-Conquering the land of the barbarians, suppressing the caves of the slaves,
– Chasing the bandits who deceive you, and the slaughter of barbarians,
-Then the Canghai flows across the river, and my son has no guilt,
-Let the corpse cover the border, only the soul can rely on!
This line… is grand and timeless!
Ps: The 14th update, there are still more, don’t sleep, brother cute.

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