Add One, I Don’t Know How To Fight

Chapter 87 086: The strongest No. 8 in the 1996 class?

The preseason is in full swing, and the defensive front combination of Tracy McGrady and Li Ang is beginning to show its strength.

After six preseason games, both Leon and Tracy McGrady have performed extremely well.

Especially Li Ang, he proved with practical actions that Asians are fully capable of establishing a foothold in the NBA.

Six games, four wins and two losses. And because McGrady started every game in the preseason, Li Ang was stunned to have double figures in rebounds every game.

He is simply a ruthless master of support.

So, whenever Maizi started to hit three-pointers from outside the three-point line, Director Zhang would sigh with emotion: "Hey, beating Li Ang like this consumes a lot of physical energy!"

In short, after the preseason, Li Ang averaged a double-double per game. In comparison, he is quite worthy of being ranked fifth overall.

Domestically, the desire to see Li Ang play in the national team is getting louder and louder.

Some people even call Li Ang the "second generation God of War."

But Director Zhang dismissed this, saying "Chinese Flying Pig" sounded better and more down-to-earth!

Toronto fans also went from being dismissive of Li Ang at the beginning to becoming extremely fond of him.

In the urban area, large posters have also been arranged, and more people wearing Li Ang's No. 3 jersey are wandering the streets.

When Li Ang drove to the arena for training this morning, a female fan even took the initiative to leave her phone number for Li Ang.

At that time, Li Ang was driving at an intersection waiting for a traffic light, and there happened to be a girl riding a bicycle parked next to her. The two tires were really big.

The girl turned around and found that Li Ang was driving, so she hooked her finger at Li Ang and motioned for Li Ang to give her his cell phone.

At that time, Li Ang thought that the girl was borrowing her mobile phone to make calls. In line with the principle of helping others in the nine-year compulsory education, Li Ang handed over the mobile phone.

What if someone has an emergency?

Anyway, there are no personal privacy or secrets on mobile phones in this era. You don’t have to worry about information leakage when you lend them to others.

As a result, the girl saved her own number in one operation, then handed it back to Li Ang, and made a gesture to contact him by phone.

Just take the bait.

Of course, Li Ang deleted the girl's number after arriving in the parking lot.

It's not that the tires don't look good, it's mainly that after arriving in the NBA, you have to control your belt to avoid unnecessary complications.

Even if we really need someone to sleep with, we can't find him so casually.

Li Ang really couldn't do such a thing as saving souls.


There is a stipulation in the NBA contract that as a player, you cannot ride this car casually!

When he arrived at the training hall, Li Ang found that everyone was very energetic today.

Because in a few days, the new regular season will officially start!

For the Menglong team that aims to hit the playoffs, every step of this season is crucial.

Everyone is very motivated and hopes to contribute to the team.

Oakley even told everyone: "If we can make it to the playoffs this year, I will give everyone a famous bitch!"

Everyone was even more energetic.

After Oakley finished speaking, he turned to look at Li Ang next to him and found that Li Ang had two big dark circles under his eyes.

"What did you do last night? Did you find a woman so quickly? Tsk, tsk, tsk, your future life is scary!"

Faced with Oakley's question, Li Ang just smiled and did not answer.

I really can’t say it!

Leon is going to tell Oakley that he was on the phone with a grown man until midnight. What will the master think of me?

Last night, Kobe called Li Ang late at night and talked with him about the precautions for the triple threat, and about Shaq being late for training again and other embarrassing things.

We chatted for several hours until after two o'clock in the morning.

Moreover, this is not the first time Kobe called Li Ang in the middle of the night.

McGrady said before that he spent a record $1,500 in phone bills in one month, which seems to be true.

Li Ang really doesn't understand how you superstars always like to make phone calls in the early morning.

Fortunately, it’s almost November. As long as November comes, Li Ang will definitely be free.

Not surprisingly, in November in a recording studio, Kobe will meet the girl who fascinates him.

When the time comes, he will torture her.

The new season is about to begin, and the major media are naturally conducting various rankings and reviews.

When talking about rookies, Li Ang has become a topic that cannot be bypassed.

But most people believe that Li Ang's rookie wall is coming soon.

"Let's put it this way, his performance in averaging a double-double in the preseason is indeed outstanding. But in fact, he has not encountered any decent opponents."

Dirk's heart +1.

"Nowitzki? Come on, Dirk averaged less than 10 points per game last season. What kind of star is he?"

Dirk's Heart +2.

"In the first game of the new season between the Raptors and the Celtics, who is Li Ang's opponent? It's Antoine Walker, one of the first two No. 8 players in the All-Star Game in the 1996 generation.

Guys, that's a real All-Star.

When Li Ang faces him, I believe Walker will say "Welcome to the NBA" to him. "

The hosts laughed together, imagining how Walker would humiliate Li Ang.

Obviously, they still don't agree with the fact that Chinese people play in the NBA.

Although Li Ang's performance in the preseason has been outstanding, the media's selective blindness has not been a day or two.

Think about how much Yao Ming was ridiculed when he first entered the NBA. This is considered lighthearted for Li Ang.

Antoine Walker was holding the girl in his arms, drinking wine and watching TV, squinting his eyes.

Are you Chinese?

It's so fresh.

In the first game of the new season, he will be able to abuse his talent without being poked.

After the show was broadcast, a reporter also interviewed Antoine Walker: "The most talked about thing about Li is his excellent defensive ability. How many points do you think you can score under Li Ang's defense?"

Walker smiled and pointed out two fingers: "At least 20 points, there is no limit."

Walker averaged 18.7 points per game last season, and 22.4 points per game last season.

20 points is really not a particularly difficult number for Walker.

Therefore, Fat Toutuo smiled very confidently.

Give Li Ang face? Don't worry, with Fat Toutuo's EQ and IQ, he doesn't have that pattern yet.

If Walker is so smart, how can he bankrupt himself in the future?

How could he be so smart and say something as bizarre as "I like shooting three-pointers so much because there is no four-point line in the NBA."

"At least 20 points? Liang is a strong defensive player, and he was the best player in the NCAA Final Four last season."

"But this is the NBA, and there are NBA's own rules of the game."

Walker's declaration of war undoubtedly increased the popularity of the opening game.

Li Ang was not angry about this. If it were him, he would say the same thing.

There is no reason to show weakness in front of rookie players.

Ricky Davis also felt that James was here to assist him.

The night before the opening game of the new season, Li Ang was getting ready to go to bed when he received a call with the note "Cauliflower Snake".

It's so annoying, I really don't want to answer it.

Kobe is just a rookie who was knocked down by Dirk and I. I really don’t want to pay attention to him.

Don't call me again, it's impossible for us!

But for the sake of friendship, Li Ang reluctantly pressed the answer button.


"Leon, have you read the newspaper?"

"Newspapers? I never like to read them."

"Antoine Walker said he would score at least 20 points on your head. Didn't you respond?"

"so what?"

"So what, I'll give it a try. Only I, the Class of 1996, can score 20 points on you! Others can't touch you casually! You have to be on guard tomorrow. If you lose, I won't have you as a friend!"

"I don't have a friend like you? It's a deal!" Li Ang felt much better when he thought about not having to be woken up by Kobe in the middle of the night.

"Ah, anyway, don't embarrass our rollercoaster brothers, hang up!"

Kobe hung up the phone very quickly today, and Li Ang also put down his phone and prepared to sleep.

But not even ten minutes after sleeping, Li Ang woke up again.

No, the new season will start tomorrow. Why hasn’t the system released the dungeon missions for this season?

Li Ang then opened the copy interface and found that there was only one copy of Barkley 2.0.

Li Ang unlocked this 2.0 copy a long time ago, but the copy shows that it can only be used after entering the NBA.

Li Ang clicked the "Open Dungeon" button and successfully activated it.

It seems that from now on, you have to choose the dungeon tasks for each season by yourself, instead of being automatically enabled by the system.

Fortunately, Li Ang remembered this matter, otherwise the loss would have been great!

After opening the dungeon, Li Ang immediately took a look at this year's dungeon tasks.

As a result, there was only one mission in sight: making the All-Rookie team.

The remaining few tasks all appear in the form of ellipses.

"Mission goal: to enter the All-Rookie Team...,..."

Li Ang was confused. The system was stuck? Will this thing still get stuck? I didn’t save any messy pictures into the system either!

Hasn't it been shown yet? Just wait patiently.

Li Ang waited like this for an hour. After an hour, he opened the system interface and found that it was still the same. Except for the task of the best rookie team, nothing else was displayed.

After waiting for a whole hour, there were only six words: "All Rookie Team", six words in one hour.

Your special code is old pigeon!

Li Ang didn't know what was going on, but it probably wasn't that the system was stuck, but that it didn't show up on purpose.

Maybe, some missions require special conditions to unlock penalties?

There is no way. If you only complete one task and the progress is less than 50%, you will not get any rewards.

Since it is a copy of Barkley 2.0, we just have to rely on Barkley's performance as a rookie as much as possible.

Li Ang was tossing and turning on the bed but couldn't sleep. It wasn't that he was nervous. After all, he had played six NBA games.

Li Ang just kept thinking about Barkley's special performance in his rookie season.

Does it count if he went out of his way to beat Bird with Dr. J during his rookie season?

With the urinary nature of this system, I won’t be allowed to beat up a superstar in my rookie season.

I'm not that kind of person!

Li Ang stopped thinking about it later, but he still couldn't sleep.

I feel so energetic tonight for no reason, and I just don’t want to sleep.

The young man still has too much energy, and it's still not good without a ball-handling coach around him.

The next day, as soon as Oakley parked his car in the parking lot, he saw Leon's car arriving.

So, he asked Li Ang to park the car next to him.

But when Li Ang got out of the car, Oakley was shocked.

"Let me wipe it, why do you have dark circles under your eyes for several days in a row!

This disciple, my master knows everything about men, but you still have to exercise moderation! You are still young, there are some things you cannot control! "

Old Oak was heartbroken. He was really afraid that his disciple would become the next Moji.

Let you blossom on the basketball court, but not Jill.

"No, I just can't sleep. Wait, master? Why do you think I'm so young that I can't handle it?"

Li Ang and Oakley walked into the locker room together. Uncle Butch saw that Li Ang had a big black eye. As a caring coach who cares about rookies, he felt that Li Ang must have been too nervous last night and did not sleep well.

So he immediately decided: "Li Ang, you can be the substitute today."

He played well in the first six games of the preseason, but suddenly came off the bench.

Li Ang: "Thank you for your concern!"

But there is no way, as a rookie, it is always not good to openly contradict the coach.

No matter how much Oakley supports Li Ang, he can't go against the coach for the sake of harmony in the locker room.

Besides, it is normal for a rookie player to play as a substitute in the first game, so Li Ang can only accept it silently.

Anyway, even if he plays as a substitute, Li Ang believes that his playing time will not be too little. It is impossible for Uncle Butch to let two people born in the 1960s play more than 40 minutes.

McGrady smiled and patted Li Ang on the shoulder: "It's okay, brother, I have been a substitute for two years, and I tell you that being a substitute is not boring at all. I won't accompany you anymore, you can have fun on the bench by yourself."

McGrady was feeling proud when his dear Uncle Butch said: "By the way, Tracy, please continue to play as the sixth man this season. The rotation time requires your offensive firepower, come on~"

McGrady's laughter stopped suddenly. This time, it was Li Ang who patted him on the shoulder: "It's okay. There are too many people who have been substitutes for three years. This doesn't mean anything."

A few minutes later, McGrady and Li Ang appeared on the stage with expressions of dissatisfaction.

During the warm-up, a reporter held up the latest issue of Sports Illustrated magazine to the camera.

Because the cover of this issue of "Sports Illustrated" is a photo of Carter, Tracy McGrady and Le Ang, known as the three outstanding players in Toronto.

McGrady sat in the middle, with Leon and Carter on both sides.

Originally, the photographer wanted them to take the photo standing up, but I don’t know why Li Ang strongly requested to take the photo sitting down.

The cover title is also very eye-catching - "The key to Toronto's rise?" 》

Not just Toronto fans, but the entire NBA have expectations for the Raptors this season.

The host showed the cover of the magazine and said while showing it: "Toronto's three heroes played against the Boston Twins. This opening game is full of youthful vitality! The players of the Menglong team have appeared. Let's interview Li Ang and Tracy McGrady."

The camera turned to show McGrady and Li Ang.

One has bleary eyes, and the other has dark circles under his eyes. Because the starting position was gone again, both of them were lackluster, which was in sharp contrast to the energetic appearance in the magazine.

"Lee, what do you expect from this game!"

"I hope I can play better, huh." Li Ang replied lazily.

"So Tracy, what do you think you can do today?"

"Perform well." McGrady is lazier than Li Ang.

After finishing speaking, the two people leaned back on the bench listlessly.

Hey, this bench is so hard, it hurts my butt.

The reporter smiled awkwardly: "Uh, did you see it? Ladies and gentlemen, have you experienced the vitality of youth!?"

The reporter was so embarrassed. What happened to these two young people?

At this time, everyone from the Celtics also appeared.

The leader is Antoine Walker. This guy is one of the players with the most consistent nickname and image in NBA history.

That head is bigger than Li Ang’s butt!

When he first entered the league, Walker was quite strong.

But now, it can be described as fat.

Fat Volute glanced at the listless Li Ang on the bench and smiled proudly.

No way?

The famous MOP of the semi-finals, was I so scared?

I am worthy of being the strongest No. 8 of the 1996 generation!

The game is about to begin, and the Raptors' starting lineup is Irvin Williams, Doug Christie, Carter, Oakley and Kevin Willis.

Of course, as Li Ang analyzed, Uncle Butch would not let them fight for too long.

Originally, the planned starting fourth position this season was Li Ang. Letting Willis start was mainly to let Li Ang feel the atmosphere of the regular season on the bench first.

Green Kai's starters are former All-Star point guard Kenny Anderson, shooting guard Kansas rookie Andrea Griffin, small forward Pierce who made 13 dollars in 35 seconds, power forward Pang Toutuo, the center is a member of the 96 golden generation, and the Ukrainian wave Tapanco.

Li Ang sat on the bench, thinking that Willis, the old man, must be steady and don't let Fat Toutuo get high as soon as he comes up.

If you let him score too many points easily, it will be difficult for me to limit him from scoring 20 points.

As a result, not long after the game, Li Ang once again suspected that his mouth had been scolded by Jordan.

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