Admiral, Hello

Vol 2 Chapter 347: Still don't have your foundation

"Yu Siqing, come with me." Bismarck stabbed Yu Siqing and said when he saw his parents leave the table.

"Huh? Me? What's the matter?" Yu Siqing asked like Bismarck in surprise.

"Let's go to the next door and say." Bismarck snarled at the dormitory next door.

So the two left the dormitories of Xiao Yuhang and Chicheng and came to their dormitory.

"Well, Bismarck, what is going on to avoid your admiral?" Yu Siqing asked Bismarck curiously.

"I need you to communicate with the people here. We need to use firearms for training later. Of course, you can rest assured that it is the paint ball used in the exercise, not live ammunition. But later, I may consider using live ammunition." Bismarck told the rain Siqing told her why she told her to avoid her own official.

Yu Siqing, who participated in the whole plan, knew that Bismarck would use firearms and live ammunition in training. At this time, hearing her say this, Yu Siqing asked her in surprise: "Huh? Is it necessary to progress so fast? Is this progress a bit too fast?"

"Unhappy, I found that the medicine that the Governor-sir gave the chieftain was more integrated with the chief's body than I expected. Originally based on the chief's previous performance, this morning's training should be halfway through the training, the chief should call, but What I didn’t expect was that the officer persisted throughout the whole process. Although the officer did not reach the limit of 50 hits, he did insist on training for the whole morning.” Bismarck recalled the training of the parent officer in the morning. Performance, shook his head and said to Yu Siqing.

"Well, you are responsible for the training of your admiral anyway. I just came to supervise and communicate. Now that you have spoken, I will go and communicate with that Captain Li after the lunch break." Yu Siqing nodded. Bismarck said.

"Well, thank you." Bismarck thanked her.

"It's okay, your admiral grows up, and we will be very happy." Yu Siqing pointed to the roof with a finger and smiled at Bismarck.

. . . . . .

After Bismarck and Yu Siqing left, Xiao Yuhang turned over and sat on the bed.

"Ah! I'm exhausted! After running all morning, my legs are sore!" He lay down on the bed and let out a comfortable groan.

"Admiral, let me massage your legs! You still have training in the afternoon, so I can help you relax with a good massage." Akagi heard the admiral's groan and sat down on the bed and said to him.

"Well, thank you!" Xiao Yuhang thanked Chicheng.

"The far side of the sea, can you hear me, my prayer~~~!"

"Hello? Who?" Xiao Yuhang asked after checking the number on his mobile phone.

"Oh~~~ Commander, I haven't seen you for two days, have you missed me?" Missouri's cheerful voice came from the handset of the phone.

Xiao Yuhang laughed at the words, and he asked Missouri: "Well, it's Missouri. What's the matter, what's the matter if you call me?"

"Can't we call you the commander if we are okay?" Missouri asked his commander slightly aggrieved.

"No, no, no no. You can fight whenever you want." Xiao Yuhang said to her quickly.

"Hee hee! Alright, alright, I won't disturb the good things between you and Akagi, Commander. You called the Commander because our mother called Richelieu just now and she said at 6 o'clock in the evening. There is a dinner in half of the house, so you can be there on time in the evening." Missouri chuckled a few times, and then told the commander of the family the purpose of calling.

"Huh? Didn't you just eat it some time ago? Why did you call us to eat again?" Xiao Yuhang asked Missouri suspiciously.

"Sorry, Commander, I don't know either! Why don't you wait for your mother to ask her after seeing her at night?" Missouri apologized to her commander.

"Uh... It's nothing, then I have to talk to Bismarck. Otherwise, she trained me to be a dead dog in the afternoon, and she must have no energy to eat at night!" Xiao Yuhang replied to Missouri.

"Well, that's the matter between you and Bismarck, Commander! Anyway, I'm just a message between your mother and Commander, and I don't know anything~~~!" Even if not in front of my commander , Missouri is still smiling.

Xiao Yuhang could only imagine her smile by listening to Missouri's voice. He replied to Missouri: "Okay, Missouri. I see, summer is coming soon, or should you quit your job for a while? After all, the summer sun is so poisonous and so hot. How to do?"

"Puff! Okay, well, since Commander, you care about me so much, then I won't do it after this month. This also happens to have more time to complete my Commander's overthrow plan with others! Hehe Hee!" Missouri said to his commander with a grin.

"Well, good... Wait! What the **** is that overthrowing plan!" Xiao Yuhang suddenly heard a strange word and suddenly became nervous.

"Oh, oh, I accidentally leaked it! It's nothing, anyway, I've helped my mother transfer to it, Commander, now that you know, then think about who will go with you this afternoon~~~!" Missouri knew it. In a flop, she finished speaking to her commander with a smile, and hung up the phone without Xiao Yuhang's questioning.

"Hello? Missouri, can you make it clear what the **** is that plan! Hello? Missouri? Missouri? Let me go! This **** girl actually hung up my phone! I must spank her **** when I go back!" Xiao Yuhang listened to the phone He put down the phone and said helplessly.

"Pump! The must have done it deliberately. Otherwise, how could she just say it so casually?" Akagi chuckled and comforted his admiral.

"Of course I know she did it deliberately, but this girl doesn't know it! The crabs and monsters have been infested recently, if accidentally caught by big tongs, the consequences would be disastrous!" Xiao Yuhang nodded and said helplessly to Akagi.

"Don't worry, Missouri is not so reckless. Did you forget the Admiral? Missouri is one of the most thoughtful among our sisters. How could she not know things that I know? So don't worry, Admiral. !" Akagi said to him.

"Will you be put down by Akagi's stick if you are careful?" Xiao Yuhang suddenly remembered the virginity crisis he had encountered before, and asked Akagi when he raised his head.

"Punch! Hehehe, you really are the admiral! How can someone arrange it like this?" Akagi also remembered the previous incident and smiled softly to his admiral.

After resting for a while, Xiao Yuhang felt a surge of sleepiness, and he said to Akagi: "Akacheng, tell Bismarck, I'm a little sleepy. I will sleep for a while."


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