Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1011: You are very ignorant

In the restaurant, the melodious piano sounds quietly flowing.

   Shangguanyuan raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on Jiang Sesu, who was eating quietly across the street, with a thoughtful expression.

  Jiangsu put down the knife and fork, took the napkin and wiped the corners of her mouth gently, and looked up, just in front of Shangguanguanyuan's eyes.

   The corner of her mouth raised slightly, "What's wrong?"

   Shangguanyuan recovered and shook her head with a smile, "It's nothing. It's just watching you eat deliciously."

  Jianse Se looked down at the food in her plate and nodded. "It tastes good. But you don't seem to have any appetite."

   contrasted sharply with her dinner plate, and the food in Shang Guanyuan's dinner plate was almost untouched.

   "It's a little bit appetite." Shangguanyuan smiled bitterly.

   "What's the matter?" Jiang Sesur asked with concern, with a smile on her face.

  Shangguanyuan was silent for a long while before slowly speaking, "I like a man."

   Wen Yan, Jiang Sezui's eyes widened in surprise, "Who?"

   Is it her cousin?

"You do not know."

   Shangguanyuan took a sip and casually pulled off the topic, "How do you and Dong Jin know, do you want to tell me?"

   "Hmm..." Jiang Seser seriously thought about the process of meeting him and Jin Fengchen, and couldn't help laughing. "In fact, there is nothing to say, but fate let us know each other."

   Shangguanyuan smiled, "Then you are really fortunate, otherwise you may have difficulty knowing him at that time."

   "That's true." Jiang Seso didn't think deeply about her words, but thought she was right.

  After all, she didn't dare to think that she could meet Jin Fengchen or even love him.

   Shangguanyuan suddenly lost her interest. She wiped her mouth with a tissue and asked, "Have you finished?"

  Jianse Se was eating the rest of the steak. When she asked her question, she looked up at her and said, "Immediately."

   Shangguanyuan's eyes quickly crossed a trace of disgust, and the tone was aloof: "Then I'll go to checkout first, you eat slowly."

  Seeing that she got up and walked toward the cash register, Jiang Sesu quickly swallowed the food in her mouth and got up to chase it.

"I come."

   She stopped Shangguanyuan and preemptively handed her card to the cashier.

   Shangguanyuan frowned, "Isn't it good to ask you?"

  Jiangse smiled, "You invited me and my mother before, this time I will invite you back."

   "You..." Shangguanyuan shook her head helplessly, "That line, then it will cost you money."

  After checking out, the two returned to their positions.

   Shangguanyuan picked up her bag and smiled and asked, "Shall I take you back?"

   "No more, the vassals will come to pick me up."

  Jiangse Ju bowed his head to get the bag, but did not notice the jealousy in Shangguanyuan's eyes.

  The two of them walked to the door of the restaurant together, and Jiang Sesur turned his head, "I still have to wait for the vassal. You go first."

   "It's okay, I will wait with you."

  Shangguanyuan looked around and took her to the tree under the road, and said, "Let's wait here."

  Jianse Se wanted to say that she didn't need to wait with her, but Guan Yuan was so active. If she refused, she swallowed it back to her mouth.

   Waited for about ten minutes, but Jin Fengchen had not come yet.

   Shangguanyuan glanced at the watch and frowned, "Why is Jin Dong so slow?"

   "Probably something was delayed."

  Compared with Shangguanyuan's anxiety, Jiang Sesu seemed calmer.

   Shangguanyuan thought for a while, "Why don't I send you back, or Jin Dong will have to run again."

  Jianse Se smiled and shook her head, "It's okay, I can wait slowly."

   Hearing this, Shangguanyuan frowned tightly, "Thurse, I found that you are very sensible."

   "Ah?" Jiang Seser looked blank, not understanding what she meant.

   "You know that Jin Dong is busy with something, but you still need him to take the time to pick you up, you didn't think about him at all."

  The tone of Shangguanyuan's accusation made Jiangseer uncomfortable.

   During the time the two met, she had never spoken to herself in this tone.

  Jiangseer frowned, "Yuanyuan, what's wrong with you?"

   "I just think you are doing this wrong. Since you can't help Jin Dong in your career, you should be sensible and don't let him turn around you for 24 hours. The most important thing for men is career."

   Speaking of the back, Shangguanyan was a little excited.

  Jiangse couldn't help but laugh, it was irritated.

   "Yuanyuan, this is a matter between me and the vassals. Maybe you haven't gotten your turn to point fingers?"


   At this time, Shangguanyuan only reflected what he said, and the face with delicate makeup was difficult to look in an instant.

   "Sorry, Thur." She quickly apologized.

  Jiang Seer pursed her lips and smiled, "Yuanyuan, I don't know why you said that today. I hope you are only for my own good, not for other purposes."

   Shangguanyuan didn't know what was wrong with her, she even said what she thought.

   "Surther, I just want to tell you that men's careers are the most important. We as women cannot rely on men for everything." Shangguanyuan tried to remedy what he just said.

   "I understand what you mean." Jiangse nodded, "but the tone of your speech makes me very uncomfortable."

   It felt like he had made a big mistake.

   Shangguanyuan apologized, "I'm sorry, it's my fault, I shouldn't talk to you that way."

  Jiangse is not stingy, she apologized, and she couldn't hold back.

   "Okay, I'm not angry anymore." Jiang Seser smiled at her. "In fact, sometimes I also wonder if I have caused a lot of trouble for the vassals. You are right, I will pay attention in the future."

   "Thurse, I don't mean that..."

   Shangguanyuan also wanted to explain that Jiang Sesur interrupted her, "Okay, don't say anything."

   Shangguanyuan could only sigh, very annoyed.

   You have to pay attention in the future, you can't say that in front of her again, otherwise you will expose your mind.

   After a while, Jin Fengchen arrived.

   "Yuanyuan, I'm leaving now, goodbye."

  Jiangse Seo got into the car in the eyes of Shangguanyuan.

  Shangguanyuan stood on the side of the road and watched Jiang Seso get in the car. Jin Fengchen helped her open the broken hair on her cheek, and Jiang Sesur smiled sweetly.

   She didn't find her hands clenched tightly, and her nails fell into her palms without feeling.

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