Shangguanqian came home from get off work and learned from the housekeeper that Jiang Sesur had been home today.

"How is Yuanyuan?" Shangguanqian took off his suit jacket and asked quietly.

The butler quickly took it and replied: "Miss is fine."

"What about her?" Shangguan Qian pulled his tie.


Shangguanqian raised his eyes and looked upstairs, frowning slightly, "Did she go to see the old lady?"

The butler nodded, "Yes."

"That's good."

Shangguanqian unbuttoned the cuffs of the shirt and pulled the cuffs up in two orderly, revealing a lean wrist.

He stepped up and prepared to go to the living room.

"Miss." The butler shouted suddenly.

He turned his head and saw that Shang Guanyuan didn't know when to appear at the stairwell, and was standing high, looking straight at him with cold eyes.

Shangguanqian took a bit of a sneer, with a bit of sarcasm, "I didn't say anything bad about you."

Shangguanyuan looked at him quietly for a long while before slowly speaking: "I have something to tell you."

Shangguanqian raised his eyebrows in surprise. Did the sun come out to the west?

She even took the initiative to say something to him!

"What's the matter?" Shangguan Qian asked, faintly depressed.

"Speak to the study."

When the words fell, Shangguanyuan took the lead and turned to the study.

Shangguanqian stood there thinking for a while, and then walked up the stairs.

Walking into the study, he saw Shangguanyuan standing by the window. He walked over and asked softly, "What do you want to say?"

Shangguanyuan turned around and his cold eyes fell on his face, saying, "I want to marry the vassal."

Her tone was indifferent as if to say something unrelated to herself.

"Marry?!" Shangguan Qian exclaimed, "Are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy." Shangguanyuan withdrew his eyes and looked out the window again.

Shangguanyuan sneered, "If you're not crazy, why would you want to marry a married woman?"

"Because grandma."

Mentioning the old lady, Shangguan Qian was silent.

The study fell into a dead silence.

Shangguanyuan closed her eyes, concealed the sadness in her eyes, and gently said: "Grandma is my only relative in this world. She said she wanted to watch a family, how can I have the heart to let her down?"

The only loved one?

Shangguan Qian laughed at the corner of his lips mockingly. It turned out that in her heart, he was no longer even a family member.

She is really ruthless.

"So, my vassal and I must get married." Shangguanyuan turned his head, unexpectedly meeting his hurt eyes.

Heart, somehow it was stabbed.

She quickly looked away and said lightly: "This matter needs you to arrange."

Shangguan Qian looked up and bent his lips, "Yuanyuan, what do you think of me?"

The deep voice showed a dull suffocation.

Like complaining.

Regarding his question, Shangguanyuan ignored it and said, "If my grandma insisted, my parents would not adopt you, so everything you have today is given by grandma."

Hearing the words, Shangguanqian laughed, with an ironic smile, "So do you want me to repay you?"

"Shouldn't it?" Shangguanyuan turned and looked at him blankly.

He didn't think it shouldn't be.


Shangguan Qian took a deep breath, "Okay, let me arrange things."

Getting the result he wanted, Shangguanyuan didn't even want to tell him anything else, striding past him and striding towards the door.

"Yuanyuan!" Shangguan Qian shouted suddenly.

She stepped on her feet without looking back.

Shangguanqian turned to look at her with a little pity in his eyes, "The robbed things will one day be returned."

Even if Jin Fengchen now has amnesia, she may think of everything in the future. By that time, what should she do?

Shangguanyuan squeezed his palms and covered a thin layer of chill on his small face. He threw down the cold "I don't care about my business" and walked away.

I don't care about my business.

Shangguan Qian laughed low, his smile full of bitterness and sarcasm, with a smile, and tears suddenly flowed out.

Why doesn't she just understand his mind?

He didn't want to see her wrong again and again, didn't want to see her hurt again.

Raising his hand and wiping his tears, he took a deep breath and pressed down the sour heart, and his expression became firm.

Since she insisted on doing things alone, he must be determined to be this bad guy.

He must stop her from going wrong!


Mo Xie and Han Yu brought their newly developed medicine to Kyoto with another thing.

When he saw them, Jiang Sesu probably guessed what his cousin meant by "the way was figured out".

"Young lady."

Mo Xie and Han Yu called respectfully.

Jiang Sese smiled softly, "You have worked hard."

"No hard work." Mo Xie stepped forward and passed the newly developed medicine. "This is a new medicine. In addition to its inhibitory effect on the virus, more importantly, it can improve your body's immunity."

"Can't medicine kill the virus yet?" Jin Fengyao asked doubtfully.

For this new medicine, Moxie and Hanyu have been studying for a lot of time, and they should not have such a role.

Han Yu smiled, "The second young master, it is not impossible, but it takes a period of time, and we dare not guarantee that 100% can kill the virus."

"It's okay, it's good to suppress the virus." Jiang Cersei feared that they would blame themselves and quickly comforted.

"Young lady, if you feel uncomfortable after taking the medicine, you must tell me and Han Yu in time." Mo Xie urged.

Jiang Sezhu nodded, "Okay."

At this time, Fang Yuchen, who had not spoken, said: "Have you brought what you brought?"

"Bring it."

Han Yu put a box on the coffee table, opened it, and inside was a human skin mask.

Jin Fengyao frowned, "This is?"

"Isn't Catherine entering the Shangguan family as a servant? This mask will allow her to enter the Shangguan family smoothly."

Jiang Sesu was a little surprised, "Is this going to make me easy?"

If she hadn't seen this person's leather mask with her own eyes, she didn't believe that such a thing could actually be achieved.

"Well." Fang Yuchen nodded. "Only Yi Rong will not cause Shangguanyuan's suspicion."

Han Yu put the human skin mask in Jiang Sesur's hands and carefully taught her how to face.

Jin Fengyao frowned, "Are you sure you can do this?"

Fang Yuchen patted his shoulder and smiled: "This Moxie and Hanyu are your brother's people, don't you believe them?"

"Of course I believe them. I'm just afraid that if my sister-in-law reveals flaws, will it be dangerous?" This is what Jin Fengyao is most worried about.

"Do you think I only let Thurse enter Shangguan's house alone?"

Wen Yan, Jin Fengyao turned his head and asked uncertainly: "So you..."

Fang Yuchen laughed, "The servants who entered Shangguan's house this time were all arranged by me. You can rest assured that there will be nothing wrong."

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