The anniversary of the mall is very lively, and there are many more customers.

From morning till night, Liang Xinwei almost didn't have time to rest, and was always busy receiving guests.

Even if she is wearing low-heeled high-heeled shoes, such high-intensity work still makes her a little unbearable.

Taking advantage of fewer guests, she hid in the dressing room and took off her high heels.


She took a breath of air, lowered her head, and her eyes fell on her little toes, where the blisters that had been rubbed out had broken, causing her to frown.

Although it hurts, work must continue.

She pulled out the band-aid from her bag, tore it, and applied it gently to the wound.

This should last for a while.


There was a manager's voice outside, and she quickly replied: "Manager, I'm here."

After a while, the manager came in and saw that she was sitting and resting. She couldn't help but get a little angry. "What are you doing here? Don't know if you are busy outside?"

"I'm sorry, I'll go right away."

Liang Xinwei quickly put on high heels and encountered a wound, she could not help whispering.

"What's wrong with you?" the manager asked quickly.

She smiled and shook her head, "It's okay, just because my feet are blistered, I have already put on band-aid."

The manager looked at her feet and frowned, "Is it really all right?"

"It's okay. Isn't that the case with high heels? Habits are fine."

The manager nodded, "That's good, hurry and go out to help."

The tone was significantly eased.

Liang Xin nodded slightly, then hurried out.

This busy time was several hours. Until the mall was closed, the restaurant was closed and all the waiters started to clean up the store.

Liang Xinwei felt like his body was falling apart, sour everywhere, and never felt so eager to go home and rest.

She and her colleagues walked out of the underground parking lot to the bus platform.

The man had just reached the platform, and a car stopped in front of her.

At the beginning, she thought it was to pick someone up and walk away.


Suddenly a familiar voice came from my ear.

She turned her head and looked around, seeing the care in the driver's seat.

"Wei, isn't that your friend?" The colleague was more surprised than her, shouting at her clothes.

"You whisper." Liang Xinwei looked around with embarrassment before walking over, bending down, and looking into the car. "Why are you here?"

Gu Nianxiao, "I said passing by, do you believe it?"

If it is daytime, maybe she will believe.

But it's so late now...

Seeing that she really thought hard, Gu Nian's smile was deeper, and she lifted her chin, "Get in the car, I'll take you back."

Liang Xinwei looked at his colleague embarrassedly, thought about it, and asked cautiously, "Can you please send my colleague home?"

Gu Nian nodded without hesitation, "All right, get in the car."

Colleagues were very happy when they heard it, and quickly pushed Liang Xinwei into the car.

As soon as he got on the bus, his colleagues couldn't help but ask: "Are you a slight suitor?"

"Song Ran, what are you asking?" Liang Xin shouted his name slightly.

Song Ran's downturned hatred is not iron, "I'm helping you. I'm not helping you to ask clearly, what should he do if he has a bad heart?"

"Brother Gu is not that kind of person."

Liang Xinwei was afraid that Gu Nian would be angry, and quickly explained: "Brother Gu, my colleague is joking, don't worry."

Gu Nian raised her eyes and looked at the rearview mirror. Although the car was dim, she could still see her panic.

He couldn't help laughing, "I won't be relieved."

"You all said that he was not that kind of person, and I certainly wouldn't mind if I asked that question." Song Ran looked at Gu Nian in the driver's seat with a smile, "You are right, Brother Gu."

"Huh." Gu Nian nodded.

"Then you haven't answered my question yet." Song Ran looked expectantly.

"You are enough, Song Ran." Liang Xinwei was really angry, she pulled Song Ran, "you be quiet, don't talk."

At this moment, Gu Nian suddenly said: "Yes, I like Weiwei."

As soon as the words came out, the car suddenly became quiet.

After a while, Song Ran laughed out loud, "I really guessed right."

Liang Xin looked at Gu Nian in a daze, she didn't expect him to confess directly.

Gu Nian looked back at her and ridiculed, "Are you scared? I thought you knew it already."

What did she know long ago?

She doesn't know anything at all!

"Brother Gu, aren't you kidding me?" Liang Xinwei still didn't believe it.

"I'm not kidding, I'm sincere. I wanted to wait for my boss to return to China before confessing to you."

Liang Xin frowned slightly, "What do you mean now?"

"Meaning, my boss is back home."

Song Ran pushed Liang Xinwei, "The elder brother Gu said so straightforwardly, what about you? What do you want to say?"

What can she say?

Liang Xinwei smiled embarrassedly, "Don't say this."

"Why not?" Song Ran looked at her in wonder.

"Song Ran, I beg you, can you stop talking?" Liang Xin begged her slightly.

Song Ran looked at Gu Nian in the driver's seat, looked at her again, and pouted, "Okay."

The car was quiet.

Liang Xinwei glanced at Gu Nian, turned his head to look out the window, his expression was somewhat overwhelmed.

Taking Song Ran home, Liang Xinwei and Gu Nian were left in the car.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Gu Nian suddenly regretted that he was too impulsive and showed his heart on such an informal occasion.

"Brother Gu." Liang Xinwei took the lead.


"Sorry, I don't want to talk about feelings for now."

Her voice was a little low, but Gu Nian still heard it clearly. Although she was hurt, she still comforted her with a smile: "It’s okay, I don’t mean to want you to be with me now, I just want to tell you, I like it. You only."


The car was quiet again.

Gu Nian was worried that she would think more, adding a sentence: "You just talk nonsense today, don't go to your heart."

"I didn't go up."

Obviously he was more uncomfortable to be rejected by himself, but he still had to comfort her.

Liang Xinwei was a little bit embarrassed, "Brother Gu, no matter what, we are all friends."

"Well, friend." Gu Nian nodded, a wry smile spreading across his mouth.

The car slowly stopped at the door of the community. Liang Xinwei said "Thank you" and opened the door to get off.

Seeing that she waved at herself, she turned around and walked into the community. Gu Nian's heart moved, opened the door and hurriedly got off the bus, and ran towards her.


He grabbed her wrist, Liang Xinwei had to stop, turned around and looked at him fixedly.

Gu Nian took a deep breath and looked sincerely, "I know you don't want to talk about feelings for a while, but if you want to talk about one day, can you consider me?"

His sincerity suddenly made Liang Xinwei not know what to do.

Gu Nian knew that she was embarrassing her again, and slowly let go and smiled apologetically, "Sorry, if you didn't say it to me."

When the words fell, he turned to leave.

Looking at his lonely back, Liang Xinwei didn't dare to say anything even though he was very upset.

She knows that she doesn't like someone, so don't give each other a little hope, so as not to hurt the other person.

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