Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1227: You can't get married

Jiang Seso stared at him deeply.

I am your wife and of course know you.

It's just that her identity can't be said.

Seeing her silent, Jin Fengchen frowned, "You answer, did you know me before?"

Jiang Sesel smiled, "I don't know, how can I know you."

"I thought you knew me." Jin Fengchen was a little disappointed. "I forgot what happened before, so I want to know what kind of person I used to be."

"You used to be a very kind and gentle person."

"Huh?" Jin Fengchen stared at her suspiciously, "Did you just say you didn't know me before?"

"I mean my feelings." Jiang Sesu quickly explained, "because you look very gentle."

"Really?" Jin Fengchen smiled. "Actually, Yuan Yuan has said that I am gentle now. I used to be a cold person."

No, you are not cold at all.

Jiang Seso stared at him again.

Faced with her over-focused eyes, Jin Fengchen laughed and asked, "Why do you look at me like this?"

"I'm sorry." Jiang Sesu quickly removed her eyes and stroked the broken hair on her cheek. "You look like my husband."

Jin Fengchen's eyes widened in surprise, "Are you married?"

"Well, the children are there."

"Can't see it." Jin Fengchen glanced at her, looked up at the sky, and smiled, "I'm getting married too."

Is he going to get married?

Jiang Sesur was shocked, "You... are you getting married?"

"Yes, is it strange?" Jin Fengchen didn't understand why she was so shocked, as if she had seen a ghost.

"How can you get married?" Jiang said anxiously. "You can't get married, absolutely can't get married!"

This is his private affair. Why does she seem to be very resistant?

"Who are you from me?" Jin Fengchen asked.

"I'm you..." Jiang Sesur met his questioning look, only to realize that he was overreacting, "Sorry."

She lowered her head and the whole mood calmed down [567中文] down.

All around was quiet.

It took a long time before Jiang Sesur spoke again: "Master, vassal, do you love Miss very much?"

"Well..." Jin Fengchen thought about it seriously. "I don't know if I love her, but I feel I can't be sorry for her. After all, she saved my life."

"She said so to you?" Jiang Sesu asked.


"Oh." Jiang Sesur sneered. "She dare to say."

The voice was very low, Jin Fengchen did not hear clearly, "What are you saying?"

"It's nothing." Jiang Sese smiled. "If you've been married before and now get married again, will you be sorry for your former wife?"

"My former wife..." Jin Fengchen lowered his head, his lips seemingly wandered, "But I forgot."

"Just because you forgot, can you marry someone else?"

Jiang Sese knew that he had forgotten the past, but he couldn't help being angry.

Jin Fengchen was silent for a few seconds before speaking again. "Actually, I have seen my former wife, and the way she cries today will not be forgotten."

Speaking of this, he smiled bitterly, "Why am I insomnia? It's not because when I close my eyes, her sad and weeping cry will appear in the brain."

Hearing his words spoken by his own mouth, Jiangse's heart hurt badly, his eyes were hot, and there was a mist in his eyes.

"Can I understand that you actually have her in your heart."

Jin Fengchen turned his head, and Jianmei frowned, "You mean I didn't forget her?"

Jiang Sezhu smiled her lips, "Well, at least I remember her deep in your memory."

Jin Fengchen was hesitant, "but... I don't really remember her."

"You think about it." Jiang Sezu stood up, took a deep breath, turned his head, and looked at him with a smile, "Master, vassal, you will definitely think of your former wife."

When she had finished speaking, she bowed and turned away.

Jin Fengchen was left alone in the huge backyard. Just now she didn't feel too quiet. On this walk, the quietness of the face made him frown.

This night, Jin Fengchen slept soundly and never dreamed of the woman who had been crying in her ears.


The next morning, Fang Yuchen had a hangover and a headache.

Seeing his uncomfortable appearance, Shang Ying couldn't help nagging, "You said that what kind of wine do you drink in the middle of the night? It's true that all adults are not even at all."

"Mom, I'm already uncomfortable enough, don't read it." Fang Yuchen rubbed his sore temple and begged for mercy.

"You thought I missed you!" Shang Ying gave him an angry look and handed him the invitation letter on the table, "This is the annual party of Yejia Shopping Mall, you must give it to me."



Fang Yuchen lowered his hand and said in surprise: "Tonight?"

"Yes, what's wrong?" Shang Ying looked at him wonderingly.

"I... this wine hasn't woken up yet, how can there be any party at night."

"Fang Yuchen!" Shang Ying put down the chopsticks in his hand. "You don't want to find this reason to shirk. You must give me this party!"

Facing the mother's attitude of not tolerating her beak, Fang Yuchen sighed helplessly, "Well, I will go to participate."

Shang Ying showed a satisfied smile. She picked up the chopsticks again and said casually, "Your dad will go too."

"Dad too?" Fang Yuchen suddenly had a bad hunch, "What are you going to do?"

"Can't he participate?" Shang Ying asked without answering.

"I don't mean that. I..." Fang Yuchen thought for a while and thought that he might be too sensitive. "Forget it, when I didn't ask."

After eating breakfast, he got up and left.

At this time, Shang Ying said, "I must be here at night, otherwise I can't spare you."

She said this, Fang Yuchen suddenly realized that maybe they were not too sensitive, but they really had a purpose.

He thought about it and said, "Mom, I can remind you not to block me. The company has a lot of business during this time, and I am really busy."

Shang Ying was unwilling to hear this, "What's that to stop you from plugging in? What do you think of your parents?"

"I'm not afraid that you will arrange for my fiancee or the like without my consent."

"You think too much." Shang Ying withdrew her gaze guilty, and waved her hand angrily. "Isn't it more? Go to work."

"I'm leaving."

After giving her a deep look, Fang Yuchen strode away.

As soon as he left, Shang Ying immediately put down his chopsticks, twisted his eyebrows, and whispered to himself, "Why is this stink boy so smart?"

Based on her knowledge of her son, if he suddenly announced the marriage between the two this evening, he would definitely be anxious.

Would you like to inform his dad to slow this down?

After thinking about it, Shang Yingsi finally gave up.

Forget it, parents should take the lead in marriage, and it is not his turn to object.

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