Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1230: Turned out to be a friend

Fang Yuchen parked the car at the gate of the community and called Liang Xinwei.

"I'm at the door of the community, you come out."

With a good call, the phone hung up.

About ten minutes later, Liang Xinwei's figure appeared at the door of the community.

Fang Yuchen saw her trotting, her mouth rising involuntarily, even her eyes became gentle.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a long time." Liang Xin sat in the car slightly, gasping slightly.

"Actually, you don't have to be so anxious." Fang Yuchen smiled at her and started the car without any trouble.

On the way to the party scene, Liang Xinwei took the mobile phone and wrote the manuscript.

She is very serious and still has words in her mouth.

Fang Yuchen looked around her cell phone curiously and saw dense words on it.

"What is this?" he asked.

Liang Xinwei turned to look at him and smiled gently, "It is a manuscript. I have to speak on behalf of the restaurant at night."

Speaking of which, she curled her lips and worried: "I'm afraid I will be nervous and will keep making mistakes."

"Then relax, you just treat the people below as big radishes and Chinese cabbage, so you won't be nervous."


Liang Xin Wei Nijun couldn't help but, "Brother Fang, why are you so funny?"

Think of people as big radishes and cabbage, but he can think of it.

"I saw it on TV. If you are nervous, give it a try. Maybe it will work."

He was sincere in suggesting to her, so Liang Xin slightly smiled and nodded seriously, "Okay, I'll try it at the time."


Ye Xiaoyi's long-awaited anniversary party at the Ye Family's shopping mall, he went straight to the beauty salon early in the morning.

It was enough to see how much she valued the party tonight.

Well-dressed, she and her family arrived at the hotel early to prepare for the guests.

When she saw Fang Yuchen and Liang Xinwei appearing on the other end of the red carpet, her entire face instantly changed.

How could that woman be with Yu Chen?

Anger and jealousy rushed into her heart, and she couldn't care about the presence of the guests. She lifted the skirt of the dress and hurried towards the two.

This is not the first time Liang Xinwei has participated in this occasion, but he is still very nervous.

Feeling her nervousness, Fang Yuchen took her hand and walked around her arm.

Liang Xin turned his head slightly and stared at him in surprise with big beautiful eyes.

"Don't be nervous, I'm here."

I don’t know if it’s my own illusion. Tonight, he is really gentle, so gentle that she throbs with her whole heart.

Liang Xinwei was afraid that he would fall into his tenderness and could not get out, so he secretly told himself not to think much, he just wanted to help himself.

She took a deep breath and lifted her chin slightly, stepping on the red carpet in his hand and stepping into the hall step by step.

"Yu Chen [August 1 Chinese website]."

A burst of fragrant wind rushed across the face, and before it was too late to see who was coming, Liang Xinwei was pushed away forcefully.

She wore high-heeled shoes with an unstable center of gravity and fell backwards.

"Slightly!" Fang Yuchen was so shocked that he would grab her when he reached out, but he was held tightly by his waist and could not move.


Really ugly!

Liang Xin's eyes closed slightly.

Just when she thought she would fall heavily on the ground, a strong arm around her waist.

Circling around.

She opened her eyes and met a pair of worried eyes.

"Brother Ye!" she cried in surprise.

Ye Chenyun helped her stand firm, asking with concern: "Are you all right?"

Liang Xin shook her head slightly, "I'm fine."

Fang Yuchen looked at them, his eyes so deep that he couldn't see a trace of emotion, his thin lips squeezed tightly into a straight line.

"Yu Chen, that's my brother, he likes Miss Liang." Ye Xiaoyi hugged her arms tightly, her mouth twitching proudly.

Her brother did not let her down, and knew to appear at the most critical moment.

Hearing her words, Fang Yuchen's eyes flickered, she pushed her hand away and walked to Liang Xinwei.

"Yu Chen!" Ye Xiaoyi quickly followed.

"Are you okay?" His tone was obviously cold.

But Liang Xinwei didn't hear it and smiled, "I'm fine, thanks to Brother Ye for saving me."

"Thank you." Fang Yuchen politely thanked Ye Chenyun.

Ye Chenyun raised her eyebrows in surprise, her eyes swaying between them, "What is your relationship with Weiwei? How do you thank her?"

"Yeah, Yuchen, why are you thanking her?" Ye Xiaoyi stared at Liang Xinwei bitterly, complaining dissatisfiedly.

Liang Xinwei didn't expect Fang Yuchen to do this, and Ye Xiaoyi was present. She was afraid to cause a misunderstanding and quickly replied: "We are just friends."

Hearing the word "friend", Fang Yuchen frowned slightly.

Ye Chenyun noticed and raised the corner of his lips clearly, and said meaningfully: "It turns out to be a friend."

Fang Yuchen looked at him, frowning.

He introduced himself with a smile, "Hello, this is Xiao Yi's brother, Ye Chenyun."

Ye Xiaoyi hugged Fang Yuchen's arm tightly again, "Brother, you will be a family in the future, so don't be so polite."

When she said this, she glanced at Liang Xinwei proudly, swearing to have a strong sense of sovereignty.

The smile on Liang Xinwei's face lightened a little, and her eyes fell on her hand holding Fang Yuchen's arm, feeling a little bored.

"Yu Chen, my parents have been nagging you, we used to find them." Ye Xiaoyi said.

Fang Yuchen looked at Liang Xinwei, "Together?"

Liang Xinwei shook his head quickly, "No, you go, Brother Ye and I."


Although she knew that Ye Chenyun was only her sister's friend, Fang Yuchen was still not at ease. Who knew that Ye Chenyun had any thoughts about her.

But before the words were finished, Ye Xiaoyi interrupted. "Yu Chen, you have my brother to accompany Miss Liang, don't worry."

When the words fell, she took Fang Yuchen towards her parents.

Turning his head to look at their backs, Liang Xinwei lost for a while.

Ye Chenyun looked down at her eyes, her lips raised, "My sister seems to like Yu Chen very much."

"Really?" Liang Xinwei reluctantly twitched his mouth.

Ye Chenyun withdrew her gaze and landed on her beautiful face, Jianmei raised her eyes, "What about you?"

Liang Xinwei froze, "What?"

Ye Chenyun gave a meaningful smile, "You also like him, right?"

"I haven't." Liang Xinwei moved his eyes guilty, not daring to look at him.

"I'm not blind, I can see you like him very much."

Liang Xin lowered her head slightly, and mocked her mouth.

Is she acting so obvious?

Feeling a little lost in her emotions, Ye Chenyun patted her shoulder and comforted: "I just asked, nothing else."

Liang Xinwei raised his head and his eyes were unusually bright. "Brother Ye, I am a person of two worlds. I dare not like him, so you don't have to worry about me ruining your sister's feelings."

After she finished speaking, she bowed to him and turned away.

Ye Chenyun was a bit crying and laughing, he didn't mean it at all.

He just wanted to care about her feelings as a brother.

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