Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1234: The person I like is her!

Perhaps he didn't expect him to be so direct, Ye Father stunned.

"Yu Chen, is this your attitude towards the elders?" Fang Teng rebuked.

"Dad." Fang Yuchen turned his head and looked at him helplessly, "I really don't like Xiao Yi, can you stop thinking about matching us?"

"Since you also think that Xiao Yi is very good, then you look everywhere, maybe you will like her." Fang Teng insisted on matching him with Ye Xiaoyi.

"Impossible." Fang Yuchen's tone was very determined.

"Lao Fang, it seems that we are self-confident." Ye Fu's tone was not as enthusiastic as he was just now. He stared at Fang Yuchen, his face full of displeasure.

The baby daughters they hold in their hands are mostly excellent people who want to marry, and a Maotou Fang Yuchen refused!

Really ignorant!

"Lao Ye, don't say that, this kid just has no idea." Fang Teng quickly calmed down.

His low posture is not because the Fang family is inferior to the Ye family, but that Fang Yuchen does need a strong backing.

The Ye family is the best choice.

Once married to the Ye family, that Fang Yuchen will be even more powerful, and will be more stable in the company in the future!

Therefore, Fang Teng does not want this marriage to be yellow.

"Isn't he clear? I don't think we can afford Gao Pan!" Ye Mother groaned in a strange way. She distressed her daughter into her arms, and looked at Fang Yuchen's eyes as if to tear him.

"Don't say that, Yuchen and I like Xiao Yi very much. I believe Yuchen will like Xiao Yi too. It's only a matter of time." Fang Teng tried his best to play the round field, and his face was full of smiles.

Ye Xiaoyi looked at Fang Yuchen and bit her lip, "Dad, Mom, maybe Yu Chen really didn't think about it for a while, don't worry about him."

Upon hearing this, Mother Ye frowned fiercely, "Xiao Yi, he said that, you still speak for him! Is your brain broken?"

"Mom!" Ye Xiaoyi pursed her lips and shyly said, "I just like him, can't I?"

"I..." Mother Ye didn't know for a moment whether she should be stupid or stupid.

Although Ye Fu's attitude was very unpleasant to Yu Chen, the other party was indeed the young man he admired most. It would be better if he could become his son-in-law.

He sighed heavily, "Forget it, it will be a family anyway, there is no need to worry about that much."

Ye Xiaoyi immediately smiled, "Dad, thank you."

She took Fang Yuchen's arm and looked up at him with a determined expression: "I will make you like me!"

Fang Yuchen suddenly felt tired, he had already said so clearly, why did they still not understand?

If this matter is not completely resolved today, it will be endless in the future.

He lifted his lips and was about to speak. A familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ear: "Dad, Mom, I brought me slightly."

Hearing the words, he turned his head suddenly and saw that Liang Xinwei was standing beside Ye Chenyun, and the two were still holding hands.

His pupils shrank, he stared at the hands they shook, and Jun Lang's face was covered with a thin layer of frost.

Ye Xiaoyi noticed his reaction and looked cold, staring at Liang Xinwei, without concealing the jealousy in his eyes.

Liang Xinwei felt their gaze, beating uneasy.

Ye Chenyun turned her head to look at her, and saw her uneasiness in her eyes, her mouth bent, and said softly: "Don't be nervous, my parents won't eat you."

Liang Xinwei barely pulled the corner of his mouth and said nothing.

An unclear emotion came to my mind.

It was as if he was caught on the scene by his boyfriend.

But she and Fang Yuchen are just ordinary friends. How come this strong feeling?

"Wei Wei, don't you? I didn't have time to talk to you just now." Ye Mu showed a kind and kind look, and looked at her with kind eyes.

"Auntie is good." Liang Xin smiled slightly.

"I'm still worried that Chen Yun's child will be a bachelor for a lifetime. Fortunately, I still found a girlfriend, otherwise I would really have to worry about death." Ye mother laughed and joked.

Except for Fang Yuchen and Liang Xinwei, everyone couldn't help laughing.

"Brother, your parents would like you to get married soon. How about we have a wedding together?" Ye Xiaoyi said enthusiastically.

"Yes." Ye Fu thought her proposal was particularly good. "How good is Double Happiness."

Fang Teng also smiled and said: "Lao Ye, so that we can all care for the elderly."

"That's right." Mother Ye couldn't smile, she looked closely at Liang Xinwei, and there was a trace of satisfaction on her face.

They settled the marriage in a few words.

Fang Yuchen couldn't help but laugh, with a sardonic look on his face, "Did I agree?"

When I asked what I said, the pleasant atmosphere suddenly froze.

Several elders looked at each other, and for a moment did not understand what he was insisting on.

Liang Xin lowered her eyes slightly, hiding the emotions under her eyes.

"You can rest assured that I will not agree to this marriage."

Fang Yuchen's words were still in her ears, and she saw that he was really resisting, but could he do it?

"Yu Chen, stop talking silly!" Fang Teng reprimanded.

"Dad, I'm not talking nonsense."

Speaking of which, he suddenly reached out and pulled Liang Xinwei to himself, with a serious expression: "The person I like is her!"

Liang Xin was slightly startled, she looked at him blankly, her eyes filled with unbelievable.

Fang Teng and Ye's parents also froze.

What exactly is going on?

"Fang Yuchen, are you crazy?" Ye Xiaoyi rushed up, trying to pull Fang Yuchen to take Liang Xinwei's hand.

But Fang Yuchen was very tight and could not pull it apart.

"Bitch!" Ye Xiaoyi raised her hand to Liang Xinwei angrily.


A slap was hit **** Liang Xinwei's face, cheeks turned to one side instantly, hair covered her face, and she could not see her emotions at this moment.

"Ye Xiaoyi!" Ye Chenyun quickly pulled Ye Xiaoyi over and shouted sharply, "How can you beat someone?"

"What's wrong with me beating someone? She's a bitch, and she snatched my man!" Ye Xiaoyi shouted sharply.

The guests around have been watching for a long time, all look like a good show.

Today is the anniversary party of Yejia Shopping Mall, not only the nobles of the rich, but also many reporters.

If this was reported, it was the Ye family who lost it.

Ye Chenyun took the opportunity to say decisively, "Dad, Mom, I will take Xiao Yi away first, and I will leave it to you here."

Father Ye understood what he meant and said, "Go away."

But Ye Xiaoyi, who was willing to go, she stared at Liang Xinwei. If Ye Chenyun was not pulling, she would have rushed up and tore the other side.

"Liang Xinwei, why are you so shameless?" Ye Xiaoyi gritted her teeth.

Fang Yuchen frowned and said in a deep voice: "Ye Xiaoyi, just rush at me if you have anything. She is slightly innocent."

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