Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1236: Can I go to the second floor?

Liang Xinwei came home, and as soon as he entered, the phone rang.

Is the manager.

She took it, "Manager."

"Wei, what about you? You'll be on stage soon."

Liang Xinwei remembered that he had to take the stage on behalf of the restaurant, but she had already returned.

"Manager, I'm sorry, I'm not comfortable, I'll go home first, you let others go."

"Why didn't you go home and tell me in advance?"


In addition to being sorry, Liang Xinwei did not know how to explain it.

Fortunately, the manager is a reasonable person, sighed, and said: "Forget it, you have a good rest, I will find someone to put it on top."

"Thank you manager."

Hanging up the phone, she threw the phone on the sofa, sat down, leaned back on the sofa, and looked up at the ceiling.

An An heard the movement and opened the door. The probe came out and saw Liang Xinwei sitting in the living room, and immediately walked towards her.

"Mom, why did you come back so early?"

Liang Xin turned his head slightly, his soft eyes fell on his young face, his red lips bent, "It's too boring, so I came back early."

"What about Uncle Fang?" An An asked beside her, curiously.

Speaking of Fang Yuchen, the smile on Liang Xinwei's mouth suddenly solidified. She pursed her lips, sat upright, put An An in her arms, and asked softly, "Do you like Uncle Fang very much?"

"Well, I like it very much." An An nodded heavily.

Liang Xinwei gently touched his head, with a little helplessness in the corner of his mouth, muttered: "Our mother and son's eyes are really the same."

Her voice was a little low, An An didn't hear clearly, her eyebrows were frowned, "Mom, what are you saying?"

"It's nothing." Liang Xin took a deep breath, put away all her thoughts, and asked with a smile: "Have you finished your homework?"


"Awesome." Liang Xin exaggerated, a little absent-minded, and didn't know what to say.

"Mom, have you happened?" An An was a careful child from an early age, and she saw something wrong in her expression.

Liang Xin shook her head slightly, "No."

She rubbed An An's face and continued: "Mom has nothing, don't worry."

An An grinned, "That's good."

Liang Xin smiled, "Since it's okay, then you go to take a shower, go to bed early, and go to school tomorrow."

"it is good."

Watching An'an walk into the room, the smile on Liang Xinwei's face slowly faded and he sighed heavily.

She did not expect that An An would like Fang Yuchen.

The most heard from his mouth is "Uncle Fang". I really don't know if I should be happy or sad.


The next day, the marriage of Fang Ye's two families was on the news, which was also mixed with the love and hatred of Fang Yuchen, Ye Xiaoyi and unknown women.

The news directly labeled the unknown woman as Primary Three, saying that she had destroyed the feelings of Fang Yuchen and Ye Xiaoyi.

Public opinion on the Internet also fell, all scolding the woman.

At the moment when he saw the news, Fang Yuchen was furious, rushed to the restaurant with his mobile phone, and shouted to his parents who were having breakfast: "You are too much!"

This was the first time in his life that he was angry with his parents.

Fang Teng and Shang Ying were stunned.

After a while, Fang Teng took the lead to recover, frowning tightly, "Yu Chen, what are you doing?"

"I have already said that I will not agree to the marriage, but why do you still need to issue a press release?" Fang Yuchen pressed his anger and gritted his teeth.

Fang Teng suddenly realized, and smiled, "I still wonder why, it was originally for this. I have discussed with Lao Ye, don't worry about letting you get married, you can look everywhere first."

"Look everywhere?" Fang Yuchen suddenly felt tired, "Dad, why don't you understand me? I mean I don't like Ye Xiaoyi!"

"You don't see it everywhere, how do you know you don't like it?" Fang Teng asked back, puzzled.

Fang Yuchen took a deep breath, "No need, I won't like her in my life."

"You boy!" Fang Teng was a little angry.

Shang Ying was afraid that the father and son would quarrel and quickly uttered: "Well, there is no need to quarrel for this kind of thing this morning."

Then, her serious partner Yu Chen said, "Son, we are also good for you. Once the two Fang Ye get married, those on the board will not dare to embarrass you anymore."

"Oh." Fang Yuchen sneered. "So do you want me to carry a reputation as a woman?"

"I don't mean that, I..." Shang Ying didn't know how to explain for a moment.

Fang Yuchen took a deep breath, and his tone was very firm. "No matter whether you are doing it for my own good or not, I won't agree to this marriage, you die this heart."

After that, he turned and walked away.

This can make Fang angry to accuse his wife, "Look at the good sons you spoiled!"

"Okay, you don't have to be angry." Shang Ying patted his chest. "You don't know, Yu Chen has been a very opinionated child since childhood."

"It's not a bad thing to have an opinion, but let's also consider the reality." Fang Teng became more and more angry. "No, this marriage matter, he has to agree if he doesn't agree."

After hearing this, Shang Ying frowned, "What do you want to do?"

Fang Teng thought for a moment and said, "You have time to talk to Xiao Yi, let her come home more, and give them two more opportunities to be alone."

Shang Ying nodded, "OK, I know."


Jiang Sesu got up early in the morning and received a news reminder on her cell phone. She glanced casually as usual.

After seeing the words "Fang Yuchen", she quickly picked up her mobile phone and clicked on the full text.

"Marriage?" She looked at the news hotspot on the phone screen in surprise.

The thin eyebrows slowly wrinkled. Didn’t his cousin say he wouldn’t agree? Why was a newsletter issued?

Just when she could not understand, there was a knock on the door.

She quickly put away her phone and asked in a loud voice, "Who?"

"Shu Yun, it's me."

It's Mom Chen.

Jiang Sesu quickly got up to open the door.

When Chen Ma saw that she was still wearing pajamas, she could not help raising her eyebrows, "Why haven't you changed your clothes yet?"

"I'll change it immediately." Jiang Sesu quickly returned.

Mom Chen nodded, "I'm here to tell you that today you don't need to go to the kitchen to help, the lady asked you to clean the room upstairs."

Jiang Seso listened, a little unbelievable, "I... can I go up to the second floor?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Jiang Sese said with a smile, "Don't you not let me go to the second floor?"

"Miss will go out with the vassal master today, so you can go upstairs casually."

Hearing that Jin Fengchen would go out today, Jiangse's heart instantly fell to the bottom of the valley, and she thought she could see him.

She couldn't help but lower her eyes, she should have thought about how Shangguanyuan might let her see the vassal.

Mother Chen saw her face was wrong and asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Sese put away her thoughts and shook her head with a smile, "It's fine."

"That's good, you change your clothes quickly, and wait for the lady to go out, and then go upstairs to clean."

"it is good."

Jiang Sese closed the door and sighed in loss. It seems that he no longer sees the vassal today.

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