Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1238: Did you take the necklace

Shangguanyuan watched Jiang Sesur leave, thought for a moment thoughtfully, and looked at the man opposite.

"Why do you want to arrange that Shu Yun to take care of the vassals?"

Shangguanqian's action of picking up the dishes was immediately restored, and her thin lips twitched, "I didn't say that, she is the most clever among several new servants."

"Is it?" Shangguanyuan narrowed her eyes slightly, "You better not have any thoughts, otherwise I..."

"Otherwise, what about you?" Shangguanqian interrupted her, put down her chopsticks and looked at her, sneered. "Are you going to let me go? Or take the management of Shangguan Group back?"

Shangguanyuan frowned narrowly.

In fact, she just wanted to warn him, and did not really plan to do anything to him.

"I'm full, you eat slowly."

Shangguan Qian got up and walked out of the restaurant without looking back.

"Is your brother angry?" Jin Fengchen asked.

Shangguanyuan smiled slightly, "Don't care about him, we will go upstairs after dinner."

Jin Fengchen nodded, "Okay."

After eating, Shangguanyuan and Jin Fengchen went upstairs and returned to the room.

Looking around the room, Jin Fengchen smiled and said, "The house was cleaned very well. That Shu Yun, as your brother said, is very clever."

His tone sounded as if he knew Shu Yun very well.

Shangguanyuan narrowed her eyes, "Do you remember her?"

Jin Fengchen recalled Shu Yun's instructions and explained: "I just amnesia, but not bad memory. I will definitely remember it when I see it."

"Stay away from her in the future."

Shangguanyuan turned and walked to the dressing table, opened the jewelry box, his eyes fell on the delicate jewelry inside, and his eyes were sharp.

"Why?" Jin Fengchen came over and asked curiously.

He felt that the Shu Yun person was not bad, and he felt very comfortable, not at all repellent.

"Want to listen to the truth?" Shangguanyuan turned around and stared at him closely.

Jin Fengchen nodded, "Of course I want to hear the truth."

"I do not like her."

Jin Fengchen froze, subconsciously blurted out: "Why, where is she bad?"

Shangguanyuan frowned, "Religious, are you holding her unfairly?"

"No. I just asked." Jin Fengchen scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly.

"Do not like a person, it must be because the other party is not good."

Shangguanyuan closed the jewelry box and smiled softly at him, "I have something to do, I won't be with you anymore, you just stay in the room and rest."

Jin Fengchen hummed, "Don't be too busy, you have to rest early."

"I know."

In the eyes of Jin Fengchen, Shangguanyuan went out with a smile.

The moment the door closed, her complexion froze instantly.


Jiang Seso packed up the kitchen and prepared to go back to her room to rest.

When she passed the stairs, she looked up to the second floor, her eyes sad.

Her man is now with other women.

Although he forgot her and could not blame him, she was still uncomfortable.

When he recovered his memory, she would ask him to settle the account.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help laughing.

She could already imagine that when Jin Fengchen knew about herself and Shangguanyuan, she would certainly regret it, and her expression must be very exciting.

With this thought, she felt more comfortable.

She turned around and stepped up to prepare to go to the room.

At this time, Shangguanyuan's voice rang above his head.

"Shu Yun, you stop."

Jiang Sesur withdrew his feet and turned his head to look around the sound. I saw Shang Guanyuan walking slowly down the stairs step by step, her cold eyes fixed on her.

I can't help but feel a bad hunch.

Should this young lady trouble her again?

I thought so in my heart, but my mouth still cried out respectfully: "Miss."

Shangguanyuan walked in front of her, looked at her coldly up and down, red lips lightly opened: "Did you see anything when you cleaned my room today?"

Jiang Sezhu frowned, "Miss, I don't understand what you mean. Can you make it clear?"

Shangguanyuan put his arms around his chest, turned and walked towards the living room, said: "I just returned to the room and found that I lost a necklace."

Limeng flashed through Jiangse's eyes. Was she planning to plant herself to frame herself?

She walked over and lowered her head. "I didn't see any necklaces, nor did I know what necklaces."

"I don't know?" Shangguanyuan turned around, his eyes narrowed, and there was a sharp color in his eyes, "Shu Yun, do you know the end of lying at Shangguan's house?"

Jiang Sese hurriedly shook his head, "Miss, I did not lie, all I said is true!"

Shangguanyuan snorted coldly, sat down, legs crossed, screamed: "I will give you another chance, as long as you tell the truth, this time I can spare you."

Does she have to force her anyway to admit that she has never done something?

Jiang Sese squeezed his hand, immediately released, and raised his head, not humble and said: "Miss, today I cleaned your room as you ordered, but I have not seen any of your necklaces."

Shangguanyuan stared at her, but did not expect her mouth to be quite hard.

At this time, Shangguanqian came down from the upstairs and saw the two of them, Jianmei raised his eyebrows and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Shangguanqian knew Shu Yun's true identity.

At the beginning, she entered the Shangguan family smoothly, but Shangguan Qian assured her cousin that she would help her without any mistakes.

Thinking of this, Jiang Sesur lowered his head and answered truthfully: "Young Master, Miss said she lost a necklace, she suspected that I stole it."

Shangguanqian glanced at her, looked at Shangguanyuan, and asked, "Yuanyuan, what necklace did you lose?"

"This matter has nothing to do with you, I will solve it myself." Shangguanyuan gave him a cold glance, and didn't want him to be busy with his business.

"Since things happened in Shangguan's house, it has to do with me."

Shangguanqian looked at Jiang Sesur and asked, "You answered honestly, did you take the lady's necklace?"


Shangguanqian nodded and turned to look at Shangguanyuan, "I believe she won't take your necklace. Or if you look again, maybe in the corner of the room."

"She said no, you believe her?" Shangguanyuan sneered, watching his eyes full of sarcasm, "Shangguanqian, would you rather trust an outsider than trust me?"

"I didn't believe you." Shangguan Qian took a deep breath and said, "It's that I don't want to injustice others casually, and Shu Yun doesn't look like someone who can steal things."

"You know people but you don't know, do you understand?" Shangguan Yuan stood up and stared coldly at Jiangse, "I asked you one last time, did you take the necklace?"

"No." Jensen suddenly felt powerless. She didn't know why Shangguanyuan didn't like her so much, and even came up with such a method to frame her.

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