Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1245: waiting for your good news

Back in the lobby, Shangguanyuan looked sideways at Shangguanqian behind him, his tone faint, "Have you started preparing for the wedding?"

Shangguanqian's eyes quickly glanced at a trace of imperceptible emotions and opened his lips lightly, "I've asked the assistant to prepare."

"Assistant is ready?" Shangguanyuan turned around, his face filled with displeasure, "You are so important to hand over to the assistant?"

"If you are not satisfied, you can come by yourself."

It was cruel to him to have him prepare for her wedding to Jin Fengchen. Should he still do it himself?

His heart is not that big.

"You!" Shangguanyuan was speechless for a moment.

Shangguanqian's mouth twitched a little, and said, "Yuanyuan, he is married and has children. You should be careful about this marriage."

Speaking of Jin Fengchen's past, it is undoubtedly reminding Shangguan Yuan that all she has now is stolen.

She lifted her chin and proudly said, "This is my own business, and you don't bother to worry about it."

"In this case, prepare your wedding."

Shangguan Qian gave her a deep look and walked past her, ignoring her stunned expression.

"Shangguanqian!" Shangguanyuan shouted in exasperation.

Shangguanqian went upstairs as if unheard of.

Walking to the second floor, Shangguanqian and Jin Fengchen met.

Jin Fengchen greeted politely, "Big Brother."

Seeing Jin Fengchen, who had always been so enthusiastic, now shouting his big brother, Shangguanqian's mood was very complicated.

If this was before, he might be very proud.

But now, I just feel panicked.

He turned his head to look downstairs, just in an angry look at Shang Shangguan Yuan.

The corner of his mouth slowly lifted, he chuckled softly, his hands in his trouser pockets, and he walked past Jin Fengchen with his head slightly raised.

"Faint." Shangguanyuan downstairs suddenly called out.

Jin Fengchen stepped downstairs, walked to Shangguanyuan, and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

"Have you just been there?" Shangguanyuan asked.

If you listen carefully, you can hear her voice a little nervous.

She was afraid that he would hear her talk with Shangguanqian.

Jin Fengchen shook his head, "No, I just came out of the room."

"Oh." Shangguanyuan was relieved.

She took his hand, bent her lips and smiled, "Let's go to have breakfast."

Jin Fengchen did not speak, letting her pull to the kitchen, a pair of eyes as dark as ink, so that people could not see his thoughts at this time.


At noon, Jiang Sesu returned to his room after eating.

The advantage of being transferred to the backyard is that she has more free time.

She sat down on the edge of the bed, took out her mobile phone, found Fang Yuchen's number and dialed it.

It was quickly connected and Fang Yuchen's voice passed through the receiver.

"Thurse, why call me at this time?"

"Cousin, something happened in these two days, I forgot to ask you about your engagement."

Fang Yuchen automatically ignored the second half of the sentence, only heard the first half, and hurriedly asked: "What happened to you?"

Jiang Sese chuckled, "Cousin, I'm fine, you don't have to worry. It's you, what's the matter with the engagement?"

After a few seconds of silence on the phone, Fang Yuchen came again: "That was decided by my parents. I didn't agree."

Jiang Sesel frowned, "You didn't agree, but the news came out."

"I don't know why they are so anxious."

As soon as he mentioned the engagement, Fang Yuchen couldn't help being a little irritable. He asked: "Are you calling me just to ask this?"

"I care about you." Jiang Sezhu smiled.

Fang Yuchen also smiled, "I think you want to mock me."

"I don't mean that." Jiang Sesu quickly denied, and then turned around, asking: "Cousin, are you free these days?"

"What's wrong?"

"It is difficult for me to meet the vassals now. I need your help."

"What exactly is going on?"

It stands to reason that she entered the Shangguan family, and there should be more chances to see Jin Fengchen.

Jiang Sese told him everything that happened in the past few days. Finally, he added: "I don't know why Shangguan Yuan has such a great hostility towards me."

She was really frustrated.

Finally, he came into Shangguan's house. I thought I could see vassals often. Who knows, now it's hard to see him.

Not to mention letting him restore his memory.

"Did this Shangguanyuan find something?" Fang Yuchen asked.

Apart from this possibility, he could not think of anything else.

"It should not be."

If anything is found, the personality of the above official will definitely drive her away regardless of everything, not just transfer her to the backyard.

"How do you want me to help you?"

"Um..." Jiang Seso thought for a moment, "You help me to arrange for Shangguan Yuan to go out, okay?"

Hearing the words, Fang Yuchen frowned, "Don't you want me to chase her?"

"That's right."

Fang Yuchen sighed helplessly, "Then you are late."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Sesu asked.

"I'm with Weibo already."

"What?" Jiang Sesur stood up in shock. "When are you with Weiwei? What happened? I don't know?"

"Just these two days."

Jiang Sesur laughed, "Cousin, you finally recognized your heart."


He was already with Liang Xinwei, and she was not good enough to let him help, "That's all right, I'll find another way."

"Actually I can help you."

Fang Yuchen suddenly said this when Jiang Sesu wanted to hang up the phone.

Jiang Sezhu raised her eyebrows and asked in doubt: "How can you help me?"

"Just as you said, about Shangguan Yuan coming out."

"Aren't you afraid to be slightly angry?" Jiang Sesel didn't want to make them misunderstand because of his own affairs.

"I will make it clear to her, rest assured."

"Okay, wait for your good news." She does need help now, otherwise it will be too difficult.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Sesur lay back on the bed, looked at the white ceiling, frowned slightly, now the most important thing is to find a way to make the vassal remember the past.

But is there any way?

At the same time, Jin Fengchen returned to the room alone.

He looked around the unfamiliar room, his eyebrows slowly wrinkled, and there was a picture of Jiang Sesur crying in his mind.

My heart hurts a little.

He raised his hand over his chest, and there was a daze between his brows.

In fact, in the morning, he heard what Shangguan Qian said.

Knowing that you are not only married, but also have children.

And his wife, Jiang Sesel, who was crying sadly at the airport.

If you forget it, can you really erase the past?

Can't erase it.

Suddenly, he wanted to recall the past.

Even though, it would be awkward to Yuanyuan who is not for his life-saving grace.

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