Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1253: How to find a vassal?

After Ye Chenyun left, Liang Xinwei walked into An'an's room.

She just wanted to see if An An had put on the quilt, but did not expect An An to be asleep.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, An An got up from the bed.

"why are you still awake?"

Liang Xinwei walked quickly.

"Mom, are you in love with Uncle Fang?" An An looks like an adult.

Liang Xinwei froze for a moment, then immediately reacted, pretending to be displeased and said: "The kid asked what to do with this? Go to bed quickly."

An quietly looked at her for a few seconds, lying down obediently.

"Don't go to bed so late in the future, you know?" Liang Xinwei pulled the quilt over.

An An hummed softly.

She turned off the light, leaving only one desk lamp lit.

When turning around, a small voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Mom, I like Uncle Fang. I am willing to let him be my father."

Liang Xinwei froze for a moment and looked back, only to see that An An pulled up the quilt to cover his head.


She was also sensible and distressed.

"Okay, mom got it."

After talking, Liang Xinwei went out and closed the door gently.

She went to the living room and sat down, took out her mobile phone, opened the call log, looked at Fang Yuchen's number, and hesitated to call him.

Did he get home?

Just when she was hesitant, the phone suddenly rang, which surprised her.

It’s Fang Yuchen.

She picked up quickly, "Hey."

"Not yet asleep?"

Fang Yuchen's deep voice fell into his ears, like a small stone falling into the heart lake, with shallow ripples.

Liang Xinwei squeezed the phone subconsciously and whispered back: "Ready to sleep."

"I will be busy in the next few days and may not have time to accompany you."

"It's okay." Liang Xinwei also hoped that he could accompany himself every day, but he knew he couldn't be so ignorant.

After all, he is the president of a company and has his responsibilities and burdens.

"When I'm busy, I will take a vacation to take you out with An An."

"Okay." Liang Xinwei couldn't help looking forward.

The two chatted a few more times before hanging up the phone reluctantly.

Fang Yuchen walked up to the balcony and looked at the dotted lights downstairs, his eyes narrowed.

Tomorrow he will ask Shangyuan to come out, hoping that Surther can go smoothly.


The next day, Jiang Sese received a message from Fang Yuchen.

——I will ask Shangyuan to come out today, the rest is up to you.

After reading it, she deleted the message and held the phone tightly in her hand.

See you above with the vassals today.

Near noon, Shangguanyuan received a call from Fang Yuchen.

The other party said that she wanted to invite her for a meal and wanted to talk to her about something.

She directly refused.

"Yuanyuan, we can't be enemies because of my cousin and cousin. I just want to have a meal with you. For the sake of I like you, give me a face."

Shangguanyuan thought that the cooperation between the two is still suspended. If he accompanies him for a meal and can start cooperation again, it is not impossible.

So she agreed.

Before going out, she deliberately confessed to Jin Fengchen. In addition to having lunch, she stayed in the room on the second floor at all other times.

Jin Fengchen knew what she meant. Although she felt inappropriate, she did not object.

"do not worry."

Shangguanyuan couldn't help but feel a little guilty, "I'll take you out for a walk in a few days so as not to bore you."

"it is good."

Jin Fengchen stood on the balcony, watching Shangguanyuan's car drive far away, and then took back his sight until he could not see it.

He turned back to the house, and a glance in the corner of his eyes inadvertently saw a familiar figure.

Subconsciously stopped, turned his head to look over.

Jiang Sesuo carefully trimmed the flower branches with trimmer scissors. Xu Shi was sweating and she raised her hand and wiped her forehead.

The corner of Jin Fengchen's mouth couldn't help but looked at her quietly.

A few minutes later, Jiang Seso knew that Shangguan Yuan was out, and put down the scissors and looked up at the second floor.

An acquaintance with a long figure unexpectedly fell into sight.

She froze.

Unexpectedly, Jin Fengchen was on the balcony.

Soon, she reacted and smiled.

Sure enough, God is helping her.


Jiang Sese strode into the villa.

It was lunch time, and Jin Fengchen would go downstairs.

So she went back to her room, put on clean clothes, and went to the kitchen.

When the housekeeper saw her, she was full of displeasure and scolded: "You are not in the front yard to tidy the flowerbeds. What are you doing here?"

"Uncle Zhang, it is a little hot at noon, so I have to rest for a while."

Jiang Sesur's face was covered with flattering smiles. She was already mentally prepared, and if the housekeeper drove her out later, she would not be cheeky.

Finally, Shangguanyuan was not at home, could she waste this opportunity to get along with the vassals alone.

"Go out." The housekeeper scolded.

Jiang Sesur ignored, "Uncle Zhang, do you need my help?"

"I said it!" The housekeeper's face cooled down.

Jiangse was helpless and was about to turn around. A familiar voice came from the door.

"Uncle Zhang."

Is a vassal!

Jiang Sese hurried back and saw that Feng Feng Jin had come in.

His gaze glanced over Jiang Sesel and landed on the housekeeper's face, saying lightly: "Uncle Zhang, I am hungry."

The butler didn't dare to neglect him, and he didn't care about Jiang Sesu, and quickly ordered the servant to bring the dishes to the dining room.

Jiang Sese sighed in relief and looked at Jin Fengchen, only to see him looking at her with a smile.

At the moment when the two eyes met, Jiang Sezu understood.

It turned out to be helping her.

"Thank you." She whispered thanks.

Jin Fengchen smiled and said nothing.

But Jiang Sesu was still rushed outside.

"Miss said you can't appear in front of the vassal master!" The butler looked helplessly at Jiang Seather.

"The housekeeper, the young lady is not here, you just open your eyes and close your eyes." Jiang Sesu pleaded.

"No!" The butler refused directly. "If this is known by the young lady, the unlucky person will be me!"

"You don't say it, I don't say it, how could the lady know?" Jiang Sezuo smiled slyly.

The steward's attitude is still very firm, "No, no."

"Okay, then." Jiang Sesel collapsed his shoulders and turned to go out.

Looking at her back, the housekeeper sighed, really wondering why she always wanted to sway in front of the vassal master.

Miss Mingming was angry several times, but she still didn't give up.

Going outside, Jiang Sesur looked back into the house and squinted, so she would not give up like that.

It's just... how can I find a vassal?

After finishing dinner, Jin Fengchen went upstairs under the housekeeper's "surveillance".

During this period, he did not see Shu Yun.

He can understand Shangguanyuan's caution, but there is no need to guard against a maid so exaggerated.

Back in the room, he unconsciously walked to the balcony.

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