"Nothing is right!" Shang Ying was extremely angry, and immediately decided: "No, you must fight with the differential."

Fang Ye's marriage is well known, and both parties have already negotiated, it is not that he can cancel it if he says he disagrees.

"We can't break up." Fang Yuchen said, "We and I like each other slightly. Since we decided to be together, we won't break up."

"What about Xiaoyi? What about Xiaoyi?" Shang Ying asked angrily.

Fang Yuchen was silent.

In fact, he hadn't thought how to tell the Ye family about it.

And I also know that once I talked to the Ye family, the two might fall over.

"You can't tell, do you?" Shang Ying smiled angrily. "Things until now, you can only solve the problem with the differential derivative!"

"Will not break up. Mom, you die this heart." Fang Yuchen's attitude is very firm, there is no room for negotiation.

Shang Ying glared at him, hoping to knock his head up to see what was in it?

Ye Xiaoyi and Liang Xinwei.

Anyone with a brain knows who to choose.

But he did well and chose Liang Xinwei, a woman who would not only help him but may even cause him a lot of trouble.

No, she must not let him be confused.

"We will go to the Ye family now, and we must resolve this matter today."

In spite of Fang Yuchen's objections, Shang Ying pulled him out.

Fang Teng came back and saw this scene, frowning and asking, "What are you doing?"

"Lao Fang, you are finally back."

Seeing Fang Teng, Shang Ying was like seeing a savior. He immediately released Fang Yuchen and greeted him.

"What's wrong?" Fang Teng asked with concern as she looked anxious.

"What's the matter? I'm almost mad at the stink boy." Shang Ying pointed to Fang Yuchen and said angrily.

Fang Yuchen immediately called Qu, "Mom, I never thought to be angry with you, I told you long ago."

"Tell me long ago?" Shang Ying smiled. "Did you tell me? You can never agree to the marriage?"

After hearing the words, Fang Teng looked at Fang Yuchen and asked, "Yu Chen, is your mother telling the truth?"

Fang Yuchen nodded, "Well, it's true."

"Why don't you agree?" Fang Teng asked again.

"Because..." Fang Yuchen hesitated. "Dad, I have someone I like."

Fang Teng looked at him quietly, and his expression became serious.


Fang Yuchen followed his father into the study.

After the door closed, Fang Teng opened the door and asked, "Who is that girl?"

"Liang Xinwei."

Fang Teng frowned, "Why does this name sound familiar?"

"She has been to our house and is a friend of Thurse."

"Have I seen it?"

"Not seen. When she came, you were just not at home."

Fang Teng nodded, "How about that character?"

"She is very nice and kind."

Speaking of Liang Xinwei, Fang Yuchen's face was unconsciously filled with a sweet smile.

Fang Teng's eyes deepened a little, and he could see that his son liked the girl named Liang Xinwei very much.

If it was before, he might agree.

But not now.

"Yu Chen, do you remember what you said when you took over the important task of Fang Shi?" Fang Teng asked.

"Remember. I said I would never let my grandfather expect me."

Fang Teng smiled comfortably, "Just remember. But do you feel that what you are doing is not appropriate?"

Fang Yuchen was stunned.

He knew that his father meant him and his slight feelings.

From the perspective of his parents, Ye Xiaoyi is the best candidate for his wife.

No, to be more precise, it should be the best candidate for Fang's wife.

"Dad, have you ever thought about it, in fact, I can manage Fang's business by myself?" Fang Yuchen tentatively asked.

"Thought." Fang Teng laughed, "But neither my mother nor I hope you are too hard. We hope that your road to success will be less obstructive."

"So you want me to marry Ye Xiaoyi?"

"Yu Chen, we are all for you." Fang Teng patted his shoulder.

Fang Yuchen smiled, a little ironically, "Dad, you are under the banner of being good for me, forcing me to do what I don't want to do."

He paused. "Aren't you afraid that I and Ye Xiaoyi will be happy when they marry me?"

"I know you don't like Xiao Yi now, but feelings can be cultivated." Fang Teng said.

"Impossible." Fang Yuchen shook his head. "I can't like her."

Fang Teng frowned, "Yu Chen, are you going to be so stubborn?"

"Dad, I'm not stubborn, I just know my own heart very well."

Fang Teng can only give up [Biquge www.biquger.vip] if he can’t persuade him. Home, Xiao Yi fainted because of your business, we should go and see her."

Fang Yuchen didn't expect his father to compromise so easily, and he happily agreed to his request.

"Then I will go downstairs first."

After Fang Yuchen went out, Fang Teng's expression slowly sank.

If he insists on understanding his son's temperament, he will be counterproductive.

It's better to follow him first, retreat in advance, and then find a way to solve his and the girl's affairs.


Fang Yuchen came to the Ye family with his parents.

When Ye Fu and Ye Mu saw Fang Yuchen, they didn't look good.

Mother Ye's yin and yang strangely said: "I thought you all forgot my family Xiaoyi. Also, how can people who don't care remember it."

Fang Teng and Shang Ying inevitably felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts, but still said: "Sorry, this is what happened when we didn't teach Yu Chen well."

They said this, only Ye Fu's face eased.

Shang Ying asked: "How is Xiao Yi?"

"The syncope caused by low blood sugar is now okay, so I lie in bed and rest." Ye Mu said.

"Let's go and see."

So, a group of people went upstairs.

Ye Xiaoyi leaned on the head of the bed, swiped her phone down, and suddenly a knock on the door rang.

Scared that she quickly hid her phone under the pillow.

"Xiao Yi, your uncle, they came to see you, and Yu Chen also came."

Upon hearing Fang Yuchen also coming, Ye Xiaoyi's eyes lit up and she lay down quickly.

Mother Ye opened the door and a group of people came in.

Shang Ying quickly walked to the bed and saw Ye Xiaoyi's weak look. She couldn't help but feel very distressed. "Silly boy, regenerate, how can you not eat? You hurt your body like this, the aunt really feels uncomfortable."

"Aunt, I'm sorry." Ye Xiaoyi's face was filled with guilt.

"Child, this is not your fault, you don't need to apologize. The apology is someone else's."

Speaking of which, Shang Ying turned to stare at Fang Yuchen and said, "Why are you standing so far? Don't come over to see Xiao Yi yet."

Fang Yuchen opened his mouth and tried to refuse, but when he saw his father's eyes, he walked over.

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