"President, something happened!"

Song Yao ran into the president's office with a tablet.

Fang Yuchen raised her eyebrows and put down the documents, scolding unpleasantly: "What is so anxious?"

"President, look." Song Yao couldn't help but explain and handed him the tablet directly.

Fang Yuchen took it. The picture on the screen happened to be Ye Xiaoyi rushing towards Liang Xinwei with a broken wine bottle. His face suddenly changed.

He pulled the video progress bar forward and watched the entire video completely.

"What's going on?" After reading it, he looked extremely cold.

Song Yao truthfully replied: "This is a video that suddenly appeared on the Internet, and now the whole network is discussing this matter, and..."

He stopped talking and embarrassed Fang Yuchen, ordering: "And what? Hurry up!"

"On the Internet, I scold Miss Liang, it's hard to listen to, and even unsightly."

Fang Yuchen immediately heard the commentary of the video.

As expected, Liang Xinwei was insulted.

"This little three is so cheap that it destroys people's feelings and deserves to be beaten."

"That's how it's done. Now Primary Three is shameless, and she should be taught a hard lesson."

"Primary 3 has a cheesy face, and instead of me, she must tear her face."


There is even more unpleasant, Fang Yuchen couldn't bear to look down and directly buckled the tablet to the desktop.

He calmed down his mood and then said in a deep voice: "Immediately public relations, deal with this matter."

"Yes." Song Yao ordered to leave in a hurry.

Fang Yuchen remembered that Liang Xinwei's hand was indeed injured.

And she told him that it was accidentally burnt.

If it wasn't for this video, he didn't know that Ye Xiaoyi had visited her and even hurt her.

This fool actually concealed such a serious matter from him.

Thinking of this, he was very distressed. He could no longer read the documents and got up and walked out of the office.


Liang Xinwei returned home, walked to the living room and sat down, thinking about the questions asked by the media.

"Miss Liang, did you hook Fang Yuchen?"

"Have you ever thought that you are just a shameless third, and you are a single mother, it is impossible for the Fang family to accept you, or is it that you are just asking for money?"

"Miss Liang, this time the incident is so big, have you ever thought about how to solve it? Do you want to break up with Fang Yuchen, or continue to insist on this humble relationship?"

Their words were like thorns piercing her heart.


The matter was not what they knew at all, but she had only one mouth, and she didn't know how to refute and explain, she could only let the matter intensify online.

You don’t have to watch the Internet to know how ugly the netizens scold.

But they forgot, Ye Xiaoyi hurt her.

This society had a very low tolerance for Primary Three, and she happened to be misunderstood as Primary Three.

So everything she suffered now is normal.


She lifted her hands to cover her face, feeling like a big rock pressed against her heart, uncomfortable and breathless.

She didn't care how others scolded her, only how her relationship with Fang Yuchen continued.

As long as the marriage between Fang Ye and the two has not been cancelled, they will be scolded by the world, just like this time.

They were only together, and she really couldn't give up.

Just when she was at a loss as to what to do, the ringtone of the phone rang suddenly, which surprised her.

It’s Fang Yuchen.

She quickly picked it up, "Yu Chen."

Fang Yuchen was driving to the restaurant. When she heard her voice ringing in her ear, she quickly asked, "Are you all right?"

His voice fell into his ears, and her fearful heart slowly calmed down.

She smiled slightly, "I'm fine. How about you?"

Fang Yuchen would ask this question, presumably already knowing things online.

Netizens not only scolded her, but also scolded him.

After all, in the eyes of netizens, he is a scumbag, and he is not less cursed than her.

"I'm fine too." Fang Yuchen turned the steering wheel and asked, "Are you in the restaurant?"

"No, I'm home."

Fang Yuchen listened, stepped on the brakes, and parked the car on the side of the road. "What's going on?"

Shouldn't she be working at this time?

"A media interviewed me at the restaurant, which affected the restaurant's normal business. The manager gave me a few days of rest."

Liang Xinwei did not say that he was suspended, and did not want him to worry about himself.

"The media is love." Fang Yuchen frowned. He wanted to contact Song Yao later and let him solve the media.

"I know." Liang Xinwei smiled self-deprecatingly. "After all, my heat is higher than some stars."

Isn't the third of the Fang Group's president more eye-catching than the stars?

Hearing her self-deprecation, Fang Yuchen was very distressed and said, "I used to find you."

"No, I'm fine." Liang Xinwei didn't want to affect his work because of his own affairs.

"Stay home and wait for me."

When the words fell, Fang Yuchen hung up the phone, restarted, and drove towards the community where Liang Xinwei lived.

Liang Xin slightly put down her mobile phone, her lips twitched a faint smile, and somewhere in her heart, she seemed to have settled down a lot.

About twenty minutes later, the doorbell rang.

Liang Xinwei hurried over to open the door. As soon as he opened, he saw Fang Yuchen standing outside the door.

She smiled unconsciously.

Fang Yuchen frowned slightly, "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing. Just to see you very happy."

Liang Xin gave up and let him in.

The moment the door closed, Fang Yuchen put her arms around her waist and hugged her into her arms.

"I'm sorry to make you wronged." He said softly against her ear.

Full of apologies in the voice.

Originally, the sharp questions of the media did not make her cry, but because of his words, she instantly cried.

The whimper sounded, and Fang Yuchen was even more distressed, holding her tight as if to embed her in her body.

The two hugged each other quietly. I didn't know how long it took before Liang Xinwei's emotions eased.

"Do you feel better?"

Big palm gently stroked her soft long hair, Fang Yuchen asked softly.

"Huh." Liang Xin responded slightly dumbly.

Fang Yuchen let go of her, grabbed her hand, and rolled up her sleeves on the net, revealing a wound on the gauze.

His handsome face was filled with distress, "Why are you lying to me?"

"I'm sorry." Liang Xin slightly apologized.

Fang Yuchen raised his head and raised a hint of helpless smile, "Wei, I don't want to hear you apologize. I just want to know why you didn't tell me the truth at that time?"

"Because..." Liang Xin slightly pursed her lips, "I don't want to worry you."

"But am I not more worried now?" Fang Yuchen sighed softly. "Slightly, since we chose to be together, then there should be no concealment between us."

Liang Xin bit her lip slightly and didn't speak.

Fearing that she would be guilty, Fang Yuchen added a sentence: "I'm not blaming you. You are my girlfriend, protecting you is my responsibility, and should not let you suffer a little bit of harm."

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