Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1279: Is it too selfish?

"Of course I know that Yuchen would not do such a thing. He was just bewitched by the woman."

Ye Xiaoyi thought from the beginning to the end of Liang Xinweigou. Fang Yuchen.

"Lao Ye, if Xiao Yi said everything is true, this matter must be resolved as soon as possible." Ye Mu said.

If she worries about it, the marriage may be ruined.

"Mom, if there is no, it is true." Ye Xiaoyi dissatisfied.

Mother Ye nodded, "It's true, it's true."

Ye Father's expression was thoughtful. It took a while before he said: "In this way, Yu Chen will refuse to marry, and it must be related to that woman."

"Dad, you finally want to understand." Ye Xiaoyi finally breathed a sigh of relief. "It's the relationship with the slut. She must have said something to Yu Chen."

"No, Lao Ye, we have to come forward this time." Mother Ye didn't want her daughter to be wronged. "We have to ask Fang Jia and Yu Chen to give us an explanation. It's really impossible. We'll go find the woman."

Ye Father nodded, "Yes, I will talk to the old party."

Ye Xiaoyi walked over, sat next to him, hugged him, coquettishly said: "Dad, you still hurt me."

Ye Father turned her head to look at her, "Although this is not your fault, you can't be so impulsive in the future. Is there anything to discuss with us in advance, you know?"

"Got it." Ye Xiaoyi rested his head on his shoulder. "With you and my mother, I'm very relieved."

Mother Ye smiled, "You can rest assured, the marriage will not have an impact."

Ye Xiaoyi nodded, "Uh."

She must marry Fang Yuchen and not allow anyone or anything to destroy her relationship with Yuchen.


Fang Yuchen returned home, it was already approaching early morning.

He thought everyone was asleep, but when he entered the room, the light that had been turned off suddenly turned on, and the light was suddenly bright.

He was stunned and turned his head subconsciously to look at the living room.

I saw that Fang Teng and Shang Ying were sitting on the sofa, and their faces were very bad.

Fang Yuchen knew that they were waiting for themselves and what he was waiting for.

He took a deep breath and walked over.

"Dad, Mom, why haven't you slept yet?" His tone was as relaxed as possible.

Shang Ying looked at Fang Teng with a sullen face and said, "We are waiting for you."

Fang Yuchen laughed, "Wait for me? What if I am not coming back?"

He was as relaxed as if nothing had happened, and angered Fang Teng, scolding angrily: "Did you look at you as if you were? Go home so late! Say! Where have you been?"

"I... I work overtime in the company." Fang Yuchen lied casually.

"Working overtime at the company?" Fang Teng frowned, and sharply stared at him closely, "Yu Chen, are you treating me and your mother as a fool?"

Fang Yuchen was shocked and asked carefully: "Have you asked Song Yao?"

"Nonsense!" Fang Teng said angrily, "Today's video is so disturbing, my mother and I are still afraid of affecting your work, and want to wait for you to get off work and ask a clear question, who knows that you didn't even get off time. !"

Fang Yuchen lowered his eyes and said nothing.

"Are you looking for that woman?" Fang Teng asked.

Although Shang Ying was very angry with his son and Liang Xinwei, he still couldn't bear his son to be scolded. He could only make his eyes jealous and tell him not to tell the truth.

But Fang Yuchen still answered truthfully: "Yes, I'm looking for Weiwei."

"Ridiculous!" Fang Teng got up angry, pointed at him with his finger, and scolded: "Is there any Fang family in your eyes? Is there your grandfather?"

"Dad, can you ask this every time? If I don't have Fang's family and grandpa in my eyes, I wouldn't take the burden of Xia Shi."

Fang Yuchen really didn't like his father always asking him such questions, as if he didn't care about the Fang family at all.

But in fact, since Grandpa's car accident, the whole Fang was carrying him.

Everything he did seemed worthless to his father.

"Since you take the heavy burden, consider the matter for Fang's family!" Fang Teng said with a loud voice.

After hearing the words, Fang Yuchen laughed and smiled ironically, "Dad, can't I even have a life of my own?"

"Of course. But the big picture still has to be Fang's family!"

Anyway, in Fang Teng's eyes, the interests of Fang's family outweigh all his son's.

Although Fang Yuchen had known his father's psychology for a long time, he was inevitably cold.

He laughed softly and laughed a little helplessly, "Dad, can you think about it for me? I just want to be with the person I love, just such a little wish, you are not willing to fulfill me ?"

Seeing the sadness in his eyes, Shang Ying couldn't bear it and said, "Lao, are we too selfish? Sometimes it's time to think about it from the perspective of my son."

"Think about it from his point of view?" Fang Teng sneered. "If I think for him, how can I face Lao Ye and face other people? Others will scold our Fang family for not keeping their promises. Who is still with us."

Shang Ying frowned, "Is it as serious as you think?"

"The matter is far more serious than you think."

Fang Teng stared at Fang Yuchen fiercely. "If it were not for you, would I whisper to Lao Ye?"

It was the first time he thought he had been proud for decades, so he whispered to people other than the old man.

And the other party didn't appreciate it, every sentence was ridiculed.

Whenever I think of it, Fang Teng is mad at it.

"Isn't it enough to cancel the marriage?" Fang Yuchen really didn't understand what they insisted on.

With Fang’s current scale and the cooperation with Jin’s, Ye’s help is not needed at all.

"Is it possible to cancel marriage by saying marriage?" Fang Teng found his thoughts really naive.

"Otherwise? Buy headlines? Or hold a press conference?"

Either way, as long as he can cancel the marriage, he is willing to do it.

"Do you think it's that simple?" Fang Teng was laughed by his innocence.

"In fact, things are not as serious as you think, Dad." Fang Yuchen was helpless.

In addition to relying on the Ye family to get him a foothold in the Fang family, he really couldn't understand why his father had been married to the Ye family.

Fang Teng didn't want to talk to him about this, and turned the topic directly to the video. "You have to apologize. To apologize to Xiao Yi and the Ye family for what happened to you and Liang Xinwei, it can be regarded as an explanation to the public."

Fang Yuchen thought he had heard it wrong, "Dad, are you crazy? What apology do I have? You also watched the video, and the mistake was obviously Ye Xiaoyi."

"Yes, Ye Xiaoyi is hurting, but that is another matter. You have to know that if it were not you and Liang Xinwei, she would not be so impulsive!"

Fang Yuchen understood, in his father's eyes, his son is not as good as others Ye Xiaoyi!

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