Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1295: Can you stay with me

"Sister Sister, your husband will return to you soon." Liang Xinwei comforted.

Jiangse smiled, "Thank you."

The two chatted for a while before Liang Xinwei got up and left.

Walking out of the ward, Liang Xinwei met with Shang Ying sitting outside, and they both froze.

She reacted first, Chong Shangying nodded and said, "Auntie, I'm gone."

Shang Ying faintly said, he didn't say much.

Although Liang Xinwei felt a little sad in his heart, he smiled at her before leaving.

Looking at her figure disappearing at the corner of the corridor, Shang Ying withdrew her gaze, looking thoughtfully.

"Auntie, are you outside?"

The voice from the ward pulled her sanity back and quickly got up and walked in.

"What's wrong?" Shang Ying asked.

"It's okay. Everyone is gone, you don't have to hide outside."

"Hiding?" Shang Ying frowned, "What did I hide?"

"Isn't it?" Jiang Sesur asked.

"I..." Shang Ying wanted to explain, but there was no need to think about it, "Okay, you have the final say."

Jiang Sesur laughed out, "Auntie, you accept the reality. People have a slightly good relationship with their cousin, don't you always think about marriage, that may not be good for your cousin's other family."

"You don't understand." Shang Ying didn't want to mention this annoyance. She thought that her son was in a panic as long as she thought that her son and Liang Xinwei were interacting.

"I don't understand. I know you are for the cousin's sake, but that Ye Xiaoyi is really not suitable for the cousin."

"Never get along, how do you know it's inappropriate?"

Compared with Liang Xinwei, Shang Ying still feels that Ye Xiaoyi is more suitable for his son.

Jiang Seather was helpless, "Forget it, when I didn't say it. It's appropriate if you feel fit. Anyway, don't regret it with your uncle."

She put the words ahead, that is, they can be sure they will regret it in the future.

After all, that Ye Xiaoyi is really not suitable for his cousin.

"Sorry?" Shang Ying couldn't help laughing, "You can rest assured, we can't regret it. I don't know how to separate your cousin and Liang Xinwei now."

Jiang Sese was silent for a few seconds before speaking: "My aunt, I advise you, don't mess up, or your cousin will be angry. When he is angry, things will be in trouble."

"He is my son, I do everything for his own good, how angry is he?"

Jiang Sezhu shrugged, "I won't say it anymore, just be happy."

This is a cousin and a slight thing, she is not good to intervene too much.

I only hope that my aunt will understand as soon as possible that after all, things of affection should be happy with each other.

"Don't say this." Shang Ying turned to the topic, "I have to go home to see Xiao Bao and Tian Tian."


After lunch, Jiang Sesu lay down and prepared for a lunch break.

At this time, there was a voice outside, "This is Miss Jiang's ward."

"Thank you."

This "Thank you", his voice deep, familiar with bones.

Jiang Sesu sat almost from the bed like a conditioned reflex, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, looking at the direction of the door with expectation.

It's him!


A short knock on the door sounded.

Jiang Sezu subconsciously tightened the bed sheet and said in a loud voice: "Please come in."

There was a slight tremor in the voice.

Jin Fengchen pushed open the door and went into the ward. When he saw Jiang Sesu sitting on the bed, he paused.

The two are facing each other.

He really came!

The water vapor filled her eyes instantly. She quickly turned her head and wiped it with her hand before looking at him. She bent her lips and smiled, "You are here."

Jin Fengchen walked over and put the flowers he brought on the bedside table, "Give it to you."

Jiang Sese glanced at the bunch of flowers, which was a lily.

She likes flowers.

Not that he remembered it, but that she mentioned it when she was at Shangguan's house.

But at that time her identity was Shu Yun, how could he...

Seeing her staring at the flower all the time, Jin Fengchen thought she didn't like lily, and quickly explained: "I don't know what kind of flower you like. Just because I have a friend who likes lily, I think you might like lily too."

It turned out that he already regarded Shu Yun as a friend.

"I like lilies." Jiang Seso looked at him and continued, "You used to buy lilies for me."

"Really?" Jin Fengchen expressed an apologetic expression. "Sorry, I don't remember."

"It's okay." Jiang Sese shook his head. "You didn't forget it on purpose, don't feel sorry."

Jin Fengchen was silent for a while before speaking again: "How is your health?"

"I'm fine."

"Really?" Jin Fengchen didn't believe it, fearing she would deceive herself.

Jiang Sesel smiled, "Of course it is true, do I have to lie to you? It's you..."

She paused, her brows were the same, "Come and see me, is Shangguanyuan no opinion?"

"she does not know."

He secretly ran out while Shangguanyuan was not at home.

"Aren't you afraid of her being angry?" Jiang Sesu asked again.

Yesterday's wedding was a mess. Shangguanyuan was very angry and didn't talk to him.

And he, worried about Jiangse's situation, did not intend to speak to Shangguanyuan at all.

Even if you are angry, you just continue to ignore him.

"Not afraid." Jin Fengchen replied.

"Then... Could you be with me more?" Jiangse staring at him deeply.

Jin Fengchen laughed, "Of course."

Jiang Sese's eyes lit up, quickly jumped out of bed, took him to the chair beside the bed and sat down, "Just sit here, I want to talk to you about the past."

"What happened before?" Jin Fengchen frowned slightly.

"Well." Jiang Seso nodded. "I think you should be very interested."

"What if I say that I dare not be interested?" Jin Fengchen asked tentatively.

"Impossible. You have amnesia, and you will certainly be curious about your past, and I am your wife. I can tell you everything we have experienced."

If time permits, she really wants to tell both of them the process of realizing love.

But obviously time is not allowed, she can only tell a short story.

"Wife..." Jin Fengchen smiled. "To be honest, when I woke up, the first thing I saw was Shangguanyuan. I didn't even know that I even had a wife and even children."

Hearing this, Jiangse could not help feeling sad for a while.

If it was not Shangguanyuan, they would be reunited in Italy that time.

Sometimes it’s like a dream.

When the dream woke up, he came back.

"Then you know now, how do you feel?" Jiang Seso wondered if he had a sense of familiarity with her and Xiaobao Tiantian.

Jin Fengchen pondered for a moment before he said: "When I see you and your child crying, my heart is like something grabbed."

Jiangse's nose tipped involuntarily, and she pursed her lips, "So it's not like we don't feel it, right?"

Jin Fengchen was silent.

"You just chose to ignore the true feelings in your heart just for Shangguanyuan," Jiang said.

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