Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1305: Stand waiting for me

"Wait? When will you wait?" Jin Jin sighed heavily. "My father and I are fine, it's you."

The most distressed thing about Jin's father and Jin's mother was Jiang Sesu.

Jiang Sese smiled slightly, "Dad, Mom, don't worry about me, I'm fine."

"No, we still have to find a way to bring the vassals home." Jin Jin didn't want to drag on like this, she was afraid that her elder son would really marry another woman.

"Mom, you have to go back and think again." Jin Fengyao said.

"Okay, let's think back."

Mother Jin walked towards the car first, and Jiang Seser looked back to the second floor of the villa while walking.

At the moment, the balcony of the room where Jin Fengchen lived did not have a figure.

A moment of loss in my heart.

She turned back and got in the car.

When the car started to drive away, Jin Fengchen appeared on the balcony.

He watched the car leave until he could no longer see it, still looking at the direction of the car leaving, and did not return to the house for a long time.


After Fang Yuchen sent them back to Fang's old house, they went directly to the company.

Song Qingwan saw them coming in, looked at the probe behind them, and asked doubtfully, "Brother?"

"Still in Shangguan's house." Jin Fengyao walked over and picked up the child in her arms.

"Why didn't you bring your elder brother back?" Song Qingwan looked at Jiang Sesur, his face full of puzzles.

"He doesn't want to leave." Jiang Sesur laughed self-deprecatingly. "He cares now about Shangguanyuan's kindness to him, not me."

"Sister-in-law." Song Qingwan couldn't help but distress her.

Jiang Sese shook his head gently, "I'm really okay, don't worry about me."

Although she said so, Song Qingwan walked over and hugged her, "Brother will definitely be back to you soon."

Listening to Song Qingwan's words of comfort, Jiangse's eyes were unconsciously red, and a thin layer of mist was floating.

When is it soon?

In fact, she didn't know what was going on, but it was better to have expectations than not.

Jiang Sezhu squeezed her mouth tightly and forced her tears back, squeezing out a smile and saying, "Thank you, Qing Wan."

"Sister-in-law, if there is a place where Feng Yao needs help, you can tell him," Song Qingwan said.

"Good." Jiang Se nodded.

He said it was a way to go home, but a few people thought about it, but still did not think of a good way.

"Dad, Mom, we have to trust the vassal, he will not really forget us."

Jiang Sesi thought, the only hope now is that the vassal restore his own memory.

Father Jin nodded in agreement, "Thurse is right. The vassal is the pride of the Jin family, our good son, and the good husband of Tether, Xiaobao's sweet good father, he will not forget everyone."

"But he has just forgotten now." Jin Jin sighed, "How long do you have to wait for him to remember?"

Jiang Sesu suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, "Yes, the vassal's amnesia was artificial, and Shangguanyuan used the medicine."

Jin Fengyao instantly understood what she meant, "Do you want us to use medicine to restore my brother's memory, right?"

Jiangse nodded hurriedly, "Yes, that's what I think."

"Is this possible?" Song Qingwan asked doubtfully.

Although amnesia is due to medicine, it is probably not so simple to restore memory.

"It's unclear. You must ask Mo Xie and Han Yu about them." Jiang Sese said.

Jin Fengyao nodded, "Well, I'll ask Mo Xie them."

When the words fell, he took the phone and walked to the side to call Mo Xie.

Jiang Sese held Jin's hand and comforted: "Mom, don't think too much, we will definitely have a way."

Mother Jin patted her hand, "rest assured, I won't think too much."

Jiang Sezhu smiled and said nothing more.

On the other side, Jin Fengyao and Mo Xie finished the phone call and turned around, "Sister-in-law, Mo Xie said they could try it."

Since Mo Xie said to give it a try, it proved that there should be a way.

Jiang Sese couldn't help but relieved, "It's great."

"Then we will wait for Mo Xie's good news." Jin Fengyao said.

"Good." Jiang Sezhu nodded.


Fang Yuchen arrived at the company and took the elevator directly from the underground parking lot to the floor where his office was located.

As soon as Song Yao saw him coming, he immediately greeted him, his expression was anxious, "Mr. Fang, Miss Ye is here again."

Upon hearing this, Fang Yuchen frowned, "Where?"

"In your office."

Fang Yuchen looked at the closed door of his office and frowned, saying, "Push back today's itinerary. For other important things, call me."

When he had finished speaking, he turned to leave.

Song Yao hurried to catch up, "President, are you going to shift your work?"

Fang Yuchen glanced at him sideways, without speaking.

"Can you leave Miss Ye with me?" Song Yao thought of having to deal with Ye Xiaoyi and couldn't help shivering.

He can't afford that kind of golden lady.

"Aren't you my assistant?" Fang Yuchen didn't answer the question.

"I am your assistant, but I am responsible for your official affairs, not personal affairs."

Song Yao made a very reasonable point, and Fang Yuchen raised an eyebrow. "Then I will deal with my private affairs from today."

After he finished, he strode into the elevator.

Song Yao also wanted to follow up, but was stopped by him.

"President, you can't be so cruel." Song Yao looked at him tearfully.

Fang Yuchen bent his mouth, "You are working hard, my right-hand man."

When the words fell, he pressed the close button, and Song Yao's crying face was blocked from the door.

Fang Yuchen exhaled slowly when the elevator went down. Fortunately, Song Yao told him in time, otherwise Ye Xiaoyi would see himself, it would be troublesome.

But where to go without working?

The restaurant received an event buffet arrangement, Liang Xinwei was arranged to arrange the dining scene, was busy, the cell phone in his pocket rang, and did not have time to pick up.

It was not until all preparations were made that she walked to the corner and took out her mobile phone.

Several missed calls came from Fang Yuchen.

She quickly dialed back, and soon picked up the other side, Fang Yuchen's anxious voice came.

"Why didn't you answer the phone?"

Fang Yuchen was really anxious and thought she had happened without answering the phone.

Knowing that he was worried about himself, Liang Xinwei traced a warm current in his heart and replied softly: "The restaurant received an outdoor dinner, I was just busy."

Hearing the words, Fang Yuchen was relieved and asked, "Do you need my help?"

"No need." Liang Xinwei hurriedly refused, how dare she let the dignified group president do such rough work?

"I'm almost there. Where are you? I'll find you."

Liang Xin asked in surprise: "Don't you have to go to work?"

"I miss you."

A deep voice fell into his ears. Liang Xinwei felt that the whole person was numb. She bit her lip. "I miss you too."

Fang Yuchen's hearty laughter came from the phone, "Stand waiting for me."

When the words fell, the phone hung up.

The corner of Liang Xinwei's mouth couldn't help rising.

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