Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1536: Shangguanqian is getting married

Boglian's business has developed steadily in China, the pharmaceutical market has gradually expanded, and everything is going well.

Moreover, he privately established several medical bases and introduced many medical experts from abroad to focus on medical research.

Among them is a private medical clinic, which brings together seven or eight medical research elites from home and abroad to focus on the research and development of antidote to Jiang Sese's virus.

Berglian is determined to save Jiang Sese.

He doesn't care about the lives and deaths of others, except Jiang Sese.

He just wants her to live, maybe this is the biggest bargaining chip he can get her!

So, in any case, he must save her!

Fengchen Jin knew all about Berg's actions during this period.

"Master, does Berglian's large-scale expansion of the medical aircraft base want to restart his activities abroad?" Gu Nian asked with a worried face.

After all, Berglian is a dangerous man, and no one can figure out what he wants to do.

Fengchen Jin's face was dark, and he smiled coldly, "As a criminal, it is impossible to smoothly expand the medical base in China. He used means."

"I checked the legal persons of several medical bases, but none of them are Berglian."

The more this happens, the more dangerous Berglian is.

For Jin Fengchen and Jiang Sese, it was like a time bomb. If they were not removed quickly, they would always be in danger.

Fengchen Jin thought for a moment, then slowly said: "Find a way to collect his criminal evidence and hand it to the police, so that the police can quickly arrest him."

Gu Nian went to investigate soon, but what is strange is that no matter how Gu Nian checked it, Berg even the company he founded is legal and compliant, and there is nothing wrong with the several research bases that he established privately.

He quickly reported the situation to Jin Fengchen.

"Master, Berg is even a successful entrepreneur with his current status, and his private activities are clean, and there is nothing to be found."

Fengchen Jin squinted his eyes, "The cleaner, the more problematic."

"Don't wait and see, maybe he will show his feet someday." Gu Nian said.

Fengchen Jin pondered for a moment, and said, "Let Shuhan come to see me."

Gu Nian led his orders and left in a hurry.

After about twenty minutes, He Shuhan walked into the office and walked straight to Fengchen Jin.

"Master, you are looking for me."

"You will go abroad immediately, investigate those research bases before Berglian, find out what he has done one by one, and find a way to get evidence." Jin Fengchen said solemnly.

He Shuhan nodded, "Understood."


During this time, the entire business community looks calm, but in fact undercurrents are surging.

There are several companies that are competing for the market overtly and secretly. The market is so big that Jin has already occupied more than half of the market, and his position is unshakable.

On the contrary, the alliance between Shangguanqian and Kris Ming has recently settled a lot.

I don't know if it is really settled, or is waiting for an opportunity.

For Jin Fengchen, if the opponent did not make small moves, he would be too lazy to score energy to deal with them.

On this day, Jin Fengyao opened the door of the office and walked in hastily.

"Brother, big news."

Fengchen Jin didn't look up, and a word of "say" came out from his thin lips.

"Shangguan Qian is getting married."

The hand of flipping through the file stopped suddenly, Jin Fengchen raised his head and frowned, "Where did you get the news?"

They all know Shangguanqian's feelings for Shangguanyuan. How long did Shangguanyuan pass away? How could he marry someone else so soon?

"It's spread on the Internet."

Jin Fengyao said, handing him the phone.

Fengchen Jin saw the eye-catching title on the screen at a glance.

——Shangguan Qian will marry a single daughter.

"Brother, this single family is a famous family, and its status in Kyoto is not lost to that of the Fang family." Jin Fengyao said.

Fengchen Jin closed the documents in his hands, his eyes secretly secretive, "More than just not losing to the Fang family, they are still rivals."

Jin Fengyao analyzed: "Once the Shangguan family and the Shan family unite, it will be a headache for us."

He had to suspect that the Shangguan family was deliberate, and he married the Shan family when he knew that the Shan family and the Fang family were rivals.

This is to unite with the single family and deal with the party and the Jin family together?

"Shangguan Qian should think so too." Jin Fengchen said quietly.

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