Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1625: I will guarantee his safety

"We will definitely protect you and Madam Young!" The bodyguard took his orders.

"I'm going back to the hotel now. You reschedule a car to wait for me downstairs."


After the bodyguard took the command, the crowd disappeared into the darkness.

Fengchen Jin also got in the car and drove back to the hotel.

It was late at night, but Jiang Sese hadn't rested because he was worried, and was waiting for him while working on a plan.

Seeing that the vassal Jin came back, the stone in her heart finally fell, and she got up to read with joy, "Vassal, you finally came back."

Fengchen Jin rubbed her hair fondly, "Don't worry about me."

"Yeah." Jiang Sese nodded.

"However, we need to change places." Jin Fengchen said.

Hearing this, Jiang Sese's nerves that had just relaxed were tightened again. She looked at Jin Fengchen's body carefully and found that she was not injured, which was a little relieved.

Even so, she couldn't help but worry, "Why did you suddenly change places? Did something happen?"

"No, don't think so much."


Jiang Sese asked.

After all, Fengchen Jin was not hiding anything from her once or twice.

What's more, he usually solves such major issues by himself, and will not tell himself every time the dust settles.

He has too many criminal records!

In desperation, Fengchen Jin had no choice but to say: "No, changing places is just in case."

He didn't want Jiang Sese to worry, and deliberately concealed his attack tonight.

Moreover, the other party can find him in such a short period of time, and he will surely find the hotel soon. Instead of waiting for them to come and frighten him, it is better to transfer in advance to take precautions.


When Jiang Sese heard him say this, he also felt reasonable. The group of people was absolutely dangerous, so avoid it if you can.

Fengchen Jin said softly: "Well, the driver is waiting downstairs, we will leave after packing our luggage."

"it is good."

After packing, Fengchen Jin took her downstairs and got into the car that the bodyguard came by.

In the car, Jiang Sese turned his head to look at Fengchen Jin, "How are you talking with York, will he help?"

"It has been negotiated. He will contact Song Lan as soon as possible and will protect him."

Jiang Sese nodded, "That's good."

"By the way, my preliminary plan has been completed, can you see?" She looked at Fengchen Jin hopefully.

"it is good."

Fengchen Jin happily responded, and stared at her again, "You finished it so soon? Haven't you taken a break for a few hours?"

Jiang Sese smiled lightly, hugged his arm and said coquettishly: "No, I just did it when you were bored. You can take a look first."

Fengchen Jin had nothing to do with her, so he had to seriously consider the plan.

After reading it, he commented: "Not bad."

Jiang Sese was a little surprised. He worked very seriously and would not release water.

"There is no problem with the overall idea, but these three places..."

Fengchen Jin said, and gave her some suggestions.

She jotted it down immediately, jokingly said: "Jin Dong is really amazing and well-deserved."

Fengchen Jin raised his eyebrows, "Mrs. Jin Shao is also very good. In just one day, she can make such a bright advertising plan."

"I haven't done planning for so long, I thought there would be a lot of problems, and now it seems that I am still young."

Fengchen Jin stretched out his hand and rubbed her hair, "Yes, I believe you can, you have to give yourself more confidence."

"Listen to Dong Jin." Jiang Sese said with a smile.

During the conversation, the car drove into a villa area and stopped slowly in front of a villa.

Jiang Sese was a little strange, "Where is this?"

"It's the villa under my name. The security here is good and it will be safer than the hotel." Jin Fengchen explained as he got off the car.


Shortly after Fengchen Jin and Jiang Sese left, the group also found the hotel.

They ignored the staff and went directly to the floor where the presidential suite was located.

"Where are the people living here?" a man said angrily.

The staff shook their heads in shock, "I don't know, we really don't know."

"Say! Where did they go?" The man gritted his teeth and stared at the staff fiercely, as if treating them like ants.

The front desk trembled and said, "It hasn't been long since they left, and we don't know where they went."

The man took his subordinates angrily and left, returned to the base, and reported to the person in charge.

"Eric, they left the hotel, where they went, I haven't found out yet."

After listening, Eric was furious, "Trash! No one can look at it!"

"I'm sorry, Eric, it was our mistake, we will find them as soon as possible." The man lost his original arrogance and replied in fear.

Eric suppressed his anger and said, "Forget it, this is slow in advance. I just received the news that Song Lan will come from country D to country Y tomorrow. You are ready to take people back from me. This time, only Promise to succeed, no fail, otherwise..."

The man nodded quickly, "Don't worry, I will do it well, and I will definitely bring Song Lan to you!"

Fengchen Jin was silent for a moment after hearing the news that York had invited Song Lan to come to Country Y, and immediately dialed the phone.

"York, in order to prevent accidents, you'd better send someone to pick Song Lan."

York also took this into consideration and said: "Don't worry, I will guarantee his safety."

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