The group of people in black was scattered and left, there was no rule to speak of, it was obviously planned long ago.

Mo Tingfeng looked at the direction in which Boglian's car disappeared, his expression gloomy and terrifying, "You will keep the team to maintain order, and the others will come with me, speed!"

Immediately, Mo Tingfeng drove himself, chasing after the road where Berg connected to the mountain.

The mountain road was winding around, and when Mo Tingfeng hurried to the intersection of the mountain road, even the car exhaust had long been invisible.

Fortunately, there was only one way to go, so he raised the speed to the fastest and drove into the mountains.


Berglian knew that he was safe, and he was relieved, but his face still showed a noble look, "Who asked you to save me?"

The man in black sitting next to him respectfully said: "You will know soon, we will take you to see him now."

Since he didn't say anything, Berg even didn't bother to ask.

With their outfits, he could see that they were sent by the organization. He only had to know that he was safe.

However, he was arrested and the organization was able to let people come to save themselves, which shows that they have not yet planned to give up themselves.

When he returned to the organization, he was still the Boglian who called for trouble!

Thinking of this, I feel very refreshed.

Even if Jiang Sese likes the vassal Jin, what about the vassal Jin still can't beat himself, then will Jiang Sese be taken away?

Berglian was thinking, the car drove to the edge of a cliff, and then the car slowly stopped on the edge of the slope.

"Mr. Berglian, we are here, please get out of the car." The black man opened the car door and made a please gesture to Berglian.

Berg nodded and got out of the car without hesitation.

After getting out of the car, a group of uniformly dressed men in black, and a man with his back facing him protected by a man in black.

"Sir, Berg is here." A man in black stepped forward and said to the man.

The man turned his head and looked at Berg with joy. He smiled and said, "It's been a long time, Mr. Berglian."

Bergen recognized him at a glance, it was Kyle!

He was a little surprised, "We really haven't seen each other for a long time. Did the Lord ask you to pick me up?"

He originally thought that the Lord was only sending a few men in black to protect him, but he did not expect that he would let Kyle come here in person.

It seems that the Lord still attaches great importance to him.

You know, he and Kyle are also in a close relationship now, and being able to have such a big pomp, the master really gave him enough face.

Being caught this time does not seem to be such a bad thing. The organization already knows its loyalty, and will soon be entrusted with a heavy responsibility.

Berglian suppressed the guess in his heart and smiled gently at Kyle.

Kyle also laughed, "Yeah, the Lord is not worried that you will stay here alone, and I am afraid that you will suffer from skin and flesh, and I specially asked me to pick you up in person. Are you okay?"

Berg even shook his head, "It's okay. They won't let me die before they get the information they want to know. Don't worry, I didn't say anything, and it's not worth the organization's cultivation of me."

"That's really hard for you." Kyle nodded in satisfaction, but he was a little disdainful.

Cultivation? Heh, do you really think you are a person?

"It's too much trouble for you to run this trip too hard."

"It's a trivial matter, it's not enough. Oh, yes, the Lord has another thing for me to explain to you. This matter is classified, so..." Kyle beckoned to Berg.

Hearing the words, the people in black all around walked away with a clear understanding, to make room for them to talk.

Upon seeing this, Berg didn't even suspect that he had him, and walked forward and listened to him. "Say it, as long as it is the order of the Lord, I will definitely do it."

"Really? Then I really want to congratulate you, I am about to complete an amazing task." Kyle made a hug gesture, and then approached him.

Berg was even wondering what the task was, without any defense.

Unexpectedly, Kyle suddenly took out a dagger, and pierced it directly into Berglian's abdomen with lightning speed.

Berg succumbed to pain, pushed Kyle away suddenly, looking at Kyle in disbelief, "Kel, you...what are you doing?"

The blood from the wound instantly stained his clothes red, and he was a little speechless in pain.

There was no burden on Kyle's face, he smiled.

"Didn't you say that as long as it is arranged by the Lord, you will definitely do it? Unfortunately, the Lord said that he wants you to die, so you should be obedient."

After speaking, he kicked Berglian's wound and kicked the person out.

Berglian fell towards the edge of the cliff, there was nothing to focus on around him, and he rolled straight down the cliff.

Seeing that the person had fallen, Kyle's smile was even stronger, "Who wants to call you a brother, but it's just rubbish, and I want to rescue you personally? It's beautiful!"

After that, Kyle didn't mind getting into the car, "Let's go."

Immediately, the entire team of dozens of people left this place quietly.


As soon as they walked on the front foot, the sound of the car came from the hill on the back foot.

"Captain has no way ahead." Mo Tingfeng's subordinate said.

The car stopped on the edge of the cliff. Mo Tingfeng frowned and got out of the car. He looked around. When he saw the ground not far away, his pupils suddenly tightened.

That is a pool of blood!

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