Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 817: I have no obligation to be responsible to her

Determined, she was about to speak, but Berglian stepped in with her first step: "Don't refuse anymore, Sofia, I sincerely help you."

  Seeing that he insisted on this, Jiangse Se was a little embarrassed and said, "Mr. Berglian, I really appreciate you..."

   Berg shrugged his shoulders, and didn't care: "Then you accept my help, after all, I hurt you, don't want to owe your favor, okay?"

   Seeing this, Jiang Sese had to get off his words and followed him into the car.

   got into Bergen's car again, and Jiang Sesur's nervousness and tiredness all night broke out at this time, and his eyelids began to fight.

   But she still remembers, this is someone else's car, she can't just fall asleep.

  Ten fingers clenched quietly, fingernails pinched into palm, relying on pain to stay awake.

   Berger even glanced at Gangse's calf, lowered the air conditioner a little, and asked softly, "Sophia, does your leg still hurt?"

  Thanks for his carefulness and thoughtfulness, he smiled and said, "It's much better."

"That's good."

   Berg even raised a pleasant arc at the corner of his mouth.

   The car drove for a few minutes and saw a hotel.

   parked the car, and Berg went in with Jiang Sesel.

   The hotel lobby is brightly lit and the decoration is very impressive.

  Jiangseyou looked at this place and knew that the price was not cheap.

  She wanted to stop Bergen, just look for a small hotel, not so luxurious...

   Bergen seemed to see what she was thinking, smiled slightly, and appeased: "It's okay, I can afford the room here."

Afterwards, he went straight to the front desk, took a room card after a while, and handed it to her, seriously said: "Lock the door at night, don't open it to anyone, but the security measures here are not bad, there should be no what is the problem."

  Jianse Se took the room card and was grateful, "Thank you, can you leave a contact?"

   For her request, Bergen was of course extremely happy and gave it very readily.

   Jiang Seser took it solemnly and said again: "I will definitely return the money to you, Mr. Berglian."

   The reason why she wants to contact her is to pay back the money.


   This is somewhat unexpected from Bergen...

   After all, the woman he met, all wanted something from him.

  Simple person like her, really met for the first time.

   He couldn't help but re-examine the woman in front of him.

   is of extraordinary temperament, decent speech, and personality, and really wants to know which big family she is from.

   Although she said something...

   But if the beauty can contact herself, it is also a very good thing.

  Before leaving, Bergen once again urged: "Your legs can't touch the water, don't forget."

   Jiang Sezhu nodded.

   Then watched Berger leave.

  Jiangsu turned and walked into the elevator, sighing that she was lucky.

  If she didn't meet Bergen, she really didn't know what to do today.

  The bright elevator walls reflected Jiangse's pale but clear cheeks, her eyebrows frowned a little.

  In the quiet space, Jin Fengchen's face could not help but appear in front of her.

   Where is he now...

   was taken to Italy by Fu Jingyun, did he know? Will he come over?

  These are all ignorant.

  After the elevator reached the floor, she walked out, and now the most important thing is to rest well, so as to be able to do other things.

  After arriving in the room, Jiang Sezuo carefully locked the door.

   After confirming that nothing would happen, he turned to the bathroom.


   Bergen strode down the steps of the hotel, his expression relaxed unexpectedly.

   A man in a black suit helped him open the door. He waited until Berg even sat in before he returned to the driver's seat.

   "Sir, why are you suddenly interested in a strange woman?"

   looked through the rearview mirror and saw Bergen's smiling face, and he was startled.

   Tonight, he looked at everything.

   thought it was incredible that Bergen was not a kindhearted person.

   In fact, his heart is very hard, and he can shoot people without a blink of an eye.

  Don't say what the woman did not hit at all, even if it was killed, it was not a big deal for Bergen.

   can get yourself clean in one sentence.

   But he even kindly sent the person to the hospital, and opened her to open a room, and did not take advantage of the situation.

   This is abnormal.

   is completely unlike the Bergen he knew.

  Be aware that in the eyes of outsiders, Bergen is a very cold-hearted and ruthless man.

  Berg leaned back on the seat leisurely, remembering Jiang Se's exquisite face, the smile on the corners of his lips grew thicker.

   "It's nothing, but I haven't seen such a beautiful oriental face for a long time."

  Jiang Suther fell down in front of his car, the moment the headlight shone on her face, her perfect facial features were exposed to him in a very impactful way.

   Bergen was indeed amazing.

  Because of his identity, Berg has even met countless beauties, and no one is more beautiful than Jensen.

   But she has a very unique temperament, which makes people look particularly at ease and quiet.

   looked at Berg's smile in his eyes, and he felt a sigh of relief, and quickly said: "Sir, don't you mention her on the young lady's side."

  If the young lady saw the expression of Bergen, 80% would be turned upside down.

   heard that Berg smiled slightly on his face.

   stretched his hand and flicked the dust that did not exist on the legs of the pants, and said casually: "You mean, I still have to be controlled by her?"

  'S back was cold, and he quickly explained: "I don't mean that, it's just that Madam Young has always been affectionate to you. If you know it, I'm afraid it will be psychologically unacceptable."

   Berg's voice was cold, "I can't accept it, I have to accept it, I have no obligation to be responsible for her!"

   The men dared not speak.

   But thinking about not being able to fall over there now, he boldly reminded: "The young lady's family..."

   Berg chuckled, "It was for her family that I tolerated until now, otherwise you think, why can she stay with me for so long?"

   Cold-blooded and ruthless character, exposed completely.

   Here in Bergen, there are only eternal interests, family, love, all set aside.

   Bergen closed his eyes slightly, and the street lights on both sides shined through his car window on his expressionless face, which was outstanding and cold and amazing.

   "A woman who is just a springboard of interest, I will throw her away sooner or later, what qualifications does she have to take care of me!"

   came out with a chilling discourse, and he dared not speak more.

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