Although there has been speculation for a long time, Jin Fengchen sneered when he heard Bergerian's name.

   "He really is not dead."

   said a little, his beautiful eyebrows slightly frowned.

  Belinger is like a viper hidden in the dark, beware of him coming up to bite you at any time.

  King frowned as he looked at Jin Fengchen's expression.

   They are at the site of Bergen, and there are many inconveniences in their actions. If they are in China at this time, where would they worry about Bergen’s entanglement?

   But the situation facing them today is that they do not have any documents for Jiang Sesur.

   Without documents, I will not be able to leave here after a while.

   "Fu Jingyun." Almost a bit of teeth, Jin Fengchen said the name in a low voice.

  If Fu Jingyun didn't take all Jiangse's documents away, they didn't need to be so careful.

  His love was too extreme, and he fled to the camp of the people who hurt Gangse, and also took away the documents of Gangse, making them difficult.

   "Then they watched the people on their side, try to get things back as soon as possible, and leave here to be safe."

   Jin Fengchen rubbed his eyebrows and commanded.

  Before leaving, I can only take one step at a time.

   "Yes." King bowed his head and answered, seeing that Feng Feng Jin had no other explanation, he left first.

   Jin Fengchen returned to the room, seeing Jiang Seso still taking a shower, and pacing to the floor-to-ceiling windows.

  Two minutes later, Jiang Sesur came out of the bathroom with hot air, and her cheeks were flushed with light blush, and her long bathrobe hung down, exposing a white leg like a porcelain.

   Long hair is wet, dripping water down, falling on the floor, splashing a drop of water.

   "The vassal." Jiang Sesur looked at the tall back standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, and cried softly.

   Jin Fengchen turned around and saw a little woman who was standing softly not far away, could not help smiling lightly, the irritability haunting her heart suddenly vanished.

   He stepped forward to Jiang Sesur, naturally took the towel in her hand, and gently helped her wipe her hair.

   "You dry it later and come out again, otherwise it will get cold easily." Jin Fengchen wiped it, and still reminded her.

   She always likes to come out with her hair wet, and it would be bad if she gets caught in the cold wind.

   Jiang Sezuo stood obediently, crying and laughing when he heard Jin Fengchen's words.

  Since the two were together, Jin Fengchen became more and more worried, and the general Mr. Jin in front of outsiders could be judged as two.

   "Okay, sit down, I'll blow your hair." Jin Fengchen looked at Jiangse's smiling eyes, his tone softening.

   Jiangse's hair quality is excellent, just like the fine silk, smooth and soft.

   Pulling Jiang Sesuo to sit down on the edge of the bed, Jin Fengchen plugged in the hair dryer, turned on the switch, slender fingers shuttled between her hair, eyes were very focused, as if treating a very important thing.

   After the hair is dried, the fragrance of the shampoo becomes more and more obvious.

   mixed with the unique breath of Jiang Sesur, and penetrated into Jin Fengchen's breath, which made him a little bit of heart.

   "Is it alright." Jiang Sesur felt his movement stop, and could not help asking gently.

   The voice with nasal sounds is a bit soft and sweet, as if with a sweet taste.

   Jin Fengchen chuckled softly, his magnetically low voice made Jiangse's mind slightly tremble.

   Jin Fengchen put down the hair dryer in his hand and sat down beside her, looking directly at her watery eyes.

  Unidentified, he tilted his head, and blinked and asked, "What's wrong?"

   "It's okay." Jin Fengchen shook his head with a chuckle.

   He didn't want to worry about Jiang Sesur because of those troubles, he knew all these things on his own, he hoped that the little woman next to him could be carefree all his life.

   However, Jiangse was sensitive to her temper. She felt that the man's mood in front of her seemed not very good, so she hooked her mouth and smiled sweetly and sweetly.

  She didn't know what she could help him, maybe it would add to the chaos for him.

   What she can do is to let Jin Fengchen not worry about her, but can deal with other things without worries.

   looked at Jiang Sesur in front of him, and the tenderness in Jin Fengchen's eyes almost disappeared, his hands clasped her shoulders, lowered her head, and couldn't help but kiss.

  Jiangsu was stunned, but his body gradually softened, and he couldn't help but stretch his hand to hook his neck, almost all of them slumped in his arms.

   For a long time, when Jiang Sesel was almost out of breath, Jin Fengchen loosened her with unwillingness.

  Jiangse's cheeks were reddened, the ears were also red, and the ear lobes were glamorous, making people want to take a bite.

   Jin Fengchen thought so and did so.

  , put the little woman in her arms, lowered her head slightly, took a bite in her earlobe, leaving a shallow impression.

   Jiang Sesur exclaimed and came out of Jin Fengchen's arms, but was pressed back by him.

   "It's sweet."

   Jin Fengchen finished whispering, and Jiangse was buried in his arms embarrassedly, and refused to look up.

   The man's fingertips rubbed against that shallow tooth mark, and he was momentarily distracted.

   Jin Fengchen clasped her back with one hand, and a voice rang near her ear, "I can't take you out of here yet."

   If he is the only one, he will not be afraid of other people's challenges, or even a little excited.

   He is not at ease, is now with Jiang Sesu.

   Once people have weaknesses, they will think about it.

  Jianse Se heard Jin Fengchen's low voice, and he was stunned. He seemed to know what he was thinking, and hugged him backhand: "It doesn't matter, as long as you are with you, it's the same everywhere."

   Hearing Jiang Se's soft and soft words, full of trust, Jin Fengchen directly overwhelmed her on the bed.

  The shadow of a large film was pressed down, and Jiang Sesur looked at Jin Fengchen, who had a deep vision, and intuition about what was going to happen, his face was even more red, and he buried himself in the quilt, but was caught by Jin Fengchen again.

   "Ser." The low, dull man's voice rang in Jiang Ser's ear.

   The clothes were gradually scattered on the floor, the moonlight outside the window sprinkled a little through the gap between the curtains, and it seemed to be snooping inside the secret.

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