Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 828: Don't let me hate you

Suddenly there was a sound, with a little helplessness.

   Jin Fengchen's gaze condensed, squeezing Jiangse's hand and walking in, someone was waiting for them.

   "Mr. Fu is waiting for you upstairs."

   The two of them walked upstairs slowly, and Jiang Sesur looked at the things in this villa, but couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

  Fu Jingyun still likes these boring and lifeless things as always, just as meticulous as he is.

   walked upstairs to the living room, and Jiang Sesu couldn't help being nervous.

   Fu Jingyun was sitting on a chair with a tea cup, looking out the window and wondering what he was thinking.

   seemed to know that they had come up, but Fu Jingyun turned around, but his eyes fell on Jiangse Se, long and distant, with undisguised feelings.

  Jiangsu looked down, his palms were already moistened.

  Fu Jingyun, although now standing on the opposite of her, at least once saved her.

   It is just that she already has Jin Fengchen, and there is no way to make any other response to that deep love.

  Fu Jingyun saw her expression and tickled her lips with self-deprecation.

   Jin Fengchen frowned and took a step forward without any trace, blocking himself in front of Jiangse Se, blocking his gaze.

   "Fu Jingyun, I won't go around with you, and hand over Thurse's certificate."

  Fu Jingyun put down the tea cup in his hand, and he was not in a hurry, because his position was thought out early in the morning.


   Those documents are his only bargaining chip. If he is given to Jin Feng and let them leave, I am afraid that he will never see Jiang Sesel in his life.

   He is greedy. Although she doesn’t share the same sky with herself now, as long as she doesn’t leave, he can occasionally glance at her, even if it’s just a glance.

   This answer is not unexpected, Jin Fengchen had not expected to be able to get the documents back so easily.

   The love in front of this person has reached a point of paranoia, but he loves the wrong person.

   He lost Jiang Sesur once, and this time he would not let anyone down.

   Carefully guarded the silent Jangse behind him, and Jin Fengchen's tone instantly slammed.

   "You took her here without my permission. I patiently didn't do it. It's because you took care of their mother and daughter for so many years.

  Fu Jingyun, your so-called love for her is simply selfish behavior. You are not worthy of loving her at all. You are only doing it for your own selfish desires. "

   The merciless words were loud and loud, making Fu Jingyun's face pale at once.

  How can he do this?

   What is his qualification to devalue such a deep affection and love for Jiang Sus?

  Isn't it just a king and a defeat? Now that Jin Fengchen has won, can I say his love for Jiangse?

Fu Jingyun stared angrily at Jin Fengchen with his hands clenched into fists. "Jin Fengjun, don't be too excessive! I love her, so I want her to stay here and see her safety. What about you? You? I have lost her for three years, and even her safety cannot be guaranteed. You are not qualified to say me!"

   once lost Jiangse's mother and daughter, it was the most guilty thing in Jin Fengchen's life.

   is now being spoken out by his own rivals. It is undoubtedly a pain. The three years were so painful. He was almost digging for the ground, and he couldn't find it all night.

  Jianse Se felt the loss of Jin Fengchen and held his big hand with his backhand.

   The soft and warm feeling came from the palm, like a silent comfort.

"How I was with her at the time, it wasn't your turn to put your beak. At least, the person standing next to her is me, and I have never harmed her, and you?" Jin Fengchen sneered and looked at Chang Qiang. Pretending to be calm Fu Jingyun.

  Jianse Se, who had been silent, pursed her lips, as if she had made up her mind.

  When she asked to come together, she made a decision.

   Fu Jingyun was indeed very good to her, but because of this good, she can no longer leave Fu Jingyun any hope.

   Only by completely giving up on her, Fu Jingyun could have a new beginning.

   "Jingyun, I won't love you, and I don't want to hate you, please don't let me hate you." Jiangse's voice is still soft, but it seems to bring a trace of decisiveness again.

   She stepped forward and stood side by side with Jin Fengchen, and finally faced all this.

   Fu Jingyun looked at her almost greedily. She was still gentle and kind, but she said this to him.

  He knew that one day, he would look at Jin Fengchen and Jiang Seso standing opposite him, so he would blame him.

  He didn't want Jiangse to hate him.

   But all of this is unfair, why is it that he is the one standing next to Jiang Sesur?

   Fu Jingyun crossed his eyes in disbelief, almost blurted out with **** tears, "Obviously, I have kept you for so many years! He just appeared earlier than me, why?! Why can't it be me!"

  Although, from the day he saved Jiangse, he knew that this woman did not belong to herself.

   She is pregnant with a child, she is the wife of someone else.

   However, as time went on, his love for Jiang Sesur grew deeper and deeper.

   He is not reconciled!

   He loves no less than Jin Fengchen, he doesn’t mind her having children, everything about her, as long as she can stand by her side.

  Jianse Se listened to what he said, and he once treated her well, and immediately came to mind.

   The tip of her nose was sour, the mist in front of her spread out, and she could hardly see Fu Jingyun in front of her.

  She forced her tears back and choked with tears, saying, "We, must we make it like this? Jing Yun, return the certificate to me, I have my family, and you deserve better."

  Fu Jingyun raised his lips, but said nothing.

  He deserves better?

   But in his eyes, there is nothing better than Jiang Sesu.

  'S eyes fell on the two again, holding tightly the hands that hadn't been let go, and his heart was twitching painfully, making him breathless.

   The composure of calmness almost collapsed, and he would always be easily unloaded in front of her.

  The silence filled the huge living room, and Fu Jingyun was fighting with himself fiercely.

  He doesn't want to be hated by Jiangse Se in his life, so what's the point of living alive?

   He always hoped that he was still the meticulous Fu Jingyun in Jiangse's eyes.

   is a person she can rely on, can be familiar with, and is safe to call Jingyun.

   But once he surrendered his documents, she would never stay with her.

   Both are cliffs. Fu Jingyun stood in the middle, looking at the bottomless abyss, helpless and confused.

   A ring of bells broke the silence of several people, accompanied by a woman's inquiry: "Is anyone there?"

   is Catherine's voice!

  Jiangseur almost changed his face almost instantaneously, Fu Jingyun also recovered from his thoughts, frowned, looked at the two in front of him, and said quietly, "You hide first."

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