The next day, after Feng Feng explained his follow-up, he planned to take Jiang Sesur back to France.

  The two children in the family and Jiang Mu look forward to it every day. Anyway, on the Italian side, there is King.

   Berg suffered a loss, and naturally sent people to pay close attention to Jin Fengchen's movements, knew the news that he was leaving, and immediately couldn't breathe.

  When he arrived at the airport, Jin Fengchen felt a few purposeful eyes behind him.

   glanced back and found a few people who were not right, staring at them intently.

   When looking at Shang Jin Fengchen, several people quickly lowered their heads again.

  Jiang Se, who was held in his arms by King Feng, also felt a little different, so he whispered and asked: "Faith, what happened, is there something wrong?"

   Jin Fengchen shook his head and whispered: "Thur, no matter what happens for a while, don't look back, just hold me."

  The words fell, and Jin Fengchen took Jiangse's footsteps and couldn't help but speed up a lot.

The people behind    also accelerated their pace.

   originally thought that they could get rid of them when they boarded the plane. They never thought that they had prepared their tickets and kept up with them.

  After boarding the plane and entering the first-class cabin, Jin Fengchen quickly arranged Jiangse.

  Guinian is behind a few people, but has not come.

   When Jin Fengchen got up, Jin Fengchen felt a white light coming towards him, he sideways alertly escaped.

   A small strand of hair slipped down the blade.

When    saw the knife across Jin Fengchen's cheek, Jiangse's heart instantly raised his throat.

   She covered her mouth tightly. If she exclaimed, it would surely distract Jin Fengchen.

  Because it is still on boarding time, the flight attendant has not come yet.

  After Jin Fengchen escaped the attack of the previous person, two people on both sides of the body immediately came over and surrounded Jin Fengchen in the middle.

   The man was unsuccessful in the first attempt, cursed, and made a gesture, the three of them rushed towards Jin Fengchen directly.

   The skill of several people is very good, and Rao Shi Jin Fengchen couldn't help but be overwhelmed.

   Their cooperation entangled Jin Fengchen to death without giving him any chance to breathe.

   After a few rounds, Jin Fengchen's forehead exuded a tiny bead of sweat.

  In this confined space, blindly dodge will only bring yourself into a deadlock.

   Jin Fengchen knew this reason, so he found the right time, he took the opportunity to change the way of attack.

   Faced with the sudden change of Jin Fengchen, the three people on the opposite side were obviously not ready. The formation was directly broken by Jin Fengchen, and he became strenuous and withdrew from gasping.

  After a short gap, Jin Fengchen's energy recovered a little.

  Before the opponent's body eased over, he rolled up his sleeves casually and prepared to take the initiative to step forward.

   "The vassal!" Jiangse Se grabbed his sleeve a little flustered.

  The few big men were very poor and fierce, and their skills were good. Jiang Sesur feared that Jin Fengchen would be injured.

   Jin Fengchen took her hand and squeezed, and gave her a deep look: "Wait for me for a few minutes."

  What Jiang Jiangther said, Jin Fengchen had already strode over.

   Her anxious probe looked around and saw an extremely tall bodyguard with her fist hitting Jin Fengchen.

  Instead of avoiding the latter, he greeted him and flew directly to kick the man out.

   happens to be, at this time Gu Nian several people followed up, with their joining, several big Hans retreated.

   was soon uniformed, tied together, and thrown in the corner.

   After the boarding time, the flight attendant is ready to enter the first class to take care of passengers.

  Whoever expected that, when he came in, he saw such a scene, and he was terrified.

  Gu Nian said in a cold voice: "They are also passengers of this flight. They feel more comfortable to sit like this. If you are interested, you will not see what you should do."

   They were able to board the plane and naturally bought a ticket.

   The stewardess froze for a while, and when I came back to want to call the police, the plane had already taken off.


   "Who sent you?"

   Although Jin Fengchen fought a fight, his hair was only a little messy, and everything else was intact, and he was not injured.

   is in stark contrast to the embarrassment of several people.

   He walked slowly to the three men, and the condescending stares at the three men, and the powerful gas field made them almost breathless.

  However, these three people are also stiff, even though they can't help shaking, they still refuse to speak.

   Jin Fengchen's eyes swept over their faces one by one, just like looking at a group of dead people.

  Gu Nian stepped on one of them and made a scream.

   Next second, he directly stuffed a ball of paper into the man's mouth, making him unable to scream.

   "Mr. Jin asked, are your ears deaf?" Gu Nian said blankly.

  What Gu Nian should do, Jin Fengchen stopped him and said lightly: "No need to ask, just look at people."

   He raised his hand and looked at the time, his voice was cool: "Get off the plane and let the police handle it."

  After he finished speaking, he turned around and left this chaotic place, grabbing Jiang Sesu and sitting in a seat that was not affected.

  Seeing him come back, Jiang Seser looked at him anxiously up and down, and went to lift his clothes.

   "Are you injured?"

   Jin Fengchen raised the corner of his mouth, held her hand, completely collected the coldness of the talent, soft tone, "Your husband is so powerful, this little thing, will not hurt."

  Jianse Se was worried about him and had no time to take care of his joking words.

  Uncertainly inspected everything on his body and found blood on his hands.

   was about to help her deal with it, Jin Fengchen evaded his hand and touched her head with the other hand.

   "This is someone else's blood, it's okay, I'll deal with it."

   said that he got up and went to the bathroom, and Jiang Sesu felt uneasy and got up and followed.

   Two hours later, the plane landed at the French airport.

  The police car had already been waiting outside the airport, pressing several bruised men into the car.

   One of the policemen came over and recognized that the man in front of him was an important person in the business world who often appeared on TV and magazines, but he still said in public affairs: "I'm sorry, but please go with us."


   Jin Fengchen is very cooperative.

   It's just that the police car is not enough to sit, they are sitting in the car to pick up the aircraft.


   Police station.

   "Mr. Jin, do you know those people?"

   "I don't know. It didn't take long for us to get on the plane and we were suddenly attacked. Several of my subordinates were injured to varying degrees in order to protect me and my wife."

   Jin Fengchen's voice is very quiet, but listen carefully, you can hear his displeasure.

   The policeman who wrote the notes nodded and said, "Do you have any guesses about their identity?"

   Jin Fengchen slowly shook his head and said: "I don't know, but I know a little, they are fierce, they intend to kill me, please be sure to check it."

  The police nodded and said: "This is natural, Mr. Jin is relieved."

  After finishing the transcript, Jin Fengchen came out from inside.

  Gu Nian walked in front of him and reported the news he had just probed to Jin Fengchen.

   "The gang was designated as the murderer because of the bad nature and he has been detained in prison, but it has not caused too bad results. It is estimated that it will not be detained for too long. Do we want to..."

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