Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 837: Took this medicine

He hung up the phone and told Jiang Sesur and Fang Xueman that the company had something to do and he had to go out.

  He did not dare to tell Thurse that there was new progress over the institute. He worried that Thur would be even more disappointed if it was not good progress.

  Jianse Se heard that it was the company's business, and did not ask too much, only asked him to pay attention to safety.

   Jin Fengchen nodded, grabbed the car key, and drove straight to the institute.

  After he arrived, Mo Xie said respectfully, "Young Master."

   Jin Fengchen nodded his head and said in a deep voice: "You said on the phone, what's going on with new progress?"

   Han Yu and Mo Xie looked at each other, and both of them had smiles on their faces.

   "Han Yu and I have done countless experiments and found a drug that can suppress the virus in the young lady."

  Mo Xie said that he handed the report in his hand to Jin Fengchen, pointed to a complex data above, explained it, and then summed up, "It is this drug that can suppress the virus."

   Jin Fengchen took the report in his hand and frowned.

   "Just suppress?"

   "Yes, it's just suppression for now."

  Han Yu's excited heart was so questioned and calmed down.

  Although no drug has been found to completely cure the virus, it is not easy to find a drug that can suppress the virus.

"How's the effect?"

   "At least it can delay the onset of the virus in the young lady." Mo Xie said truthfully.

  Jin Feng nodded, it was better to postpone than not.

   He pondered for a while and asked again: "Have you tried it?"

   "Of course, Han Yu and I have repeatedly experimented many times, and there will be no problem."

"it is good."

  Father Jin was relieved. Mo Xie handed him a bottle of medicine and told him, "Take one pill every three days. Master, you need to record the reaction of Madam Young after taking the medicine.

  If there is something wrong, please contact me in time, after all, this medicine is not its real antidote. "

"it is good."



   When Jin Fengchen returned home, Jiang Sesur had finished his bath, and Jin Fengchen walked into the bedroom with a glass of water.

   Afterwards, he handed the medicine in his hand to Jiang Sesur, "Thur, eat this medicine, it will help your body."

"it is good."

  Jianse Se directly put the medicine in her mouth and swallowed it with water without any hesitation.

  Because she knew that Jin Fengchen would never harm her.

   He said it would help his body, then there must be.

   finally returned to Jin's house, and Jiang Sesur was extremely at ease.

   This night was the most stable night for her since this day.

   is surrounded by men who love her, and she has returned to her children and mother.

   The happiest thing in the world is to stay with family.

  Jianse Se remembered that he had promised two little guys at night to take them out to play, and looked up at Jin Fengchen, "I promised Xiaobao and Tiantian, and take them out to play tomorrow, do you have time?"


   Jin Fengchen smiled softly and took the people into his arms.

  The next day, Jiang Sesu got up early to prepare breakfast for the family.

   When Jin Fengchen woke up, he realized that the people around him were no longer there, and he panicked.

   However, he quickly found Jiang Sesur's busy figure in the kitchen. He walked quickly behind Jiang Sese and hugged her directly from behind.

   was suddenly hugged by him, and Jiang Sesu, who was serving congee, could not help but pause.

   turned back to see the uneasiness in his eyes, and felt a little bit distressed at once.

   looked at each other, Jin Fengchen couldn't help but want to kiss her lips.

   As he was about to act, Xiaobao walked over with Tiantian.

   Surrounded Jiang Sesai spoiledly said: "Mother Daddy, what delicious food are we having this morning?"

   "Today I boiled the porridge and there are some desserts. You go to wash."

   The words fell, and Jiang Seso handed Jin Fengchen a look, beckoning him to leave with two children.

   hasn't kissed his wife yet, Jin Fengchen is somewhat dissatisfied.

   But when he raised his eyes to see Jiang Sesel's glance, he had to take them out of the kitchen.

   The family can get together, is undoubtedly the most simple and precious happiness.

   While eating breakfast, Jin Fengchen looked at the breakfast at a table and felt a little emotion in his heart.

  Tian Tian reached out to get a milk bag, but she was too young to get it.

   Fang Xueman clipped her and touched her soft hair.

  Take it with a smile, and stick out chopsticks in a decent way, so I have to give everyone something.

   However, she was still very unskilled in using chopsticks, and spent a long time to get started, and took a small cake for everyone.

   Then she raised her head flauntingly and said, "Mummy look, this is the braid braided by my grandmother today."

  Jiangse touched her little braid, looking very delicate and cute, and said with a smile: "It's so beautiful, do you thank grandma?"

   "Of course!" He looked up sweetly in his head, looking like a compliment.

   The family couldn't help laughing.

  After eating breakfast, Fang Xueman hugged Tian Tian, ​​Xiao Bao consciously jumped off the seat, and raised his head to ask Jiang Suther.

   "Mommy, yesterday you said you would take us out to play, where did you go?"

  Jiangsezu's slender, white fingers tapped on the tip of his little nose, "You guess, if you guess, Mummy will give you extra rewards, and if your sister guesses, there will be rewards."

   words fell, sweet and Xiaobao will guess with excitement.

   Jin Fengchen dressed very casually today, bent over and hugged sweetly, threw it into the air, and in the sweet giggling laughter, he firmly caught the small dumpling.

   "Don't guess, Daddy will take you here."

After getting in the car, Jin Fengchen patted the position of the driver's seat and asked Jiang Sesu to sit over.

  Jiangsu froze for a moment, and hesitated a little: "It has rarely been opened recently, and it's a bit raw."

   Jin Fengchen smiled softly, "Don't be afraid if I'm here."

   Just a few words, let Jiang Sesur instantly feel at ease.

  Looking back, her sons and daughters had fastened their seat belts, and Fang Xueman sat down, and nodded.

   Jin Fengchen patted her hand and said, "It's okay, take your time, I've been there."

  Jianse Se was a little nervous at first, but after getting familiar with it, she slowly relaxed her body.

   Fortunately, the place is not far away, and Jiang Sesu found an empty parking space in a large zoo parking lot and stopped.

   sweet cheers: "There are giraffes to watch, daddy I want ice cream and chips!"

   The words fell, Jin Fengchen smiled and rubbed the top of sweet head, spoiled and said: "Okay, sweet can do anything."


   On the other side, in the research center, Fu Jingyun put on his white coat and entered the base by fingerprint.

   Yesterday evening, he received the news that Jensen had already returned to France. He didn't sleep well all night, and now there is still a little black.

   Now he must stay here, gain the trust of Bergen and get what Professor Curry is studying.

   This is what he owes to Jiang Sesel. If he is destined to lose, then... let the person he likes get less injuries.

  However, Professor Curry was very guarded. He also had some time to enter the institute and always sent him to do some daily chores.

   Fu Jingyun can repeat those boring operations with his eyes closed.

   These operations are indispensable steps for success, but anyone can do it.

  He didn't really want to learn anything harmful from this professor, but even if he was restless, he couldn't show it even a little bit.

  Otherwise, it is really stupid.

  Fu Jingyun frowned and went to the laboratory.

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