Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 857: Wouldn't it be a fake

This unjustified hostility left Jiang Sesur a little puzzled, but she didn't pay attention to it.

   Fang Yuchen actually saw it. He first brought a family of four to the rest area, then took two empty glasses and poured a glass of juice for Tian Tian and Xiao Bao.

   Then introduced to Jiang Sese: "The direction on the front left side is Uncle Fangcheng, which is your uncle."

   He lifted his chin and nodded in the direction he said, beckoning Jiang Sesu to see it.

  The latter and Jin Fengchen looked in that direction.

   Two middle-aged men and women stand side by side, the man is thin and tall, his face does not look kind, and there is a shrewd taste.

   And the middle-aged woman beside him is almost twice the size of him, and his face is full of fat.

   Even a pearlescent costume can't hide the fierce temperament.

   The two were still standing next to the famous gentleman in a young suit, and their eyebrows were somewhat similar to those of the two.

  Jiang Sesel gave him a few glances. After meeting with him, Fang Yuchen introduced in due time: "It was the uncle's son, named Fang Yiming. He was in charge of the industry of Fang Group's overseas branches and had good capabilities."

  Jiangse Seul responded, taking back her sight on Fang Yiming.

   Fang Yuchen, after fixing the straw in the cup for Tian Tian, ​​pointed to another direction.

   motioned for them to watch.

   "That's the second uncle Fang Rui and his two sons. On the left is the second uncle's eldest son, named Fang Yanxin, who is in charge of some domestic industries of the Fang Group.

  The youngest son, dialect Qin, has been idle all day long and cynical. On such occasions on weekdays, no one is seen at all...I didn't expect them to be here today. "

  Jianse Se looked up.

   Fang Rui's family looks like Fang Cheng, they are brothers after all.

   The dialect Xin beside Fang Rui, his eyebrows were somewhat arrogant.

  His younger brother, dialect Qin, is a kind of kidney deficiency with excessive desire.

  Jianse Se glanced back with only one glance.

  Neither of them looks pleasing to the eye, it is better not to watch.

   "Thurs, I will take you to meet my parents, they have been chatting in my ear for days."

   After a brief introduction, Fang Yuchen turned his head and said to Jiang Sese.


   Fang Yuchen led a family of four to meet his parents.

   Fang's father Fang Tengnong's eyebrows and big eyes, the awe-inspiring integrity between the eyebrows and the Fangcheng Fangrui are completely different.

   Mother Shang Ying is also Wen Wanxianshu, with her book spirit.

   "Dad, Mom, this is the aunt's daughter, Jiangse Se."

   Fang Yuchen introduces Jiang Sesur to his parents.

When he heard Fang Xueman's daughter, Fang Teng and his wife immediately focused their attention on Jiang Sesur.

   Jiangse's eyes bent softly and shouted softly: "Little uncle, little uncle."

   "Good, good!"

   Fang Teng looked excitedly and patted Jiangse's shoulder, his eyes were a little hot.

   At Fang's house, he has the best relationship with Fang Xueman.

  I haven't seen you for so long, and suddenly I saw Fang Xueman's daughter.

  Shang Ying, too, Fang Xueman was very good to her at home.

   "Surther, I didn't expect you to be so old."

  Shang Ying reached out and held Jiangse's arm intimately, with a little joy in her eyes.

   Fang Teng carefully looked at Jiang Sesur for a while, and then spoke happily, "Really, Surse, you and my sister are real."

   Eyebrows that look like a half, with gentle, make people can not help but feel a sense of protection.

  Jianse Se can see the feelings of the two of them in front of her mother, and her heart is slightly warm. She quickly bowed her head and said to the two children: "Sweet little treasure, it's called."

  Tiantian and Xiaobao raised their heads one after another, and the milk and milk screamed uncle and uncle.

   called Fang Teng and the couple laughed together.

   "Well, it's so cute, I didn't expect that Suther has children anymore."

   Fang Teng half squatted down and touched the heads of two little Douding, his eyes a little sudden.

   looked at the descendants of his sister standing in front of him, he could not help but sigh in his heart.

   It's really unforgiving years.

  Shangying also likes children, which will get the sweet dessert head answer, holding her will not let go.

   is straight and cute, and by the way, whispered urged Fang Yuchen to quickly speed up the progress.

   Fang Yuchen touched his nose and sneered.

   Fang Teng also focused on Jin Fengchen.

   Men's aura and face value are too difficult to ignore.

   "Surther, this is... don't you introduce me?"

   Fang Teng looked at Jin Fengchen and asked with a smile.

   In fact, the intimate behavior of the two can be seen.

  Jiangse Seo hadn't had time to speak, Fang Yuchen said: "This is Sese's husband, Jin Fengchen."

   Fang Teng looked at Jin Fengchen, who was extraordinary and nodded with satisfaction.

  He hadn't had time to ask questions, and the Fangcheng and Fangrui families had noticed their movements.

   walked over together.

   "Yo, Uncle, why is it so busy here?"

   is the person who speaks, it is the dialect Qin. This yin and yang strange tone suddenly provokes Jiangse's displeasure.

   "Big Brother, Second Brother."

   Fang Teng glanced at them, the smile on his face was put away, and nodded lightly.

   These two families walked up and forth, naturally attracting the attention of many people.

   When everyone looked at the subtle atmosphere among their group, they also enjoyed watching the show.

   Fang Cheng's wife, Lin Lan glanced at her eyes, and the horizontal meat on her face trembled with her pace.

   She was standing not far from Jiangse, with a pair of eyes looking unabashedly, and then raised her eyebrows to increase her voice deliberately, "This will not be the daughter of the sister who has been missing for many years?"

   Father Fang's daughter who has been missing for many years?

   fell into the ears of the guests, and everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

   "Grandpa Fang still has a daughter?"

   "Yeah, but I heard that they have been missing for many years, right?"


   was watched by so many people, and Jiangse's face was plain and unmoved.

   "It can be seen from this, otherwise the eldest can talk to her?"

   Fang Rui's wife Chen Yun hastily talked.

   Fang Cheng and Fang Rui didn't seem to stop, but let the two women sing one harmoniously.

  Jianse Se smiled, not only not annoyed, but nodded to the two people, and shouted to everyone.

   She didn’t look pleasing to them, they were right, but the etiquette had to be done.

   Can't leave a handle to them.

   Fang Teng frowned, although he was accustomed to the strange attitude of the two sister-in-laws.

   But he was afraid that Jiang Seso would not be able to stand it, so he said, "Today Sese is here to attend the birthday party of the old man, what are the sisters-in-law doing?"

   "Dad is really too!"

  Chen Yun squinted his eyes and glanced directly at Jiangse Se, his tone was very dissatisfied, "Why did my sister suddenly recognize the person after she disappeared for so many years?"

   "Yeah, I don't know if it's true or false, I heard that even the sister's people didn't see it?"

   "Did you do a paternity test? Will someone pretend to be?"

As if to verify, Lin Lan turned to look straight at Fang Yuchen, "How can I say that my sister has been missing for so long, and you can find it if you find it? Even if she finds it, why she doesn't come. Come with a mouth?"

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