A few people shoved towards Fang's place.

   These are the three big families!

  Can climb relatives, such as good things, can not be cheaper for everyone.

   So, the two hurriedly gathered in front of the three noble sons.

   Fang Teng and Shang Ying did not react, looked at each other, they were surprised and puzzled in the other party's eyes.

   "Yiming actually met people from the three big families?"

  The power of these big families in Kyoto can far exceed the Fang family.

  If he remembered correctly, Fang Yiming didn't know them at all.

   Talk about what was invited?

  Did he remember it wrong?

   Fang Yuchen pursed her lips in silence, but looked involuntarily towards the direction of Jin Fengchen.

   only the person who was present knew Jin Fengchen's identity.

   Is it...?

   Perceived the sight that Fang Yuchen was looking at, Jin Fengchen still had that bland expression, and could not see a trace.

   "Let's go too."

   He bowed his head and looked softly at Jiangse Se, and she was the only one in his eyes.

  Jiangsu nodded his head, holding Tian Tian in one hand, and Xiao Bao held Tian Tian in the other hand.

  The family of four also walked slowly in the direction of Grandpa Fang and the three.

   "Dad, Mom, let's follow along."

   Fang Yuchen hesitated for a while, and bowed his head to urge his parents.

   Both parents nodded.

   Over there, I saw the three handsome young brothers, surrounded by a group of celebrities.

   "Yun Shao, you are here."

   "Jing Shao, meet again!"

   "Master Ji..."

  Yingying Yanyan is surrounded by the three younger brothers, the picture is to hope to enter their eyes.

   As long as they climb any high branch, they do not need to worry for the rest of their lives.

   Fang Cheng and Fang Rui's two people were also surrounded by the three sons' brothers to please each other.

   "The cloud, the scene and the season, the arrival of the three of you, really makes this place flourish."

   Fangcheng changed his disdain when facing Jin Fengchen, and put a smile with a flattering smile on his face.

   Fang Rui and his wife were unwilling to show their weakness. After squeezing a few celebrities around them, they gathered together beside Ji Dongtang.

   The three were surrounded by this, obviously unhappy.

   But looking at Mr. Fang's face, he could only respond coldly by raising his lips.

   "Grandpa Fang has a long life, he will come naturally."

   And those who talked to the ladies, they ignored none of them.

   Fang Cheng and Fang Rui don't mention how excited they are.

   None of the three of them took care of themselves, but only responded to them.

   All the guests were also surprised and envious.

   "I didn't expect that the Fang family and Yun Shao knew them."

   "I also want to talk to Jing Shao."

   Guest discussions and envious eyes make Fang Cheng's proud nose all up to heaven.


   Fang Yuchen sneered dismissively, withdrawn his gaze.

   does not want to look at the snobbish faces of those two people.

   "Uncle, uncle, sweet to eat cake." Tian Tian dragged Fang Yuchen's clothes and pointed to the delicate pastries on the table.

   Fang Yuchen smiled and picked her up.

  The arrival of the three sons is nothing to him and Jiang Sesel.

   is not a world, Fang Teng and Shang Ying will naturally not rush past.

  Although Fang Yuchen always felt that the arrival of the three younger brothers seemed to be related to Jin Fengchen.

   Lin Lan pinched Fang Yiming in the dark and gestured to him with eyes.

   Fang Yiming nodded clearly, excited and happy.

   His back was straight, and he squeezed away the surrounding Yingyingyanyan, his eyes closed before Yun Jingheng, "Thank you, Yun Shao, for taking you to my grandfather's birthday feast."

   Fang Cheng also took the opportunity to walk to Mr. Fang's side, and then invited him to say something like, "Dad, the three of you can come to your birthday feast, in fact, all of them are Yi Ming's credit!"

   The day before yesterday, he and Yun Shao were drinking in the same box, and then he and Yun Shao talked about your birthday. Yun Shao brought the other two together. "

   Fangcheng swears that his back has never been as straight as he is now.

   He also enjoyed the envious eyes from all directions.

   and Master Fang said these intentions, but also wanted to let Master Fang see, his son Fang Yiming has such a wide network.

   If you inherit the company in the future, are you afraid that your family will not grow?

  Father nodded happily.

   Fang Rui's family was endlessly jealous. Chen Yun hated the iron and steel, waiting for his two sons.

   Why don't they fight?

  However, things are reversed and they are always sudden.

   Yun Jingheng looked puzzled at Fang Yiming who suddenly appeared and stood proud in front of him.

  He...Do you know him?

   "Jing Heng, do you know him?"

   Ji Dongtang's elbow hit Yun Jingheng and lowered his voice to ask.

  As Yun Jingheng was about to answer, Fang Yiming looked at the other two smartly again, "Jing Shao, Ji Shao."

   The other two who shouted were also shocked.

"Who is this?"

   Jing Liuyue was even more straightforward. After glancing at Fang Yiming, he turned his head to the other man's doubtful inquiry.

   This question directly froze the atmosphere of the entire banquet hall.

   The banquet hall that was still lively just now can only hear the melodious music reverberating.

The expression on the faces of Fangcheng's family has completely solidified.

"what's the situation?"

   "Yun Shao, they don't know him at all? God, he's still staring at him."

   Listening to the fine voice in his ear, Fang Yiming couldn't hold his face.

   He swallowed and swallowed the smile on his face to ask Yun Jingheng, "Didn't the three of you come at my invitation?"

   Yun Jingheng smiled, and the three of them said tacitly: "Of course not."

   Everyone was surprised.

   Fang Rui also felt strange, he quickly asked the iron while hot, "How come those three?"

   heard the words, Yun Jingheng turned his head, his eyes turned around in the banquet hall.

   finally locked on Jin Fengchen, who was with Jiang Sesur and was concentrating on feeding her fruits.

   Fangcheng looked in the direction of the three people watching.

   Fang Yuchen also stood beside Jin Fengchen, taking care of two children.

   This view directly made him think that Fang Yuchen invited three people.

   Fang Cheng's face was white with a brush, and immediately denied, "Impossible, impossible!"

   Fang Yuchen, who became the center of his sight, saw the scene just now.

   This is the same as meeting Fangcheng. It is murmured, suddenly speechless.

   How could he not know that Fangcheng was misunderstood.

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