Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 861: Gentle can drown people

"His name is Jin Fengchen."

   Fang Yuchen's voice was not too big, but it was just enough for Fang Cheng Fang Rui and the two guests, as well as nearby guests to hear clearly.

   Jin Fengchen, these three words can be said to be ridiculous.

   It was only after he went abroad that Jin's family was taken over by Jin Fengyao, his reputation slowly faded.

   But some people still remember Jin Fengchen.

   So, when Fang Yuchen said the name, everyone was shocked.

   Fangcheng Fangrui and the two people were even more shocked.

   "Jin, Jin vassal? Is it the Jin family?"

   Fangcheng's voice was trembling, he swallowed and swallowed again.

   Fang Yuchen looked at Fang Cheng's gaffe, he grinned his white teeth, nodded his head with great enthusiasm, and did not forget to laugh at the sentence, "That's the Jin family, will people look at your property?"

   The face was caught off guard.

   Fangcheng Fangrui's two people only felt hot pain in their faces, in front of so many people.

   They wish they could find a hole in the ground to get in.

   But more, still shocked.

   They never thought of it.

  Jianse Se actually married the Jin family! !

   The daughter of their youngest sister who looked down on him suddenly turned into a branch of Phoenix! !

   "Come here is a misunderstanding."

   "I said, how dare Fang dare to recognize the descendants of his daughter who has been missing for many years, it turns out that there are people backing up."

   "Jin's family is a backer, how can he be regarded as his family property?"

  Noisy discussion sounds whispered into their ears.

   The two men were said to be blue and red.

  Lin Lan reacted first, she put away that ugly expression.

   walked to Jiangse's side with a smile.

   "Thurs, right? You rarely come back and are not familiar with our house."

  Lin Lan said that she extended her hand diligently, wanting La Jiangse's hand, and continued enthusiastically: "I'll show you to meet other relatives later!"

   Jiang Sesured to hide from the trace, avoiding Lin Lan's hand, and then smiled alienatedly with the corner of his mouth.

   The attitude of her before and after the change of attitude was extremely confidant.

   And from the beginning, she had no affection for the two families.

  Chen Yun also reacted, seeing Lin Lan touched a nail and hesitated.

   still didn't want to let go of the chance to get on the Jin family.

   "Church, your second uncle has been talking about your mother all these years, why not..."

   "No need."

  Jiangse's lips cut Chen Yun's words decisively, "Just aunt said just now, she will take me."

   Lin Lan and Chen Yun's faces froze at the same time.

   For the first time, the two of them were rejected so bluntly in public.

   Someone around laughed out loud, and it was very obvious to laugh at.

is not that right.

   The guests around me just saw clearly. How much the two family members abandoned before they knew the identity of Jin Fengchen.

   This time he was beaten, and he was refused even if he wanted to frustrate.

   "Oh, yes, is it? Then forget it."

  Lin Lanqiang supported a smiley face, but don't mention how fake that smile was.

   "Church, don't you see, something will happen in the future, despite calling your aunt Maha."

   "We are all a family and don't speak two words."

  In the face of the obvious scenes of Lin Lan and Chen Yun, Jiang Seser didn't care about his lips, and he didn't answer.

   Then she took two children and walked directly to Fang Teng and Shang Ying.

   This couple is still in a state of hood.

   obviously did not recover from the shock just now.

   originally thought that her sister's daughter was just living a normal life, but who ever thought that Jiang Sesel not only married the Jin family, but also treated him well.

  Shang Ying couldn't help looking at Jiang Sesur standing in front of her nervously, not knowing what to say.

  Although the Fang family's power is not much worse than that of the Jin family, the Jin family is up and down, unlike their Fang family, they are all playing their own abacus.

   Therefore, compared with Jin family, they can't compare.

   Seeing this, the innocent smile was harmless, "Auntie, we are all a family, aren't we?"

   "You are right, all are family."

  Shang Ying heard the words, and immediately relaxed, and also very happy.

   With the end of this little farce, the banquet officially began.

  The banquet is more lively than before.

   Jin Fengchen and Yun Jingheng walked aside to talk, and Fang Yuchen and Grandpa Fang were also together.

   When talking with several young people, Mr. Fang couldn't help laughing.

  He appreciates several people very much.

   The most outstanding young generation is the husband of his granddaughter.

   And his grandson is so good, what's not satisfied?

  As for Jiang Sesu, he took two children and Shang Yingxun to sit in a quiet corner.

  Shang Ying holds Xiaobao in her arms and sits sweetly on Jiang Sesur's lap, enjoying Mummy's personal feeding.

   "Surther, I really didn't expect that you would be the wife of the Jin family."

   stared at Jiang Sesu who was feeding the sweet cake gently, Shang Ying sighed.

  Jianse Seul carefully wiped the cream on her lips. He also smiled when he heard the words, "In the eyes of outsiders, the identity is indeed noble, but I care that he does not care about me."

  Finally, Jiang Sesur raised his head and looked through the crowd, falling on Jin Fengchen at a glance.

  In her eyes, he was like a luminous body, no matter where she was, she could find him at a glance.

   Jin Fengchen was like telepathy, and his head looked away from Jiang Sesur.

   eyes suddenly calmed down gently, drowning people gently.

Seeing this, Yun Jingheng and others on the side of the scene made a joke.

   "Brother Chen, OK, don't take such a group of single dogs to abuse us."

   "That is, know you and sister-in-law's love!"

   Fang Yuchen couldn't help laughing, but was slammed by his father, "What's your kid laughing? Are you single?"

  The three Yunjingheng smiled unkindly.

  Shang Ying also had a panoramic view of this scene, she smiled and rubbed Xiao Bao in her arms.

   "Your husband naturally cares about you too, you have two children."

   The most difficult thing is to have children.

   Moreover, from every move of Jin Fengchen, you can see how much he cares about Jiang Sesu.

  Jiangse Se smiled and withdrew her gaze, and answered like honey, "Yeah."

  The sweetness in her arms is still frantically eating cakes, Jiangse Se held her little hand to remind: "Xiaobao, sweet, you can't eat too many sweets tonight, it will damage your teeth!"

  Fangcheng Fangrui and the two people were as if they were rejected, looking at each other, they both saw regret in the eyes of each other.

   They are going to regret their intestines now.

   "Look, look."

  Lin Lanqi's red eyes pointed at Jiangse Se and Jin Fengchen.

   "If there is an initiative to show up early, will these things still happen?"

  Lin Lan lowered her voice and added another sentence, "With the support of the Jin family, are you afraid that the Fang family will not fall into our hands?"

  I don't know if I was complaining about Fangcheng or my son.

   In short, I regret it very much.

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