Fang Yuchen led the family of Jiang Sesuo to stroll in this huge house.

   Fang's old house is said to be a villa, but it retains the layout of the former courtyard house.

   reveals a simple sense of the times everywhere.

   "Fang's old house should also be regarded as an old house, which is of great value. They have always been thinking about it.

  If it wasn’t Grandpa’s objection that they thought it was his and grandma’s home, they probably started the old house. "

   While watching, Fang Yuchen talked about the status quo with Jiang Sesur.

   His tone was very helpless.

   Grandpa's health is fairly healthy, and Fang Cheng and Fang Rui can't wait for property.

   has only interests in sight, and it is no wonder that Grandpa looks down on them.

   Fang Yuchen took Jiang Seser and others around the mansion, bypassed the corridors, and returned to the main hall.

   Tian Tian shouted to drink juice as soon as she sat down.

   Fang Yuchen also spoiled her and went directly to the kitchen and squeezed out two glasses of strawberry juice.

   One cup for sweet and one cup for Xiaobao.

  Thinking about Shicai Yaotian, Jiangse could not help but ask her doubts, "Cousin, grandma?"

   Judging from what Fang Yuchen said just now, the feelings of grandpa and grandma should be very deep.

  But after coming to the old house for so long...she didn't see her grandmother either.

   Hearing Jiangse's question, Fang Yuchen's eyes dimmed, and the whole person seemed to be surrounded by sadness.

Seeing his son like this, Shang Ying sighed softly and replied for him: "Your grandmother she died a few years ago. She also loved your mother the most during her lifetime, and she was still talking about you before she died. mother."

   The topic suddenly became heavy, and the atmosphere seemed to freeze.

   "Grandma used to hurt me, I thought about finding an aunt, but..."

   Fang Yuchen said this, he sighed heavily, and there seemed to be flashes of water in his eyes.

  Jiangsezu bit her lower lip lightly and felt sorry for Fang Xueman.

  Since some things have happened, even now it is futile to say anything.

  With two children, she feels more empathetic.

  As a mother, she had been separated from her beloved daughter for so many years, and she could not meet her before she died.

  Jianse Se can fully feel the grandma's mood, how sad it is.

   "It was my mother who was not sensible at the time."

   She opened her mouth and said such a dry word.

   She knew in her heart that as a daughter, her mother's behavior was not filial.

   "Actually, you can't blame her on this matter... if grandpa wasn't so stubborn, your mother wouldn't run away from home..."

  Shangying whispered comforting Jiang Sesu.

  Jiangsu smiled bitterly, unable to say words that excuse her mother.

   Jin Fengchen said nothing, and stretched out his hand to take her thin body into her arms.

   "Uncle, aunt, cousin, can you take me to see my grandma?"

   was half-sounding, and Jiang Sesur raised his head, looking at Fang Yuchen's family with his eyes full of hope, and making a request.

  Since her mother didn't get back in time.

   Then let her now give her grandmother incense instead of her mother, to be filial piety for her mother.

   Fang Teng and Shang Ying heard this, and they were immediately moved.

   Fang Teng solemnly nodded, "Thur, you are really sensible, I will take you to the ancestral hall."

   is always to see, after all, Jiangse and her children are half of the Fang family.

   Then, a group of people walked towards the ancestral hall again.

   Ancestral hall is the best place for Feng Shui in the old house.

   It was cleaned by the maid, very quiet and solemn.

  When the two children who were busy along the way came here, they were quiet, as if they felt the different atmosphere.

   stepped into the ancestral hall and saw the neat codes of Fang’s ancestors and ancestors placed there.

   The following are the incense burner and fresh melons as tribute.

   Fang Yuchen led the Jiangse family and walked to a separately listed spirit card.

   He took the three incense sticks, and after lighting, he took the lead in worshiping three incenses and inserted the incense into the incense burner.

   "This is the grandmother's spirit card."

  Jiangsu nodded his head, looking sideways.

   can also see a small black and white photo of a smiling woman.

   Although there are some wrinkles on his face, it is still not difficult to see that Fang Xueman is somewhat like her.

   This is the grandmother, the grandmother who raised her mother to an adult.

   There was an unspeakable taste in Jiangse's heart.

   She also took Sanyongxiang to ignite it, held it in front of her, and knelt in front of her grandmother's spirit card.

   "Grandma, my name is Jiang Sesu, your granddaughter. I will give you these three incense sticks instead of my mother."

  She finished talking softly, and after three weeks, don't put the incense into the incense burner.

  After Jiang Sesur got up, Jin Fengchen had given her incense lit by Sanyou.

   Then took Sanyou again and knelt beside her.

  Jianse Se was very warm in her heart, knelt down again, and beckoned Tian Tian and Xiao Bao to come again.

   "Grandma, my mother is not here now. After waiting for a while, I will definitely come over with you to compensate you."

   Let's just say, she prayed three times sincerely, as did Jin Fengchen.

  After the worship, the two put the incense into the incense burner.

   "Grandma, my name is Jin Fengchen, your grandson-in-law."

   Jin Fengchen's low voice made Jiang Sesur stunned when he heard from the side, "You can rest assured, grandma, I will take care of my mother for the rest of my life, and I will not let Sesel be hurt a little."

   She looked away and saw him staring at the grandmother's spirit card with a serious face, and her heart was covered with sweetness and emotion.

  Is it possible to be spoiled by such a good man? Is there any regret?

   "Grandma, this is your great-grandson and great-granddaughter, Xiaobao and Tiantian."

  Jiangse also solemnly introduced his own pair of children.

   looked sweetly at the old man on the spirit card. Xiaobao blinked and did not dare to say anything.

  Jiangsezuo touched their heads.

  If the grandmother is still alive, she will definitely like the two little guys.

  After saying that everything should be done, Jiangse Se got up and a family of four walked out of the ancestral hall.

   Fang Teng and Shang Ying looked at them with relief and happiness.

  Shang Ying wiped tears from the corners of her eyes and choked with tears, "If Mom is still there, how happy it should be."

   Fang Teng was silent for a while, "Mom will certainly be proud that her sister has such a daughter-in-law."

   Fang Xueman did not come back, probably the most regrettable thing in the hearts of several people.

   However, what Jiang Sesel did was also a heart.

   "Okay, father and mother, let's go back to the lobby!"

   Fang Yuchen came out to open the topic.

   "Eh, yes, dad should also take care of the medicine field by this time."

  Shangying took the call and said.

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