Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 876: Declare sovereignty

In the early morning of the next day, Jin Fengchen came directly to the Jin Group Company to familiarize himself with the work flow.

  He just stepped into the company, just like the person who brought the spotlight, which attracted the attention of many employees.

  Just because of Jin Fengchen's strong aura, employees dare not say anything in person.

   The scene became lively when he walked into the elevator.

   "Did we read it right?"

   "It's our President and Master is back!"


   Female employees are all excited, just like Huaichun girls.

   Jin Fengchen ordered the assistant to call the shareholders to the meeting room.

  Although he has not returned to the company for so long, he still has Yu Wei.

   Many shareholders of the company are usually okay and will not stay in the company.

   This will receive the news that Jin Fengchen wants to see them, and dare not delay one by one.

   hurried to the meeting room.

   Jin Fengchen took advantage of the time they came, and had a general understanding of company affairs.

   "Mr. Jin, long time no see!"

   "Mr. Jin."

   shareholders greeted Jin Fengchen's nodded smile.

   Jin Fengchen bowed his head in a nonchalant manner, his chin lightly beckoning them to sit down.

   He went directly into the subject and told everyone that Father Jin handed over the position of chairman.

   Some shareholders of the company learned this news early, so naturally there was no objection.

   However, a small number of shareholders did not know, and even spoke out against it.

   "Mr. Jin, you haven't been to the company for so long. I think you should familiarize yourself with the affairs before taking over as chairman of the board to serve the crowd."

"I think so."


   Jin Fengchen glanced at the few people who spoke, and he spoke slowly and calmly, telling all the big and small things the company had encountered in the past year.

   The voice fell, and the counter-sentring shareholders also completely convinced.

   Such a thorough understanding of the company's affairs in such a short period of time, coupled with the ability shown by the former Jin Fengchen, is enough to make them surrender.

   The news of Jin Fengchen's appointment as chairman was spread throughout the company as if he had inserted wings in an instant.

   The news is like a drop of cold water dripping into the hot pan.

   The female employees exploded in a pan.

   came together in twos and threes to discuss the matter.

   "Adult President is now chairman! Too, too strong."

   "The chairman is handsome again, so I want to have a monkey with him!!"

   "Come on, don't be here YY anymore."

   "With the chairman sitting down, our company will definitely develop better."


  Although Jin Fengchen didn't hide it, he didn't know the news and leaked it from the company.

   Many reporters who made headlines for the news hurried over when they heard the news.

   They are all standing in front of the door of the Jin group company, crouching Jin Fengchen want to get the latest news.

   Jin Fengchen is qualified as chairman, which is very important news for the business community, and may even affect the future of the business community.

  Jin Fengchen brothers walked out of the company side by side at the moment, this group of reporters is like seeing a meaty hungry wolf.

   rushed up to surround the two, and the problem was overwhelmed.

   "I heard that Mr. Jin is a settler when you return to China this time, and you have taken over the post of chairman, right?"

   "Why did the former chairman resign from this post?"

   "Do you think that with your current ability, can you be qualified as the chairman?"


   The company's security and bodyguards have a clear division of labor, while protecting the brothers, while blocking those enthusiastic journalists.

   Jin Fengchen stopped and stopped, his handsome and clear face facing the black cameras.

  His eyes swept from the microphones trying to reach out in front of him, and slowly said: "I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry, but Jin Group will hold a reception at Jinhua Hotel tonight, welcome everyone."

   finished, Jin Fengchen went straight to take Jin Fengyao away.

  The first thing the brothers got home was to find their daughter-in-law.

   Jin Fengchen also mentioned the matter of the evening banquet with Jiangse Se.

  Jianse Se poured a cup of hot milk for him, smiled and heard, "Then I have to dress up well, and dress up to attend?"

   Jin Fengchen took the milk and placed it on the table, his long arm stretched around Jiangse's waist, and then bowed his head and whispered in her ear.

   "Do you want to declare your sovereignty?"

   "Of course, who made our Chairman Jin so popular."

  Jianse Se blinked his eyes, nodded decisively, but his ears were red quietly.

   Twilight, it's almost night.

  The parking lot of Jinhua Hotel is already very crowded. Even on the road outside the hotel, all kinds of luxurious cars are parked.

Jin Fengchen, who is the protagonist, is now accompanied by Jiang Sesur and a pair of children in the rest room to prepare.

   Due to Song Qingwan's pregnancy, she did not come, so Jin Fengyao was rushed to receive guests by Jin Fengchen.

   Hearing the noisy noises even though the door was closed, Jiangse could not help but said to Feng Feng Jin: "Faint, you go and receive guests with Feng Yao first."

  The latter thought for a few seconds, leaving a sentence "I will come to pick you up later", and then walked out of the rest room.

   The scene was very lively, almost all business people from all walks of life came.

   They all want to know and make friends with this youngest helm.

   Jin Fengchen was tall, and when he walked to Jin Fengyao, he caused a little disturbance.

   "Chairman Jin is out!"

   "Gosh, so handsome."

   "And President Jin is also very handsome!"


  Most of the ladies and gentlemen present at the scene, when the brothers stood together, their eyes stuck to them and they were reluctant to move away.

  Jin Fengchen brothers are similar in length, only one temperament is like ice and one temperament is like fire.

   Standing around them are business people who are very well-known in all walks of life, and they talk openly.

   After a while, Jiang Sesur also appeared at the reception with the figures of two little cute girls.

   Jin Fengchen turned around without hesitation and strode towards Jiangsesur.

   At that moment, the frost on his eyebrows seemed to melt in an instant, leaving only gentleness that could make people indulge.


   Jin Fengchen's voice is like a cello, low and gentle.

   No one had noticed Jiangse's arrival, but as Jin Fengchen moved, everyone saw her.

   Jin Fengchen walked to Jiang Sesu's side, and her large dry and warm hand reached out to hold her small hand.

   A man standing near Jin Fengyao raised his eyebrows in surprise, then turned his head and asked, "President Jin, that must be Chairman Jin's wife, right?"

  Jin Fengyao, who was stuffed with a bite of dog food, secretly pouted, and he also missed his daughter-in-law even more.

   heard the words and nodded with a smile: "Well, that's my sister-in-law."

   "True Lang Cai woman! I heard that President Jin also has a wife?"

   The man looked at the pair of extremely correct people with sighs and asked curiously.

   mentioned Song Qingwan, Jin Fengyao's face was unable to hide the smile.

   "Yes, I also have a lover."

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