Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 894: A seductive family

Sleep well all night.

   The next day, the warm sunlight spilled into the room.

   When Jin Fengchen woke up, he saw the little woman in her arms sleeping soundly, daring not to take other actions, so she stared quietly at her sleeping sound.

   Xu's gaze was too fierce, and it didn't take long for Jiang Sesur to wake up sleepily.

   opened his eyes and met the eyes of Jin Fengchen. In his hot eyes, he couldn't help thinking of the absurdity of last night.

   There was a flush of cheeks on his cheeks, and he drilled a drill in his arms. The voice when he just woke up was a bit lazy. "When did you wake up?"

   "Ten minutes ago." Jin Fengchen answered with a smile.

  The two of them were tired and crooked in bed for a while before washing downstairs.

  Jin's family had already sat at the table, and when they saw the two of them, Jin Fengyao could not help but ridicule and said, "The beauty is on the side, and the monarch hasn't been here since then."

   Jin Fengchen gave him a faint look, "Do you want to deal with foreign affairs? There are still many troubles that have not been resolved."

   The voice just fell, and Jin Fengyao shut his mouth in a playful manner.

  Now how good it is to stay in front of his wife so he doesn’t want to go on a business trip abroad.

  After having breakfast, the family rarely sits and chats together.

  Xiaobao ran to Jin Fengchen, "Daddy, are there any arrangements for your work today?"

   "There is no arrangement for the moment, why?"

   Jin Fengchen looked at Xiaobao suspiciously.

Hearing Daddy’s okay, Xiaobao’s eyes lit up and lay flat on Jin Fengchen’s lap, “Since Daddy doesn’t have a job, can you take me to a horse ride? Just today is the weekend, otherwise, wait for Daddy The next time I have time, I don’t know when."

   The little **** the side heard about horseback riding, and she also immediately became interested. She ate the grapes that Jin Jin fed her three or two times.

   Then, he hurried to Jin Fengchen's side, "Oh yeah! Tiantian also wants to learn horse riding, and Daddy will go with Tiantian!"

   looked at the eyes full of expectation, such as one big and one small pair, Jin Fengchen was willing to say refusal.

   He has a gentle look and reaches out to take Tian Tian into his arms, "Okay, Dad takes you to learn horse riding, then Tian Tian must be obedient."

  Jin Feng Jin agreed, sweet and excited, nodding like pounding garlic, the small appearance is very clever, "Dad rest assured, sweet will be very good Yo!"

   promised Xiaobao and Tiantian, Jin Fengchen called and told him to ask him to contact the people on the horse farm in advance to prepare them for the horse and the horse.

  Gu Nian will naturally do it immediately.

  Jin Fengyao also came to express interest, "Brother, I will go too! I can't go out with your family, but I have to go to the company to work overtime. This is to squeeze the labor force, I don't do it!"

   "You can do whatever you want."

   Jin Fengchen rarely refused Jin Fengyao's request.

   Then, Jin Fengchen looked at his father Jin mother sitting on the sofa, "Parent, are you going?"

   "This is an activity of your young people, and my dad and I will not join in the fun together,"

  Mother Jin finished answering with a smile, and then yelled, "You must pay attention to safety, especially to take good care of the two children and Qing Wan."

  Father Jin also waved his hand, "Hurry up, don't delay my wife and I's world."

  Mother Jin's face followed with a red face, glaring at Father Jin, and the rest of the people present all smiled in agreement.

   Then, the family set off for a lively ride, and after an hour's drive, they arrived at the horse farm.

  Xiaobao and Tiantian saw the wide horse farm, got off the bus, and immediately ran away.

The head of the racecourse greeted him respectfully and greeted: "Jin Shao, you and Er Shao's horses are ready, and there is also a docile mare that you can have your wife try. Listen to Assistant Gu, You will bring two children over. I have prepared a few young horses, so that the children can choose the ones that are more eye-catching."

   is not only about the fate between people, but also between people and animals.

  If you have fate, it will be much easier to control the horse.

   "Okay, you bothered."

   Jin Fengchen said, let Jiang Sesel accompany the two children to pick horses, and then greeted the boss with a few words.

  Xiaobao and Tiantian quickly picked up their favorite horses, and were familiar with them under the care of the staff.

   Jin Fengchen also walked past with a smile, Jin Fengyao led Song Qingwan and passed together.

  Jianse Se glanced at the two little guys who were playing with the horses and asked Jin Fengchen with a smile, "Did you come here often? The boss seems to know you well."

   Jin Fengchen nodded, "Well, I used to come often when I was in school. It was a way of relaxation. Afterwards, I didn't have much time to work, and then I went to France, and I didn't have time to come."

  Jiangsu nodded and asked with some anxiety: "Is it difficult to ride a horse? I'm afraid I won't learn."

Jin Fengchen smiled and appeased: "It's not difficult, riding is the process of taming the horse. No matter how fierce the horse is, you have to be calm. And no matter what the situation, I am by your side. Don't be afraid."

   Then, a group of people went to the place where they got their clothes.

  Song Qingwan has a big stomach and must not be able to get on the horse, simply sitting by and waiting.

   The rest of them put on proprietary knight costumes, uniform black upper body, white pants and white shoes on the lower body, wearing a proprietary helmet and black gloves on the head.

  The family came out from inside, and the eyes of many people in the racecourse were suddenly attracted by several people.

  Especially brothers Jin Fengchen and Jin Fengyao, don't be too handsome to put on a proper clothes rack and put on a knight costume.

  Sweet like a little princess, hugged Jin Fengchen's neck tightly.

  After Jiang Sesur put on the knight costume, he added a lot of British vigor. The perfect combination of softness and rigidity has a different temperament.

   holding Xiaobao, a miniature version of Jin Fengchen, with coolness and handsomeness in her hand.

  Although Song Qingwan didn't put on the clothing slowly, it is also an existence that cannot be ignored.

   Several people walked together to form a landscape with a high rate of turning back.

   Someone in the crowd couldn't help but exclaimed: "What the **** is the face value, comparable to the current top stars!"

   "Some celebrities can't compare with them. It's so cute and cool.

   "Yeah, it's been a long time since I've seen such a seductive family."

   "That little girl is too cute too, so I want to pinch her little face."


  Looking at the sweet and cute look, some people can't help but have some itchy hands and want to get started.

   However, Jin Fengchen's body is full of strangers, and some people who want to talk to each other have left.

   At this time, the staff led several horses to several people.

Seeing Jin Fengchen,    respectfully said: "Jin Shao, your horse."

   Then, put the reins on everyone's horse into everyone's hands.

   looked at the horses that were getting closer and closer, and Jiang Seser was a little nervous.

  Jin Fengjin touched Jiang Sesur's head and smiled and said, "It's okay, Sesur, I will definitely be by your side all the way."

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