Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 897: I have a condition

"Mr. Pierce laughed."

   Jin Fengchen's faint voice passed, and Pierce's laughter was heard in the next second.

   "Then I'm right. I don't know if it's convenient for you to transfer a batch of medicinal materials recently, preferably poinsettia and horse money. I will return to Italy in the near future, and bring a batch of goods by the way."

  His purpose, how could Jin Fengchen not know?

   wanted to confirm Jin Fengchen's sincerity before leaving.

   Jin Fengchen's dark eyes narrowed, his cheeks flickered in the moonlight, and silently said: "That is of course, but it takes time to prepare medicinal materials..."

   Jin Fengchen seems a little embarrassed, but he said it on purpose.

   Soon, I heard Pierce asked with some uncertainty: "Mr. Feng, what about this?"

   Jin Fengchen looked up at the half-round moon in the night sky and spoke slowly, "Mr. Pierce asked, how could I refuse?

   This batch of medicinal materials, waiting for me to prepare here, I personally sent to Italy, how do you think? "

  His words were very sincere.

   Pierce smiled with satisfaction, and said with satisfaction: "Or Mr. Feng thought well!"

   was originally just a trial, but did not expect that Jin Fengchen actually did so?

   Jin Fengchen chatted with him again, and then hung up.

   Jin Fengchen's expression was a little complicated. After thinking for a while, he opened the address book.

   dialed Fang Yiming's mobile phone number without hesitation, and after a few seconds, the other end was connected.

   There was a surprise voice from Fang Yiming over the phone, "Hey, President Jin, what's wrong?"

   Jin Fengchen said softly: "There is one thing you need to help. Now Pierce needs a batch of poinsettia and horse money, can you get it?"

   Fang Yiming was a little surprised, Jin Fengchen actually asked him?

At this juncture, no matter what busy Fang Yiming has to help, he nodded without hesitation and promised: "That is sure to be done! Cousin, you can rest assured that you have any need for help, I am at all Keep your word!"

   Fang Yiming even changed the title, and his eyes were bright. He seemed to have seen the bill in front waving to him!

   Jin Fengchen twitched his lips slightly, looked back at the living room in the living room through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the children who were playing, too lazy to correct Fang Yiming's near title.

  Fang Yiming said again: "However, our cousin, our project with SA Group, on your side... are you sure to participate?"

   Fang Yiming is almost excited to jump up, if the cooperation is completed this time, it is not a small number!

   Actually, the project was put on hold and it also required a lot of capital.

   can save them in a short time, only Jin Fengchen.

   Fang Yiming awaited Jin Fengchen's reply, looking forward and anxious.

   However, in my heart, Jiang Sesur still regarded as the last life-saving straw.

   Jin Fengchen, in the interest of Jiang Sesel, should give him some face?

   Sure enough, the next second, Fang Yiming heard Jin Fengchen said: "I can participate, I can also fund, but..."

   Fang Yiming was very happy in his heart. Before Jin Fengchen had finished speaking, he happily interrupted, "Thank you so much! I believe my cousin would be very happy if you know you take care of us like this!"

   "However, I have a condition."

   Jin Fengchen spoke out slowly, completely ignoring the nonsense he said.


   These two words seemed to be poured down with a scoop of cold water, and half of Fang Yiming's fiery heart was cooled.

   He subconsciously felt that the conditions mentioned by Jin Fengchen would not be too simple.

   he hesitantly asked: "Why, what conditions?"

   "I am going to amend several contract rules here. If you do not agree, then there is no need to talk about it." Jin Fengchen's voice was very cold.

   Jin Fengchen has the capital to withdraw at any time, but for Fang Yiming and his son, they can only rely on the big tree of the Jin Group at present.

  Jin Feng Jin, they had no initiative at all, and naturally had to agree to his request.

   Fang Yiming gritted his teeth, he didn't know what conditions Jin Fengchen would propose.

  However, the contract cannot be smashed into his hands, so he promised: "Yes, then you can confirm the place that needs to be modified and send it to me!"

   Fang Yiming's words showed a little helplessness.

  After all, he did not have the capital to talk about conditions with Jin Fengchen.

  Secretary Jin sighed with satisfaction, and his eyes looked like ink.

  After finishing the phone call with Fang Yiming, he called his assistant Gu Nian and explained: "You go to the company tomorrow morning and revise the terms of the contract with Fang Cheng's father and son.

   First, the follow-up of this project, we have all the right to know.

   Second, when Fang Group makes any project-related plans and decisions, we have a part of the participation and decision-making power.

   Third, regularly report on the use of funds and the progress of the project..."

   Jin Fengchen said several things clearly, almost killing the possibility that Fang Yiming and his son could be demon

  Gu Nian listened, he replied respectfully: "Yes, young master!"

   Jin Fengchen just reached out and rubbed the position of his eyebrows, and seemed a little tired.


  The next day, Fang Cheng and Fang Yiming sat in the office, holding the documents just sent in their hands.

   His face is extremely ugly!

   Fang Yiming frowned after reading the few rules revised by King Feng Jin. He said in disbelief: "Is this the overlord clause? It's unreasonable! Does he want to control us!"

   Fang Yiming is thunderous!

  How much you expected yesterday, how angry you are now.

   Jin Fengchen is playing with them?

   Fangcheng looked away embarrassingly from the contract in his hand and frowned: "Yiming, are you sure this was sent by Jin Fengchen?"

   Fang Cheng was also terribly angry, and he was hesitant again. After all, some things could not be said too early.

  Just listened, Fang Yiming said angrily: "Is there any fake?"

   Fangcheng couldn't help rubbing his chin, as if thinking, he shook his head and said: "Son, don't rush to make a conclusion..."

   Fang Yiming's uneasy emotion was temporarily suppressed by Fang Cheng, and the whole person was restless.

After the meeting, I only heard Fang Cheng affirmatively say: "Jin Fengchen did nothing wrong, after all, it is hundreds of millions of projects. He is cautious and normal. It's you, you can't be fidgety when it comes to things. !"

   Fang Yiming was reprimanded, his face was a little white, and he still responded dissatisfiedly: "For the Jin Group, is it not only a small number of hundreds of millions?"

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