The next moment, mother and son appeared in the space.

 It’s really good!

 In this way, she will have the capital to settle down in this world!

If you encounter any irresistible danger in the future, just hide in the space.

 Hahaha, God is so good to her! Not only did he give her a new life, but now he also gave her such a big golden finger!

This night, Shen Yizhi was so excited that he couldn't fall asleep.

But not only was she not haggard at all, but she was full of energy and refreshed!

 Nothing else, these are the effects of drinking the spiritual spring.

 After a night of exploring, she roughly understood the uses of the three pools.

The milky white one is the spiritual spring, and the water in it is like the almighty fairy water. It has magical effects such as clearing the mind and improving eyesight, warming the body, beautifying the skin, etc.

The light green one is the medicinal spring, as you can tell from the name. The spring water here is very powerful, so she reluctantly cut her hand. As a result, as soon as a drop of the medicinal spring was put in, the injury healed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The light red one is the wine fountain. With one drop, the white water can turn into a peerless wine.

 With this three-color spring space, from now on she can spend as much time as she wants with Qing Bao?

Of course, she still understands the reason why it is a crime to possess a treasure. We can be extravagant, but we cannot overdo it. We must always stay alert, live a low-key life, and make a fortune in silence!

Dreaming about the beautiful days in the future, Shen Yizhi carefully pulled Qing Bao out of his arms, stuffed his clothes into his arms and held him in his arms. Seeing him sleeping soundly, his heart was so soft that he couldn't help it. She leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.

Let alone children in her previous life, she never married anyone until her death. Now that she has a baby, she does not reject it at all. Instead, she thinks it is quite good.

  After all, she has not been able to find a man she likes to marry in modern times. There is no reason why she could find one in ancient times, so she is prepared not to marry for the rest of her life.

 But it’s okay not to get married, she likes the baby very much.

Now that she has a son, she only feels that her life is complete.

 After looking at Qing Bao for a while, she finally got out of bed reluctantly after smelling the milky fragrance on his body.

Shen Yizhi couldn't help but be startled when he walked to the mirror and saw the face reflected in it.

Obediently, this disfigurement can be completely destroyed. The left half of the face seemed to be corroded by concentrated sulfuric acid, a scorching black, and a scar with a rolling roll, looking at the thief scary.

  Although she had seen many kinds of diseases in her previous life, which were much more frightening than this, after all, it didn't happen on her body, right? Looking at her face like this now, she felt a little scared.

It’s a good thing that Li Sanjin could still be tough when facing such a face.

 She thinks it’s the right half of her face that’s responsible.

With those clear and sparkling eyes, delicate white skin, and gorgeous red lips, after covering the left side of her face, she is truly a peerless beauty.

Coupled with her proud figure, which is different from the elegant manners of ordinary country women, it is no wonder that she has attracted the attention of many men in the village.

This has also led to many women who like to gossip in private to make trouble against her.

The original owner won't argue with others, but Shen Yizhi is different. If anyone dares to chew her tongue in the future, Heng Heng, don't blame her for being cruel!

Although the injury to the face was a bit serious, she was able to heal the demon. Are she still afraid that she would not be able to recover? When the time comes, she must blind everyone's eyes to see if they still dare to call her ugly!

In her last life, she was insulated from the word "ugly".

  It makes no sense that I have become an "ugly person" in this life.

 When Shen Yizhi washed his face, he added a little medicinal spring into it. He thought that the left side of his face would be better after washing, but it turned out to be exactly the opposite! Instead, it became more serious, and she could feel a burning pain!

Yes, there was still a certain amount of poison left on her face. The contact with the medicinal spring strengthened the properties of the medicine, making the poison more poisonous and reactivating it, causing secondary damage to her face!

 After thinking about it, Shen Yizhi felt like crying but had no tears.

Looking at the more terrifying left face, she cursed the man who disfigured her face ten thousand times in her heart!

 Don't let your aunt find you, otherwise, haha!

 After washing and arranging her long hair, Shen Yizhi went to cook.

The sky is big and the earth is big, so food is the biggest thing.

Qing Bao is only two and a half years old now. He should have been raised to be fat and healthy, but the original owner lived a poor life and was unable to provide Qing Bao with much nutrition. As a result, the little guy didn't even have much flesh on his cheeks.

At such a young age, Qing Bao is already so sensible that it makes people feel bad. He never makes a fuss about asking for this or that. Instead, he will take the initiative to help her with things.

Thinking of Qing Bao in the memory of the original owner, Shen Yizhi felt the same as his own, and his heart ached so much that he clenched his heart.

 No matter it, she will definitely pamper Qing Bao to heaven in the future! Give me whatever you want!

Out of the house, Shen Yizhi took advantage of the morning light to take stock of the environment where he currently lived.

This was originally an abandoned house. Although it had been renovated by the original owner for three years, it still looked very dilapidated.

There are only three rooms in total. The main room is in the middle, the room where she and Qing Bao live is on the left, and the kitchen is on the right.

This kitchen was built against the wall later, with both sides open, barely able to protect it from rain and sun.

However, it has been tidied up inside and out, and you can tell at a glance that the original owner is a woman who knows how to live a good life.

  I don’t know what her original identity is? And why did she fall into the water while pregnant and be brought to Lijiazhuang? Three years have passed, why has no one come to see her?

 One question after another popped up involuntarily.

Since she has taken over this body, she has also taken over the cause and effect of the original owner. How can she not repay those who harmed her?

But now it’s important to improve your life first.

 Shen Yizhi first went to the river to fetch water and came back and filled the water tank.

Perhaps it was because of the spiritual spring water she drank last night that she felt much better than she remembered.

The original owner was very tired from carrying a load of water, but she felt fine.

After the water in the water tank settled for a while, Shen Yizhi poured a drop of the spiritual spring into it, took a ladle of water, and drank it.

 It’s delicious, sweet, and refreshing!

 For breakfast, Shen Yizhi cooked a pot of porridge, took out the only egg left, and made an egg custard. I went to the backyard and picked a handful of tender spinach and fried it.

 In the process of cooking, all spiritual spring water is used.

Qing Bao was awakened by the smell of rice. When he opened his eyes and saw that his mother was not around, he suddenly panicked. He put on small clothes and shoes and ran out with his short legs, "Mom!"

He stood by the door and looked at the familiar figures busy in the kitchen, and his heart suddenly felt at ease.

"Baby is awake?" Shen Yizhi turned around and saw the little guy's **** eyes looking at him. He quickly wiped his hands, took two steps to pick up the little guy, and rubbed his face. , kissed again.

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