Adorable Baby: the Miracle Doctor is So Awesome

Chapter 303: : Do not enter the sea of ​​consciousness randomly

 Shen Yizhi suddenly opened his eyes, still feeling a lingering fear in his heart.

Just now in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, if she hadn't forced herself to explode, she would have been chewed by Xuan Ting right now until all the bones and dregs were left!

 This **** bastard!

 Shen Yizhi cursed over and over in his mind for a while, still feeling unhappy. But she couldn't take revenge yet.

Looking at Gu Xueting lying next to her, she sighed tiredly and stretched out her hand to smooth the raised wrinkles between his eyebrows.

What the **** is going on!

Shen Yizhi got up, put on his clothes, came outside the house, and called Yi Chang, who was staying with Qing Bao, over.

"What are you doing? I was dreaming of trampling my enemy under my feet, and I was going to kill her with a sword, but you woke me up."

Yichang's tone was a little harsh.

 It is not moral to disturb other people's dreams, so Shen Yizhi played a drop of the spiritual spring in the water as compensation.

Yichang caught it accurately, and most of the anger in his heart dissipated, and he completely woke up.

Now that he was awake, he felt a little scared. He looked at Shen Yizhi carefully and said, "What's wrong with calling me here so late?"

Shen Yizhi took a sip of the honey water and said, "I put my consciousness into Gu Xueting's sea of ​​consciousness and found -"

"What?! Knowledge Sea?" Yi Chang almost jumped up, "Do you have any common sense!"

"What's wrong?"

 Yichang was really speechless. She didn't know whether she was stupid, bold or ignorant.

"The sea of ​​consciousness is a restricted area for monks. Only Taoist couples who have sworn an oath to heaven can enter each other's sea of ​​consciousness. But you and Gu Xueting are not even earthly husband and wife. You actually dare to enter his sea of ​​consciousness, and he actually dares to do the same. Let you in? You two are such a weird couple, I don't even know what to say.

"As long as he has the slightest distrust in you and the slightest hint of resistance, you will become cold, do you know that?"

Shen Yizhi remembered that he was trapped in the sea of ​​consciousness by Xuan Ting and could not come out, so he remained silent and did not refute.

"But since you came out safe and sound, it shows that you trust each other, which is extremely rare."

Yichang's tone was a bit wistful, as if sighing or envying.

“In the world of immortality, deception, life-and-death, and the law of the jungle are the norm. Even among relatives and members of the same sect, there are countless people who turn against each other for the sake of profit. Therefore, very few monks are willing to open up their knowledge to others and show their weaknesses.

“Even between Taoist couples, if they haven’t sworn an inner demon oath, they would not dare to easily let the other person’s consciousness enter their own sea of ​​consciousness.”

The more Yi Chang recalled the past, the more he felt that the trust between Shen Yizhi and Gu Xueting was extremely rare.

Shen Yizhi knew the inner demon oath, which was a kind of oath monitored by heaven and had great binding force on the monks. After all, the inner demon was no more than the nemesis of the monks. Once the inner demon was encountered during the advancement, the advancement would fail. If it is serious, the body will perish and the path will disappear, which is not a joke.

Once a person who swears an oath of inner demons breaks the oath, there is a 100% chance of encountering inner demons when advancing.

 Unless that person gives up on himself and does not want to advance.

 But is this possible?

 What is the purpose of monks cultivating immortality? Shouldn't you continue to advance in strength and pursue the path to immortality?

 So this situation is basically impossible to happen.

Of course, there are no absolutes in this world. Maybe some people just don’t want to advance, or are unable to advance?

Then the inner demon oath is just empty words for this kind of people.

 They don’t mind breaking their oath.

However, the vast majority of people are still very afraid of the Demonic Oath and will not easily break it once they have made it. When monks became Taoist couples, one of the oaths they swore was that they must not harm each other by any means.

With the Inner Demon Oath as a guarantee, Taoists can practice dual cultivation without worrying about the other party stabbing them in the back while they are practicing.

 After all, sometimes the people who can hurt you the most are the people closest to you.

 Yichang is a living example.

And Gu Xueting and Shen Yizhi completed the communication between their spiritual consciousness based entirely on their trust in each other. This seems unbelievable to Yi Chang.

 That's why he was so excited.

 What he didn’t know was that, in fact, things were not at all what he thought.

Shen Yizhi thought at first that Gu Xueting's sea of ​​consciousness was completely defenseless against her, but then she saw Xuan Ting and was treated like that by him, and she realized that she was so defenseless, and Xuan Ting had clearly let her in on purpose!

This **** didn't have any good ideas from the beginning, he was full of dirty ideas!

She felt itching with hatred when she thought that her soul was almost innocent.

In the past, in her understanding, divine **** was a very serious word, but now, she can no longer face it.

“By the way, what did you say you found?” After saying so much, Yi Chang almost forgot what she wanted to say at the beginning.

Shen Yizhi unconsciously stroked the pattern on the water glass with his fingers, "I discovered that the person in Gu Xueting's sea of ​​consciousness is Xuanting, and Xuanting said before that Gu Xueting is a part of him. I want to ask you, what exactly did he say? mean? "

Yichang's expression was unusually solemn: "Tell me carefully about the situation after you entered Gu Xueting's sea of ​​consciousness."

Shen Yizhi narrated it from beginning to end. Of course, being pressed against a tree by Xuan Ting, which was almost indescribable, was skipped over.

 Fortunately, Yi Chang’s focus is not on this.

He tapped his tail on the table: "When a monk's cultivation reaches the distraction stage, his consciousness can be divided into two, two into three, and three into thousands. The higher the cultivation level, the more spiritual consciousness can be divided. Each one is stronger. Judging from the situation you described, I think Gu Xueting may be a ray of consciousness separated by Xuan Ting, but that's not right either...

"Gu Xueting is an independent individual with a complete soul. If he is just derived from a ray of Xuan Ting's divine consciousness, then Xuan Ting would be too unbelievable. But apart from this, I can't think of other possibilities. "

Yi Chang felt bald, "Next time he comes out, be nicer to him, coax him, and see if you can get anything out of him."

Still coaxing him? Does he think Xuan Ting is that easy to coax? This is a cold-blooded, domineering and wanton master. She can't do anything in front of him, she can only be crushed and bullied.

Yichang yawned, "Okay, I'm going to bed. You should also have a good rest. You have a lot to do tomorrow."

  Isn't it?

The sky was slightly bright and the green grass on the roadside was still covered with dew. Shen Yizhi came out of his home.

When she came to the lake, she called out the mirage: "Have you and Chi Jin finished rehearsing?"

Chijin jumped out of the water, creating ripples in circles, "Master, don't worry, Pearl and I have rehearsed and we will absolutely follow your requirements. Just wait for us to shine at the opening ceremony!"

"Okay, I'll feel relieved with your words." Shen Yizhi gave each of them a drop of spiritual spring.

Chi Jin suddenly felt as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood, constantly flipping and jumping in the water. The mirage clam, oh no, it should be called a pearl now, also surfaced, and a hazy pink mist emerged from the opening and closing of the clam shell.

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