Adorable Baby: the Miracle Doctor is So Awesome

Chapter 40: : Your taste won’t be so strong, right?


 In less than three seconds, the big rooster was jumping to life.

Su Jackyyu breathed a sigh of relief, but felt a little incredible. If he hadn't just developed the poison, he would have thought that Shen Yizhi had specially developed an antidote to defeat it.

 Following that, he tried some of the more common poisons on the market, such as arsenic, hedinghong, etc., and the detoxification pills quickly detoxified them.

“This detoxification pill costs one hundred taels a piece. What do you think of Miss Shen?”

 With such an antidote pill, as long as the poison is not too severe, you don’t have to worry about your life.

Of course, if the poison is too powerful, you may die before you can detoxify it.

 So this detoxification pill is definitely worth the money.

Thinking of this, Su Jackyu couldn't help but feel a little pang for the detoxification pills he had just used in the trial.

This price was somewhat beyond Shen Yizhi's expectations.

 Her original price was three hundred taels for a bottle, which contained ten pills. The unit price was thirty taels per pill.

This is already expensive enough. I didn’t expect Mr. Su to be so generous.

 So she said simply: "No problem."

 When she walked out of the drug store, she already had a huge amount of two thousand three hundred taels in her pocket.

 Furthermore, Su Jacky Yu also promised her that he would help her find the medicine she needed as soon as possible.

Su Jackyyu was still sitting in his seat, holding a bottle of antidote pills in his hand and rubbing it.

“Dahuang, go follow that Miss Shen and see what she—”

 A man in black suddenly appeared, standing in front of him like a shadow, waiting for his instructions.

 “Forget it, it would be bad if we just alert the snake. Let’s just maintain a good business relationship like this.”

Su Jackyyu tapped his slender jade-like fingers rhythmically on the table. Thinking of Shen Yizhi, he let out an inexplicable chuckle.

 The rhubarb turned into a shadow and disappeared silently.

“Let’s go, I heard that Zhouzhou is cultivating himself in Yunchan Temple. Let’s go and see him.”

 When no outsiders were present, Su Yuyu showed a casual and leisurely nature, which was very different from the gentle and polite appearance before.

"Young master, are you leaving now?" Su Guangbai heard the noise next door and hurriedly came out of the house.

Su Jackyu took out a white jade fan from nowhere and fanned it gracefully, "I took away Miss Shen's medicine. When she comes to sell medicine again in the future, you might as well give in a little more profit. You must let her feel it." Do you know the sincerity of our Hui Chun Hall?”

"I know, I know." Su Guangbai bowed.

Seeing him striding away, he chased after him and shouted: "Slow down -"

However, when he walked out the door, he was nowhere to be seen.


Yunchan Temple in the southern suburbs of Langcheng.

Next to the pavilion on the back hill, there are two dragon plum trees growing. The branches of these two dragon plum trees have grown together over time, and they are tangled together at the top of the pavilion. The branches are intertwined, forming a natural On the platform, the dense leaves on it cast a thick shadow.

 On this square platform, two people are sitting opposite each other, with a chessboard in the middle.

One of them has a shaved head, a ruddy face, is white and fat, and is wearing a loose white cassock. He is Master Changfeng, the abbot of Yunchan Temple.

 The man opposite him, with the appearance of a dragon and a phoenix, is magnificent and majestic. He is clearly Gu Xueting.

 A small yellow bird suddenly flew over and spit out a wax pellet towards Gu Xueting.

It turns out that this little bird is not a living thing, but a puppet bird, specially used to deliver letters.

Gu Xueting crushed the wax pill into pieces, took out the letter paper inside, unfolded it, and his breath dropped after reading it.

Changfeng threw a salted peanut into his mouth and glanced at him, "What's wrong?"

"The emperor's eldest grandson is missing." Gu Xueting moved his finger, and the letter turned into a puff of powder and flew away in the wind.

Changfeng chewed for a moment and said, "This is not good."

He took off the gourd that was shiny and shiny from rubbing on his waist, waved the chess pieces on the chessboard to one side, put the gourd on it and turned it around vigorously.

The gourd kept spinning in circles according to its inertia. When it finally stopped, the mouth of the gourd was pointing at Gu Xueting.

“Get out of the way.” He waved his hand at Gu Xueting.

Gu Xueting moved away, revealing the seven-story pagoda behind him.

 “Master, what does this mean?”

"What do you mean? This means that the emperor's eldest grandson doesn't have to look for it. He will bring it to our door when the time comes. We just have to wait."

 Gu Xueting was thoughtful.

“The poor monk calculated with his fingers, someone is coming to find you. Let’s end the game of chess here today.”

Changfeng tilted his body and lay down. He supported his head with one hand and took out the peanuts with the other hand and threw them into his mouth one by one.

Gu Xueting bowed slightly to him and left.

 When he returned to his residence, he saw Su Jacky Yu sitting on the stone table in the yard, playing with a fallen leaf boredly in his hand.

"Zhouzhou, you're back." When Su Yuyu heard the noise, he jumped down from the stone table and followed him into the house.

Gu Xueting, whose nickname is Xingzhou. People close to him usually call him by the nickname. Su Qiyu wanted to give him a disgusting nickname. Gu Xueting corrected him many times to no avail, so he had no choice but to let him go.

Gu Xueting poured him a cup of tea, "Why are you here?"

"You're not in the capital. I'm bored here. I don't want to deal with Pei San, so I can only come to you. I can also help my old man with some things. You don't know that your dragon inner elixir has been sent to the national master. "Come on, Pei San is so prosperous after becoming his disciple as he wished, but your nieces have all been overshadowed by her."

 Gu Xueting listened without any expression on his face, as if he was listening to an insignificant person.

Su Jackyyu took a sip of tea and said, "I just don't understand. You are obviously not interested in Pei San, so why do you bother to work so hard for her? First you recognized her as your adopted sister, and now you come all the way to get the dragon inner elixir." , let her successfully become the master of the country. This woman is obviously using you, I don’t believe you didn’t see it. "

Gu Xueting still said nothing about this.

Su Jackyyu suddenly had an idea, "Xingzhou, you must have been poisoned by her, right? So you have to obey her orders?"

Gu Xueting finally looked at him and said, "You are thinking too much."

"Forget it, let's not mention that woman. Today I went to our Su family's branch in Langcheng and met a woman who came to sell medicine. I always felt that that woman was not simple."

Su Jackyyu took out a bottle of antidote pills and threw them over. Gu Xueting caught them accurately.

“This is the detoxification pill she sold to us in the store. I have tried it, and it can even detoxify my newly developed Beauty Incense, not to mention other poisons on the market. This is a bit powerful.”

Gu Xueting opened the cork, and a light fragrance escaped.

This smell—

"what is her name?"

 “Well, I only know her surname is Shen.”

 “The right side of your face is disfigured?”

"How do you know?" Su Yuyu was surprised, "Wait, do you know her?"

 He ​​suddenly came closer to Gu Xueting and observed his expression carefully, "This is the first time I have seen you being so interested in a woman. Is it possible - no, when did your taste become so strong?"

Gu Xueting frowned: "Don't talk nonsense."

Su Jackyyu was suspicious, "Okay, I'll trust you for now."

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