Adorable Baby: the Miracle Doctor is So Awesome

Chapter 447: : Became a rich woman

 “What’s for dinner at midnight?” The voice was ferocious and evil.

But in the end, I went to the kitchen to make a bowl of noodles, brought it in, put it heavily in front of him, and then returned to the flowerpot.

 In a plain white porcelain bowl, there is a pile of noodles, which is so plain that it makes people lose their appetite.

 Let alone the poached eggs and chopped green onions, he estimated that there might not even be any salt in them.

Why is it that the maids of other families can go to the kitchen, wear red sleeves, add fragrance, warm the bed and wash their feet, but this one in his family can't even make a bowl of noodles?

He was thrown into doubt more than once.

The man stared at the noodles for a while and then picked up his chopsticks.

 After taking a bite, he silently put down his chopsticks.

At this moment, there was a slight vibration from the photo stone in the sleeve.

 He took it out and clicked it, and a picture of a delicious food appeared in front of him unexpectedly.

Compared with the delicious food in this picture, the noodles in front of him are even more unpalatable.

I want to become an immortal: "Hey, a friend I met by chance gave this to me today. Are you envious? Are you jealous? Do you want to eat it?"

Yang Shengqing: “I think so, send it over.”

I want to become an immortal: "I asked you to refine the Dao Jing Dan last time..."

Yang Shengqing: “I’ll practice it for you.”

I want to become an immortal: "The magic pill from last time..."

Yang Shengqing: “I’ll practice it for you.”

 “Shang Shang’s three return elixirs from last time…”

 “If you keep rambling, I’ll die.”

I was so satisfied that I became a immortal. I sent him a bowl of old duck soup. The dishes were sandwiched with two chopsticks, and a small dish was made.

Yang Shengqing saw this pitiful weight and once again decided to sever ties with me.

However, after tasting the taste of these dishes, he decisively abandoned that idea.

Knowing that I wanted to become an immortal, I met the crystal exquisite bag maker in the grocery store, Yang Shengqing summoned the shop.

No one knows the origin of this shop, except that it appeared very early.

 He got it on the day he was upgraded to a seventh-level alchemist. At that time, he was still in the Qingyuan world.

 A transparent panel suddenly appeared in front of him. At that time, he thought that he was too tired from refining alchemy and had hallucinations, or that it was a prank by someone powerful.

 But after contacting it, he found out that it was not true. This grocery store actually existed.

This thing is worthy of the name of "grocery store". It has everything in it, all kinds of weird things, only things you can't think of, and nothing you can't buy.

He didn't like to go out originally. After getting this grocery store, he became more and more at home. If he wanted anything, he could just buy it there.

ˆA matter of moving your fingers.

Later he bought more things, and he found that he had one more authority to open a shop.

 Of course, opening a shop starts with a shelf.

 Elixirs were very popular in grocery stores, and he earned a lot of spiritual stones from them.

 The spiritual stones earned are used to purchase various medicinal materials needed for alchemy.

Through this cycle, his alchemy skills improved unknowingly.

By the time he reacted, he had become a legend in everyone’s eyes—the legendary master of alchemy.

The ninth to tenth level is not something that can be easily crossed, and since he has been practicing the elixir alone for so long, he feels that he needs to go out for a walk and breathe some fresh air.

Although he is lazy and homely, he has been quiet and restless for a long time.

With this move, he came from Qingyuan Realm to Tianyuan Realm.

It is easy to get down but difficult to get up. Who would have expected that the Tianyuan world would be in such a situation.

 But once he came, he was content with it. He had a happy-go-lucky temperament, and he had always been alone. He had no one to worry about in the Qingyuan world, so he stayed in the Tianyuan world peacefully.

 This wait lasts for hundreds of years.

 Fortunately, the grocery store still follows it.

Other than his cultivation being suppressed and the spiritual energy around him being so thin that it was almost nonexistent, he didn't feel there was anything bad here.

And he also discovered a new pleasure - reading story books.

 This is a secular world where mortals are the majority, and most people only have a life span of less than a hundred years. But it is precisely because life is short that they like fantasy even more.

Fantasy about talented people and beautiful women, fantasy about fame and wealth, fantasy about seeking secluded places and sightseeing, fantasy about attaining Taoism and becoming immortal... These fantasies were written by those literati, and they are particularly interesting to watch.

 At first he was obsessed with it for a while, and he almost forgot to eat and sleep.

However, after looking at it for decades, he found that the scripts had always been written around those things, and he had long lost the original freshness.

 But I have developed the habit of reading storybooks. If I don’t read them for a while every day, I feel like something is missing.

Who makes his life really boring?

As soon as he opened the grocery store interface, Yang Shengqing saw the short video playing on the home page.

The braised pork above looks crystal clear and attractive.

However, when he clicked in, he found that there was only something called "Spicy Crayfish" left on the shelf.

Click to enter the food details page, which has the detailed process of making this dish, and it is clear what ingredients and ingredients are used.

 Just, is that thing called crayfish really edible?

He has seen this kind of thing. It usually grows in ditches or ponds in rural fields. Children use it as a toy in the summer.

 The red shell, the two claws and claws, and the two claws look like there is no meat at all.

Is this kind of thing really edible?

 Although it looks very attractive in red.

Yang Shengqing decided to buy it and try it. Anyway, he couldn’t eat it to death. If it tasted bad, he would never buy it from this store again.

 Afterwards, he was very grateful for the wise decision he had made.

 Because Ma Xiao is so delicious!

  It is simply the best taste in the world!

 He regretted the crayfish he had missed in the past.

 After taking the first bite, he decisively bought all the remaining kilograms of sesame seeds on the shelf.

Then he sat at the desk and started eating it with relish.

 Xiao Qing, who had planted himself in a pot, smelled the strong fragrance of Ma Xiao and couldn't calm down to practice properly.

 She couldn't help but open her eyes, "Yang Shengqing, what are you eating?"

 “Eat meat.”

 Xiao Qing immediately lost interest.

She is a delicate narcissus who eats vegetarian food. How could her pure soul be polluted by meat-eating?

However, the smell was so overbearing that it kept getting into her nose.

She had no choice but to close off her sense of smell. Still not feeling enough, she set up a barrier around her body to block out all smells.

 The next day, as soon as Shen Yizhifu finished practicing, he summoned the trial manual and checked the background.

She couldn't help but be shocked at this sight.

 In just one night, everything on the shelves was sold out!

 The money bag shows that her income is - 89070 spiritual stones!

With 80,000 spirit stones in his account in one night, Shen Yizhi felt that the day when he would become a rich woman was not far away.

 The bottom of the store page is filled with messages from customers.

 “What kind of fairy meat is this? I love it!”

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