Adorable Baby: the Miracle Doctor is So Awesome

Chapter 5: : She is frivolous as a beast

In order to verify his guess, Shen Yizhi condensed a drop of spiritual spring on his fingertips, and saw the beast's eyes suddenly brightened, and it licked even more vigorously.

 Sure enough.

Being licked, Shen Yizhi was not afraid anymore and tentatively touched the beast's head.

The beast glanced at her, but did not refuse and continued to lick her hand.

Looking closely, Shen Yizhi found this ferocious beast even more stunning.

The fiery red soft hair is very comfortable to touch, and the jade-white horn on the head looks like it is carved from snow-white jade.

 Now, she didn’t want the ferocious beast to be killed.

Of course, provided it doesn’t eat her.

Gu Xueting became more and more surprised when he looked at Shen Yizhi who was getting along quite harmoniously with the ferocious beast.

This woman is so secretive that even ferocious beasts are submissive to her.

Shen Yizhi's right hand was really tired, so he switched to his left hand. Using the beast's shield, a spiritual spring condensed from his fingertips and was brought to its mouth.

Perhaps it was because he had eaten so many spiritual springs from her that the ferocious beast's attitude towards her was completely different. When he looked at her, there was no longer a hint of ferocity in his eyes, but instead they were full of satisfaction and pleasure.

It’s weird and cute.

 It would be great if I could take him home and raise him.

 Shen Yizhi suddenly came up with a bold idea.

While the ferocious beast kept licking her hand, she was not idle, testing its bottom line step by step, and her movements of stroking it became more and more bold.

The ferocious beast was obviously very comfortable with her touch, and finally even lay down in front of her, exposing its snow-white soft belly.

 Apparently, it has completely let down its guard against her.

 Shen Yizhi finally stretched out her claws to the horn she had coveted for a long time.

Unexpectedly, she touched it, and the ferocious beast suddenly jumped up, growled at her, and then ran away... ran away... ran away...

 Hey, come back! After eating so much spiritual spring from me, I actually slapped my **** and left, no, a beast?

Seeing her confused look, Gu Xueting couldn't help but chuckle and said leisurely: "Do you know what the horn of the ferocious beast is?"

 “What is it?”

“Probably, it’s equivalent to a person’s private place.”

 Shen Yizhi: “…”

Looking at the hand that touched the beast's horn again, her expression was hard to describe. She quickly rushed to the water's edge and scrubbed for a long time.

 After the ferocious beast episode, Shen Yizhi got food honestly.

Afraid of attracting any strange things again, she didn't dare to use the spiritual spring to fish anymore, so she had already caught two, which was enough for them to eat.

After finishing the two fish, she skewered the fish on a branch and grilled them first. When both sides were golden brown and smelled of burnt aroma, she put the whole fish into the pot and cooked it.

The pot was also brought out with the help of a medicine basket, as well as various seasonings and so on. She had brought all the ingredients, and it was very convenient to put them in the space anyway.

Gu Xueting saw her constantly taking things out of the medicine basket, and couldn't help but look at the medicine basket twice, as if wondering why she had everything with her.

In order to dispel his doubts, Shen Yizhi explained a few sentences: "I am a doctor who goes into the mountains to collect medicine. Sometimes I stay in the mountains for three to five days. In order not to starve to death, I bring these things with me." . Look, it just comes in handy now.”

 In this way, Gu Xueting withdrew his gaze.

 I don’t know if I have completely let go of my doubts.

While the big fish was cooking in the pot, Shen Yizhi picked some wild vegetables and mushrooms nearby and threw them in while they were boiling. Finally, he couldn't help but add a drop of spiritual spring.

 If it is cooked in food, it shouldn’t attract any strange creatures, right?

 The soup slowly turned into a thick milky white color, with two grilled fish, one large and one small, lying in it, beside them were juicy wild vegetables and cute mushrooms.

 A delicious and delicious smell comes out.

The fragrance is so fragrant that I can’t help but smell it deeply.

Even Gu Xueting, who has never been very fond of food, couldn't help but feel restless.

Shen Yizhi was still thinking about Qing Bao in the space. He quietly filled a bowl of fish soup with a few pieces of tender belly meat. He put it into the space and floated his consciousness in front of Qing Bao: "Baby, mother. I’ve made fish soup, come over and drink it.”

Qing Bao wanted to throw himself into her arms, but he missed it and lay on the ground in a daze.

Shen Yizhi felt distressed and amused at the same time, "Baby, mother can't hold you now. You can drink the soup by yourself. Be careful of getting burnt."

Although Qing Bao didn't understand why, he felt relieved when he could see his mother and hear her voice. He picked up a small spoon, sat on the pony, and drank the fish soup obediently.

 Eat with gusto.

Shen Yizhi looked at it for a while, and then his consciousness returned.

 The fish soup in the pot was bubbling and steaming.

“Okay, come and eat!” She shouted to Gu Xueting.

Gu Xueting straightened his clothes, and then Shi Shiran walked over with a pair of long legs and sat down on the stone opposite her.

 “Here.” Shen Yizhi handed over a bowl and a pair of chopsticks.

 She cut them all temporarily from tree branches.

Although it doesn’t look very good, it’s good as long as it works.

This was the first time for Gu Xueting to eat like this. Before, in the wild, he either ate dry food or roasted prey.

Now sitting around the pot drinking fish soup like this, he couldn't help but feel a novel and weird feeling, but he didn't hate it.

As soon as he took the fish soup into his mouth, his eyes suddenly brightened up and he silently sped up his movements.

 It seems that his decision to let this woman stay was the right one.

 The fish soup in the bowl was already delicious enough, and coupled with the magnificent beauty of the man opposite him, Shen Yizhi felt that he was really beautiful to death.

 The whole process was in a state of dizziness.

After dinner, Gu Xueting put down his bowl and said, "You must take the antidote to the Huagu Dan once every twelve hours. Come over at this time tomorrow and I will give you the antidote."

 Shen Yizhi secretly grinded his teeth, but his face showed a look of joy: "Okay."

 After washing the pots and cleaning up the traces of cooking, Shen Yizhi said hello and left.

But I have made up my mind, hum, do you still want me to come over and enslave you? Beautiful thought!

 I will dissolve the bone-transforming pill when I get back.

 Shen Yizhi continued to collect herbs.

 She knew a prescription for rejuvenating the skin, called Huanrong Cream, which could be used to heal scars on the face and restore the appearance.

 It’s just that there are three kinds of medicine in it that are difficult to get.

Hundred-year-old wild tiger bone powder.

 Thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum.

 And the elixir Pingyanghua.

 The first two are okay. Although they are difficult, there are traces to follow. The last one she had only heard of in name and had never seen in real form.

 It is not even certain whether it exists.

 As for where this recipe came from? She also felt inexplicable, as if it had always been in her mind, but she suddenly remembered it.

However, in order to restore her appearance, she must find all the medicine no matter how difficult it is!

The afternoon passed and Shen Yizhi's harvest was still very gratifying, but none of the three medicinal materials she was looking for were found.

Seeing that it was getting dark, she decided to go home.

 At the foot of the mountain, Shen Yizhi took Qing Bao out of the space and carried him home.

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