Adorable Baby: the Miracle Doctor is So Awesome

Chapter 70: : Abducting Qing Bao in front of her

Aunt Li smiled and said: "Master Changfeng, the abbot of Yunchan Temple, said that if the Buddha saves all living beings, he will naturally not blame him. Besides, there is only one day in a year, so we people must be happy."

Shen Yizhi thinks that Master Changfeng is quite cute.

On the way to the temple gate, Shen Yizhi hugged Qing Bao tightly, fearing that he would be carried away by the crowd.

Aunt Li and Li Chuntao were guarding her, while Li Dachun walked in front to clear the way.

Even so, this journey is still quite difficult.

 Otherwise, there were so many people that it was hard to describe how crowded they were.

 When he reached the steps in front of the Yunchan Temple, Shen Yizhi couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking back, all she could see were heads of people squeezing each other, and she still felt a little frightened.

The vendors stopped at the bottom step and did not go up, so the steps were still relatively empty.

Thinking about it, no matter how tolerant the people of Yunchan Temple are, they just allow those people to do business at the foot of the mountain. How can they really allow them to do business at the door?

That's too outrageous.

A few people came to the grass on one side of the steps, ready to rest for a while before going up. After all, there are one hundred and nine steps in total, and you can't climb it in a short while. It's better to rest and relax for a while.

Shen Yizhi took out a thin blanket from his bag and spread it on the ground. He asked Li Chuntao and others to sit on it, and placed snacks wrapped in oil paper in the middle. "Auntie, Chuntao, Brother Da Chun, you guys eat."

 “Hey, okay.” Aunt Li smiled and took a piece of pea yellow.

It's fragrant and crispy, so delicate that it melts in your mouth. Compared with this, all the pastries I've eaten in the past instantly turned into dregs.

Shen Yizhi took out the water bag. The water bag contained not water, but rock sugar and snow pear water to moisten the lungs and promote body fluids.

She handed one to Aunt Li, "Auntie, this is the rock sugar and snow pear water I made. You can drink it to quench your thirst."

 “What about you and Qing Bao?”

Shen Yizhi took out another one and said, "There are more."

She opened the bag, and Qing Bao couldn't wait to put his mouth to it, holding the water bag in both hands and drinking.

Because I drank quickly, some water came out of the corner of my mouth.

 “Baby, drink slowly.”

 Shen Yizhi wiped his mouth. It seemed that he was really thirsty.

A few people were sitting on the grass, eating snacks and drinking pear water, looking at the scenery leisurely, not to mention feeling very comfortable.

At this moment, there was a noise not far away.

“Hey, daddy, what’s wrong with you? Why did you fall down even though you were fine? I didn’t push you.”

In front of a small flower stall, the stall owner looked anxiously and helped up the old man who had fallen in front of his stall, while defending himself.

Not long ago, the old man took a fancy to a pot of orchids on his stall. The two were arguing about the price, but the old man suddenly fell down, which shocked him.

 There was no one around the old man, so he really didn’t know what to do for a moment.

 Many people gathered around, pointing and talking.

At this moment, a female voice sounded: "Get out of the way first, let me take a look."

Hearing this, the stall owner quickly got out of the way as if he was being pardoned.

 Look at the woman who came to his rescue. She has a big scar on her face! He was startled at first glance, but he quickly ignored her and paid close attention to her movements.

 She seemed to know how to heal, and she took the old man's pulse and made a diagnosis as soon as he arrived.

 The stall owner couldn't help but feel a little hopeful.

Although the old man's fainting had nothing to do with him, he still fainted in front of his stall. What if his family members insisted on trying to blackmail him?

 So he hoped that the old man would wake up more than anyone else.

Oddly enough, after checking his pulse, the woman with half her face disfigured gave the old man a pill, and the old man woke up soon after.

 This woman is naturally Shen Yizhi.

 The old man opened his eyes and covered his forehead with his hands, "I am..."

The stall owner breathed a sigh of relief, "My husband, you have finally woken up! If this girl hadn't saved you, I wouldn't have been able to tell you! I won't fight with you for this pot of orchids, just take the thirty taels of silver."

 He placed a pot of orchids at the old man's feet.

After understanding the situation, the old man handed over to Shen Yizhi and said, "Thank you very much, girl. I have an old problem. I always get dizzy from time to time. Even after seeing the doctor and taking medicine, it doesn't work."

 This old man has hypoglycemia, but fortunately it is not serious.

Shen Yizhi smiled slightly and said, "Old man, you are suffering from sugar deficiency. You should pay attention to eating on time and in the right amount. Eat more pork liver, egg yolks, lean meat and other things. You can't be fasting like today.

"You'd better take a few pieces of candy with you in the future. Don't squat down when you feel dizzy. Eating one or drinking a bowl of sugar water will relieve the symptoms. In addition, you can take this bottle of medicine and take one piece every day. After you finish this bottle of medicine, The disease will almost be cured.”

 She handed over a bottle of sugar pills that she had made.

The old man hurriedly took it and said, "My surname is Cui. I wonder what your surname is?"

 “My surname is Shen.”

 “Doctor Shen, this medicine money…”

 “You can give me one tael of silver and it will be done.”

That sugar pill can not only replenish sugar in the human body, but also supplement nutrition and nourish the body. One or two silver is really not worth it.

Cui Mi has already experienced the effect of that sugar pill. Not only is he not dizzy at all now, but his body that originally felt empty now feels energetic, as if he is a few years younger, so he happily pays for it.

 Shen Yizhi got the money, gave it to the stall owner, and bought a bag of flower seeds.

She heard just now that a pot of unflowered orchids can be sold for thirty taels of silver, and since she has space and a spiritual spring, the flowers she cultivates must be even more amazing. There is no reason why the flowers cannot be sold at a high price.

And many flowers are also medicinal materials, such as peony, chrysanthemum, etc., which can also be used as cosmeceuticals and have many uses.

 Why didn’t she think of planting more flowers before?

 When he returned to the original place, Qing Bao and Aunt Li's family were missing. When he turned around, he found that they were picking cherries in front of a cherry stall.

 It’s the time when cherries are in season.

The cherries in the bamboo basket are all bright red and watery, like fine agate, which is pleasant to look at.

Qing Bao was leaning on the edge of the bamboo basket with his **** raised, and most of his body was inserted into it.

Shen Yi couldn't help but feel funny. When she walked over, the stall owner suddenly raised his head and looked towards her, smiling slightly, with charming and evil eyes in his eyes.

 Her heart felt inexplicably.

The next moment, the stall owner grabbed Qing Bao tightly into the bamboo basket, and the whole person and the bamboo basket sank into the ground and disappeared!

 Earth escape technique!

Shen Yizhi didn’t expect to meet the monk here and kidnap Qing Bao in front of her!

"Qing Bao!" She rushed forward, but the man had already run away with Qing Bao.

 She hurriedly contacted Bai Xiaowa, but she couldn't sense it at all. She must have been blocked by that person on purpose!

 Damn it!

Just when Shen Yizhi was jumping anxiously, a burst of wild laughter suddenly came from the space.

“Hahaha, I, Yichang, have returned to the world! Xiao Zhizhi, have you missed me?”

Who is it if it’s not Yichang?

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