Shen Yizhi raised his eyebrows and followed the young monk to the courtyard where Master Changfeng lived.

Master Changfeng sat on a futon under the green pine trees in the courtyard, holding a string of rosary beads in his hand and twirling them one by one with his eyes closed.

After the young monk brought her, he bowed to Master Changfeng from a distance and retreated.

 Shen Yizhi stood aside and waited quietly.

Changfeng felt that he had put on a show of being a gentleman, so he opened his eyes at the right time. His eyes were clear and clear, as if all the glitz and glamor of the world had settled down, leaving only the clarity and purity of seeing through the world.

Shen Yizhi's heart calmed down unconsciously.

He slowly stepped forward and said, "Master, I have made some vegetarian food for you to try. I don't know if it suits your taste."

 As he spoke, he opened the food box, took out the porridge, vegetables and snacks inside, and placed them on a low table in front of him.

Changfeng was a little disappointed when he heard that it was vegetarian, but when he smelled the fragrance, his eyes lit up again.

Looking eager, I can’t wait to get started immediately.

 However, when Shen Yizhi straightened up, he regained his indifferent image as a master.

 “Master, please try it.”

Changfeng took a spoonful of porridge first. It looked like a very bland porridge, but it tasted delicious and refreshing!

 It tastes good.

 Taste the dishes one by one.

 The more you eat, the more surprise you will feel.

 “Master, what do you think?”

 “Okay, okay, not bad.” Changfeng couldn’t help but nod, he didn’t care about showing off, and he ate faster and faster.

Shen Yizhi watched the dishes in front of him decrease at a speed visible to the naked eye. He was stunned for a moment, but then he felt that the master was even cuter.

 There is no pretense and you eat what you should eat. This is the demeanor of a superior person.

After eating, looking at the empty plates and empty bowls in front of him, Changfeng realized and couldn't help but pause. How could he be exposed?

However, when he glanced at Shen Yizhi opposite him, he saw that she didn't care at all and was still respectful to him, so he felt relieved.

Seeing that he still had some unfinished thoughts, Shen Yizhi was also happy, "Master, if you like it, I will make it for you in the future."

 “This is so embarrassing…” Changfeng said indifferently.

“Master, it’s just a little food, you don’t need to take it to heart.”

 “Well, that’s a problem for you.”

Shen Yizhi put away the dishes on the table, took down the bamboo basket behind his back, and took out everything inside.

“These are some marinated sauces and sauces I made. Don’t worry, they are all vegetarian and don’t contain any fishy smell. You can use them with rice or noodles on weekdays. They are both very good.”

 “Well, you are interested.”

The best thing in Changfeng's life is eating. Looking at the food in front of him, he couldn't wait to open it to see what was there, but due to Shen Yizhi, he had to endure it.

Shen Yizhi also noticed this and smiled: "Then I won't bother you, Master. How about I send you food every three days from now on?"


As he walked to the door, Shen Yizhi remembered something again, "Master, the person who kidnapped Qing Bao that day—"

 As soon as he turned around, he saw Master Changfeng throwing himself in front of the eaters.

Perhaps he didn't expect that she would turn around suddenly. Changfeng felt embarrassed, and the elegant demeanor he had managed to maintain was shattered!

 Calmly eat the piece of braised tofu in your mouth.

"Oh, ask Zhan Yuchun. He is neither a boy nor a girl. He practices the art of collecting tonic. He probably took a fancy to the little baby's physique and wanted to kidnap it and raise him as a pawn. Lu-ding. You have to watch that little baby closely from now on."


Shen Yizhi took a deep breath. If that person appeared in front of her again, she would have to peel him off!

 “Thank you, Master, for informing me.” Shen Yizhi bowed and saluted.

“Seeing as you have cooked so many delicious things for me, if there is anything you can’t solve in the future, just come to me.”

Changfeng did not shy away from it. Shen Yizhi grabbed the braised meat with both hands and started eating.

 “Okay.” Shen Yizhi gratefully responded, and this time he really left.

Halfway down the mountain, it suddenly started raining, and the rain was quite heavy. Shen Yizhi took out an umbrella from the space under the cover of the bamboo basket, opened it, and held it.

After walking for a while, I suddenly saw a cyan figure out of the corner of my eye.

 It was a man in a wheelchair.

Even though it was raining heavily, he didn't panic at all. He just sat there quietly and let the rain wash over him.

Shen Yizhi couldn't stand it anymore, so he walked over quickly and put the umbrella on his head, "Sir, are you alone? There is a pavilion over there. Can I push you over?"

He Buzhi raised his eyes in surprise, saw Shen Yizhi, and smiled gracefully, "Then I'll trouble you, girl."

Actually, he had someone with him when he came out this time, but he just went to get water. Who would have thought that it would rain heavily in a short time.

"It's okay." Shen Yizhi pushed him to the pavilion.

This pavilion was originally used for pedestrians to rest, and there were stone tables and benches inside.

Shen Yizhi put away his umbrella and put it on the table. Seeing that He Buzhi was wet and there were still water drops on his face, he handed over a handkerchief and said, "Wipe it off."

He Buzhi was stunned. He had a mysophobia and never liked touching others, let alone using a stranger's things.

 But looking at the soft jade-white hand in front of him, he took it over by mistake.

There is no incense on the veil, only a light natural fragrance, which is not offensive.

He Buzhi wiped the water droplets from his face. Shen Yi didn't know it was good to stare at him, so he looked at the rain curtain outside the pavilion.

The sound of rain was falling, and the air was filled with the fragrance of earth mixed with vegetation.

There was a muffled groan, and Shen Yizhi turned around to look.

He Buzhi closed his eyes, with a look of suppressed pain on his face. He squeezed the armrests of his wheelchair tightly with both hands, and veins popped out on the backs of his hands. It was obvious that he was suffering tremendous pain.

Shen Yizhi immediately stepped forward and said, "I am a doctor, let me take a look at it for you."

She felt his pulse, and she knew what was going on. Just as she was about to roll up his trousers to check his legs, she suddenly felt a strong force.

 Shen Yizhi was caught off guard and pushed to the ground.

 “What do you want to do to our young master!”

Before Shen Yizhi could hold her accountable, the visitor scolded her first.

She was a little girl of fifteen or sixteen years old, with a round face and round eyes. She was obviously cute and cute, but at this moment, those eyes were staring at her fiercely, as if she As if he had done something extremely sinful.

"It's true, this girl means well." He Buji opened his eyes and squeezed out these words with difficulty.

 Even so, Zhenzhen was still full of suspicion and vigilance towards Shen Yizhi, but at least he no longer glared at him.

 She took out the medicine from her arms and poured two pills into his hand. "Sir, please stop talking and take the medicine quickly."

 He Buzhi stuffed the medicine into his mouth and swallowed it alive.

Shen Yizhi was watching from the side. When she checked his pulse just now, she discovered that the man was poisoned by cold, but the cold poison was forced to his lower limbs, that is, his legs, which caused his bad behavior.

 As long as she is given time to study it, she believes she can cure him.

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