Adorable Baby: the Miracle Doctor is So Awesome

Chapter 8: : Will you die if you say one more word?

In the early morning, Shen Yizhi opened the window, and the green and bright mountains suddenly came into view.

The light and misty mist floats slowly, seeming to cover the mountains with a layer of gauze.

 The fresh air with a hint of sweetness is inhaled into the lungs, and then spit out, the entire chest seems to be purified.

 Shen Yizhi drank a glass of spiritual spring water as usual and started running around the house.

Her house is located at the end of the village, near the foot of the mountain. It was abandoned by its owner because it was often visited by wild beasts.

 Because of this, the surroundings seemed very empty.

 The area where she exercises is quite large.

The grass was dotted with crystal dewdrops, and after running a few laps, her trouser legs and the tops of her feet were wet.

 After the exercise, the sun has completely risen, shooting golden light from between the clouds, giving the clouds a golden edge.

Shen Yizhi stood for a while facing the warm morning sun and calmed down his breath. Then he returned home and started to wash up and make breakfast.

The earthen pot of chicken soup she put into the stove yesterday was now simmering. As soon as she opened the lid, a rich aroma suddenly came out.

She cooked a pot of noodles with chicken soup, then added a handful of tender spinach and a handful of chopped green onions. The taste was simply amazing!

Her cooking skills are obviously of an ordinary level, but the ingredients here are all natural and pollution-free, and with the blessing of spiritual spring water, the food she makes is simply beautiful to a certain extent.

Shen Yizhi scooped up a bowl of noodles and cut the noodles into pieces for Qing Bao's little spoon to scoop up.

Qingbao’s little mouth was chattering and he was eating obediently and quickly, without any coaxing from her.

 In the end, he not only ate all the noodles, but also drank every drop of the soup. Then he looked at the empty bowl and actually wanted another bowl.

Shen Yizhi couldn't help but feel funny, and touched his bulging belly, "Baby, you have to hold on if you eat any more. Be good, and my mother will prepare something delicious for you at noon."


 “Yes, it’s delicious.”

Satisfied, Qing Bao slipped off the stool and ran to the yard to play.

Shen Yizhi went into the kitchen, processed the striped rat snake, chopped the meat into fine pieces, added egg liquid and flour, and kneaded it into a loose dough, then squeezed the dough into small **** and put them into the oil pan. Fried inside.

 That's right, she is going to make snake meat croquettes for Qing Bao to eat as a snack.

 Put it in the space, and he can take it and eat at any time when he is hungry.

 Then, she heated the can of chicken soup and the stewed yam chicken nuggets that she had not finished last night, made another pot of rice, formed rice **** that were easy to eat, and put them all into the space.

 Seeing that it was almost midnight, Shen Yizhi put the medicine basket on his back, took Qingbao with him, locked the door and went into the mountain.

 One is to collect medicine, and the other is to give food to the handsome man in black.

Originally, she didn't want to care about him at all, but yesterday she checked her own pulse and found no symptoms of poisoning.

There are two possibilities. One is that he poisoned her very cleverly and she could not detect it. The other is that he simply lied to himself and did not actually poison her.

The two possibilities were between 50 and 50, Shen Yizhi couldn't be sure at all, so for the sake of her own life, she had better go.

By the river, three or five women were washing clothes on the bluestone slabs on the shore.

Mrs. Wang is also here.

A woman with a long face and a flat nose asked in a very gossipy manner: "Auntie, did the medicine lady really destroy Sanjin's life?"

"No! Pity me Sanjin, such an honest child, but she was seduced by that bitch's hoof! It was obviously her shamelessness to seduce my son, but now she turns her back and refuses to recognize him!"

Mrs. Wang beat her clothes hard with a mallet, as if she thought those clothes were Shen Yizhi.

The woman with the flat nose became more and more enthusiastic, "I'm just saying, don't look at the disfigurement of that drug lady, in fact, I still feel restless. Who are you showing me when you dress seductively all day long?"

Mrs. Wang seemed to have found an ally in an instant, "Do you think so too? As soon as she appeared in our village, I knew she was not a good person..."

The two of them got together, blah blah blah, and poured all kinds of dirty water on Shen Yizhi, as if this would bring great satisfaction.

Finally, the woman with a flat nose suggested in a low voice: "She has broken Sanjin's roots, so she has to be Sanjin's wife and serve him! As long as she enters your house, she is not just left to be rounded and squashed by you." ? When the time comes, if you hit her and scold her, it would be extremely unfilial if she dares to say anything back!"

Mr. Wang became more and more excited the more she heard it. Why didn’t she think of it at the time?

As soon as she enters the door, she has to be treated as a cow or a horse! All the money earned is handed over!

As for that fatherless bastard, if you sell it directly, you can still get some money!

“But this **** is very noble, so I’m afraid he won’t agree.”

“Auntie, if we do this... we are not afraid that she will not obey!”

 The woman with the flat nose gave her advice.

This woman's surname is Zhang. It seems that she was also favored by Yao Niang. When she had irregular menstruation, Yao Niang cured her. In order to thank Yao Niang, her husband Li Changgen helped her with manual labor several times.

 Ms. Zhang always suspected that Li Changgen was seduced by Yao Niang. She didn't say anything, but she felt angry in her heart. Later, it developed to the point where she disliked Yao Niang no matter what.

 I wish she was unlucky.

Shen Yizhi didn't know this. She was collecting herbs in the forest at this time.

She was lucky today. She picked a lot of medicinal materials along the way and also came across a vintage ginseng. After picking ginseng, the sun was already high, and Shen Yizhi hurried to where he was yesterday.

 It’s just that I didn’t see anyone when I arrived at the place. He couldn’t have left, right?

When Gu Xueting came back, he saw Shen Yizhi squatting by the waterside fishing. He dropped a wild boar he was holding on the ground.

Shen Yizhi was startled by the dull sound, and turned around to see him standing behind him.

There was a trace of blood on his cheek, but instead of ruining the overall beauty, it actually added a bit of a cold and wild flavor.

When he looked over, Shen Yizhi's heartbeat was a little uncontrollable again.

She picked up the medicine basket and walked over. While taking out the food, she said, "By the way, my surname is Shen. Shen Yizhi, I wonder what I call you?"

Gu Xueting only said one word: "Gu."

Shen Yizhi, who had his back turned to him, rolled his eyes. Will he die if he says one more word?

“Here, Mr. Gu, let’s eat.”

 Shen Yizhi pointed to the food placed on the big stone.

 A dish of vermicelli and pheasant soup, a dish of snake meat croquettes, and a few rice **** in the bowl.

Gu Xueting walked over, picked up the rice ball and took a bite. It was fragrant and sweet, and had a richer texture than the tribute bijing rice.

Pheasant vermicelli soup, the meat is tender and mellow, the soup is rare and not greasy at all, it is delicious and fragrant. The vermicelli is smooth and light, and tastes even better than shark fin.

 The fried meatballs are also fresh and juicy, elastic but not sticky, making them addictive.

 Two dishes and one meal seemed simple, but it was more to his taste than the delicious dishes that the imperial chef worked hard to make.

Gu Xueting couldn't help but glance at Shen Yizhi.

Shen Yizhi sat on a stone, holding his chin in his hands and watching him eat.

 Chewed slowly, without making any sound, and every move was calm and graceful.

This is the first time she has seen someone eat so beautifully. Of course, the main reason is that his face is so lethal.

Seeing him looking over, he couldn't help but sit up straight, "What's wrong? It's not to your liking?"

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