Lu Ziqian was surprised when he heard what he said.

Their plan was very thorough. Except for him and Su Haochu, not even his family knew the specific plan.

How did Ruan Zhiyu know?

It's just that no matter how she knew it, judging from her operations at the airport, she definitely knew something. They've been stunned by now.

If Ruan Zhiyu can't be captured smoothly this time, then she has already become vigilant, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to arrest her again.

Thinking of this, Lu Ziqian immediately said to Su Haochu, "Okay, you chase first! I'll immediately notify the police and send a police car to track and arrest her!"

The two hung up the phone just like that, and then went their separate ways.

After Lu Ziqian called to inform Lu Zibai, he immediately tracked the whereabouts of the taxi through Yucheng's road monitoring system.

After the taxi left the airport, it did not enter the city, but walked along the airport highway to the suburbs.

There is a large rural area in the suburbs, and the surveillance is relatively weak. If Ruan Zhiyu goes there and hides secretly, it will take a lot of effort to arrest her.

Therefore, after determining the direction of the taxi, he quickly picked up the car key, went downstairs, and chased after him, preparing to stop her on the road.

At the same time, the police quickly tracked Ruan Zhiyu's whereabouts and launched a hunt.

On the viaduct leading to the suburbs, the taxi driver inadvertently found that a car had been following their car, so he asked puzzledly, "Lady, do you know the car behind?"

Ruan Zhiyu was stunned for a moment, then looked back, but because the distance was too far, she couldn't see who was driving.

"I don't know! What's wrong?"

"This car has been following us since we passed the Fourth Ring Road. If you don't know it, it's really weird!" The driver whispered with a puzzled look!

Ruan Zhiyu suddenly felt a little uneasy in his heart!

Could it be that the Lu family and Su Haochu had already discovered her whereabouts and followed them?

So, she hurriedly urged the driver: "Master driver, please hurry up, I'm in a hurry!"

At this moment, her cell phone suddenly rang, and it turned out to be her daughter Lu Zimeng calling. Lu Zimeng is the daughter of her and her ex-husband Lu Haoze. When they divorced, she took her daughter abroad together.

Now, Lu Zimeng is 23 years old and graduated from college!

It's just that when she committed herself to her current husband, she was afraid that her daughter would be wronged, so she always entrusted her relatives to take care of her!

Later, after she stood firm and found Wang Hengzhou's mother and son, Lu Zimeng followed Wang Hengzhou's mother, her sister-in-law.

More than two years ago, her daughter went to university in Europe. Once, when I went to the beach with my classmates to play, for some reason, I accidentally fell into the water on the yacht.

By chance, he was rescued by Lu Ziqian! It is said that Lu Ziqian was going to save his sister Lu Zimo at the time, and when he saw Zimeng falling into the water, he saved her.

I just didn't expect that my daughter would never forget Lu Ziqian because of that time. Half a year ago, I had to come to Rain City with Hengzhou.

It's just that when she came, Lu Ziqian happened to hold a wedding with his beloved girl!

She thought that her daughter would give up on this, but she didn't expect that after her daughter came to Yucheng, she secretly met Lu Ziqian several times, but she became even more obsessed.

The mother and daughter had a fierce quarrel over this incident!

Ruan Zhiyu was very calm and very clear that among the Lu family's nine twins, the old mainland Zizhong and the fifth Lu Ziqian were the most difficult to deal with.

Her daughter is not Lu Ziqian's opponent at all! Therefore, she firmly opposes her daughter to approach Lu Ziqian.

However, young people are very impulsive for love! No matter what she said, her daughter was unmoved, and this time she was going to apply for Lu Ziqian's special assistant.

Ruan Zhiyu originally wanted to go to the hot spring hotel in the suburbs and call her daughter after she settled down.

But I didn't expect that, halfway through the road, my daughter actually called her on the initiative. So, she quickly pressed the switch button.

"Mengmeng, where are you now? Aren't you angry?" After the call was connected, Ruan Zhiyu spoke softly to her daughter.

Lu Zimeng's voice was indifferent: "I'm with my cousin now. I heard that you are coming to Rain City? I want to sign a contract with the Su family's company. My cousin said that there is something wrong with that Su Haochu, you have to be careful!"

Although he was dissatisfied with what his mother did, Lu Zimeng was still more worried because the other party was the biological mother who raised her after all.

Hearing her daughter's worries, Ruan Zhiyu was very happy: "Mengmeng, don't worry! Mom will definitely be careful. I'm going to the hot spring hotel in the suburbs now. When I settle down, I-ah-"

However, before Ruan Zhiyu's words were finished, Lu Zimeng suddenly heard the sound of sudden braking on the phone, followed by her mother's scream, followed by a violent crash.

Finally, there was a crackling sound from the phone.

She was startled, and hurriedly called out to the phone: "Mom, what's wrong with you? Mom, why didn't you say anything? Don't scare me! Mom—"

Having said that, Lu Zimeng couldn't help crying while holding the phone.

Wang Hengzhou, who was sitting beside her, was also startled when he saw her expression: "What's wrong? What's going on?"

Lu Zimeng handed him the phone, his face was pale, and he cried and said, "Cousin, my mother seems to have an accident. I heard the sound of the crash, and my mother's screams, and then there was nothing!"

When Wang Hengzhou heard her words, his face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly called into the phone a few times: "Aunt, aunt, how are you, don't scare us!"

However, no matter how he shouted at the phone, there was no response from the phone. It sounded messy, and no one answered their words at all.

"Cousin, let's go, my mother said she went to a hot spring hotel in the suburbs, let's drive there quickly!" Lu Zimeng said with a panicked expression after he calmed down.

"Okay, let's go, let's hurry up!"

With that said, the two of them got into the car and hurried to the hot spring hotel in the suburbs.

There was indeed a major car accident on Ruan Zhiyu's side.

When the taxi driver got off the highway and walked to the national road, he encountered an out-of-control heavy truck on the head.

The scene of the accident was very tragic. For some unknown reason, the heavy-duty truck did not brake at all. It directly rolled over the taxi, and then broke through the guardrail next to the road and rushed into the ditch next to it.

Su Haochu has been following this taxi from a distance and witnessed this tragic accident with his own eyes! He couldn't help taking a breath of air, and quickly parked the car on the side of the road, took out his mobile phone, and called the 120 emergency number and the police.

After doing all this, he just got out of the car when Lu Ziqian drove over at the same time.

Seeing such a tragic car accident, his brows couldn't help but wrinkle: "What's going on? Ruan Zhiyu! Did you get lost?" He asked Su Haochu.

Su Haochu shook his head and pointed to the horrific taxi that had been hit by a heavy truck: "Ruan Zhiyu is in that taxi!"

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