After speaking, he called Liao Jun directly: "Take her to the personnel department to go through the formalities, I don't want to see her again in Yucheng in the future!"

Lu Ziqian's voice was stern and majestic.

Su Lan's face was panicked until now: "Mr. Lu, you, what do you mean by that?"

"As I said, my wife is my bottom line! You should be thankful that she is pregnant now, and I have changed a lot for her and the child in my womb. Otherwise, depending on what you do, you think you still Can you stand here and talk to me?"

Su Lan clearly felt that when Lu Ziqian said these words to her, there was a trace of killing intent in his eyes!

She couldn't help shivering, and regretted her reckless decision.

"Mr. Lu, I was wrong. I shouldn't provoke Mrs. Lu. For the sake of our former classmates, please give me a chance to reform!" She immediately changed her attitude and begged for mercy in a low profile.

But Lu Ziqian didn't want to look at her any more, so he waved at Liao Jun.

Liao Jun immediately understood what he meant and forcibly pulled Su Lan out.

She was forced to go through the resignation formalities within half an hour, and she was forcibly sent to the station.

"If you don't want to die or go to jail, just leave Yucheng obediently! Don't blame me for not warning you!" After arriving at the station, Liao Jun pushed Su Lan out of the car.

"You guys, I didn't do anything illegal or criminal. Why does Lu Ziqian have the right to expel me from Yucheng!" Su Lan asked Liao Jun angrily.

Liao Jun looked at the ignorant woman in front of him speechlessly: "If you don't want to go, you can. But be careful when crossing the road, don't accidentally get into a car accident.

Be careful when you sleep at night, don't accidentally gas poison! In Yucheng, all day long, too many people died in accidents! "

After listening to his words, Su Lan was immediately stunned there.

She remembered the murderous intent in Lu Ziqian's eyes in the office, and couldn't help but shiver again.

Although very reluctant, he had to turn around to buy a ticket to leave Rain City.

That man, Lu Ziqian, is really scary!

Liao Jun watched him get on a train to another city before turning around and leaving the station.

However, what he didn't know was that just after the train started, he suddenly received a call from a stranger. The two chatted on the phone for more than half an hour, and then Su Lan got off at the next stop!


Happy time always flies very fast!

In a blink of an eye, Chinese New Year has arrived!

The children are on holiday, and everyone is making dumplings at home together to welcome the new year!

The Lu family is also the same. Several children are married, and the daughters-in-law are all pregnant.

Mo Xiaodie, the mother-in-law, this New Year has been very busy!

On the evening of New Year's Eve, they had a video call in the living room with their two daughters in Europe.

Because Momo is nearly 7 months pregnant with quintuplets, she is still lying on the bed during the video call.

Mo Xiaodie looked at her daughter, because she was pregnant with quintuplets, she was so distressed and distressed.

Momo hurriedly comforted her: "Mom, I'm fine, Murong Ling took good care of me. We have already discussed with the doctor, after the Lunar New Year, around the sixteenth of the first lunar month, we will take out the children by caesarean section! "

When Mrs. Lu heard this, she couldn't sit still: "Momo, aren't you only 7 months old? Why did you take the baby out in advance?"

Murong Ling quickly explained: "Grandma, you don't have to worry, Momo and the children are fine. It's just that Momo is pregnant with quintuplets, and the children can't survive to full term. For Momo's health, only An early caesarean section!"

His father-to-be, he hasn't been able to sleep soundly in the past few months, and he looks a lot haggard!

Mo Xiaodie also quickly persuaded the old lady: "Grandma, don't worry! Medicine is very developed now, and Murong's family has its own hospital, so she has the best obstetrics and gynecology doctor in the world to accompany her, Murong Ling will definitely not Put her and the children in any danger!

We have to trust the doctor's decision! "

After she finished speaking, she saw her daughter, Ranran, who was beside Momo's bed through the big screen.

Ran Ran's complexion still looks a little bad, her face is pale, but her mood is not bad.

So she tried to say, "Of course, how was your stay in Europe?"

Lu Ziran glanced at her sister and curled her lips: "It's not that good, after I'm here! I'll be my sister's escort. I just chat with her every day, and I don't have time to go out to play at all!"

Momo was unhappy by the side: "I said of course, you are still not my sister, I look at me now, I can't do anything except lying on the bed every day.

Let you chat with me, what's the matter? Don't forget, you took my money! What? Want to go back on it? "

"Where did I go back? Am I still chatting with you? But you promised me that after you give birth, you must invite me to travel around the world. You pay, and I will enjoy it!" Lu Ziran was unwilling Said weakly with a smile.

"Okay, your sister, my words will definitely count! After giving birth, the two will travel around the world! After staying in the room for several months, I'm almost suffocated to death!" Loveable.

Murong Ling sat beside her and looked at her dotingly: "What about me? Wife, you've gone to travel around the world, aren't you taking me?"

Momo's eyes widened: "Of course you are looking after the children at home!"

Ran Ran also laughed: "Yes, brother-in-law, if you don't look after the children, how can my sister and I travel around the world?"

The three people quarreled in the video, and the picture was very laughter and warm.

Mo Xiaodie breathed a sigh of relief and asked tentatively, "Of course, when are you going to come back?"

Lu Ziran was stunned for a while: "Mom, I'll wait until my sister has given birth to the baby, and I'll go back after watching the baby!"

"Alright then! Anyway, when Momo's surgery comes, your dad and I will definitely go there. Let's come back together!"

When a daughter gives birth to such a big thing, as a mother, she must pass!

Anyway, Su Haochu has already expressed his stance here. He doesn't care about the past, he still loves Ranran as always!

This kind of thing can't be rushed, just let that girl stay in Europe for a few more days!

After the family had a reunion dinner, the young children went back to their villas.

The boys of the Lu family have prepared surprises for their dear wives!

After Lu Zizhong took Gu Nuanci's hand and left the old house, he didn't go back to his villa, but got into the car directly.

Gu Nuanci was a little strange: "Husband, today is New Year's Eve, don't we have to go back to keep the new year? Where are you going to take me?"

Lu Zizhong smiled mysteriously: "I have a surprise for you!"

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