Shen Jinghan frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

He is only half a year away from turning 30.

Recently, he has been busy with his own marriage. The old man didn't know what to think. He was getting old, but he came up with such a tricky method to force him to get married.

If he doesn't get married, all his efforts in the past five years will fall into the hands of his eldest brother.

Although he didn't care about everything the Shen family had, he was unwilling.

And his mother, all these years, all her wish was to be recognized by the Shen family, to be able to get the certificate with the old man, and to become an upright Shen family.

But the old man is very shrewd.

All conditions are that he gets married and has children.

And even the will has been made, if he doesn't get married, everything in the Shen family will be lost to him.

As long as he was willing to get married and have children, he would immediately get a certificate from his mother, and put most of the Shen family's property in his name.

He really couldn't understand why the old man insisted on this!

He previously thought that the eldest brother tried his best to prevent him from getting married because the girls who were engaged to him had a certain family background. The eldest brother was afraid that he would gain the support of his father-in-law's family and his strength would rise to a higher level.

Therefore, after his consecutive marriage accidents, he had no choice but to decide to marry a female star Manman who had no background or too much scheming.

To be honest, he has no feelings for Manman at all, he is just pretending to deal with the old man!

It just didn't occur to him that Big Brother and the others had already prepared everything to deal with him.

He just proposed marriage here, and he dug up all of Manman's past there, sold it to the media, and showed it to the old man.

He had just been scolded by the old man for pointing at the headache at the old house, and the old man asked him to immediately cancel the marriage with Manman.

He has been so devastated that he has no time to pay attention to the messy news on the Internet.

If he hadn't accidentally met her on the street today, those dusty past events would have been buried in his heart forever.

The little girl is too pure and beautiful, and she and Li Bo are childhood sweethearts, that is the most enviable relationship. Marry Li Bo, she will be happy forever.

And he, his growth in this life has been in the dark, invisible, only willing to watch her happiness silently like this.

She never dared to hope for the beauty and simplicity!

Xu Lin sighed lightly when he heard his young master's words: "Master, about Miss Lu Zitian's marriage, it was posted on the Internet a few days ago.

On the day of her engagement, the video of her fiance and her best friend rolling in bed was broadcast directly on the big screen of the wedding banquet. She and Li Bo have cancelled their engagement.

It is said that the **** Li Bo's side is pregnant, and the wedding date has been determined, just one month later. Lu Zizhong was afraid that she would be sad, so he deliberately transferred her to the branch of Rongcheng Xingyue Home Improvement.

Today is her first day at work! "

"What did you say? Li Bo and Lu Zitian broke off their engagement? That guy fell in love with someone else?" Shen Jinghan's voice sounded a little brisk.

Xu Lin took another deep look at his young master: "Yes, what Li Bo likes is Zhao Yue, the daughter of Director Zhao of the Lu Group. That is your niece. What's more interesting is that the video of Zhao Yue and Li Bo that day, It was deliberately broadcast by Zhao Tong, the son of President Zhao."

"Why?" Shen Jinghan seemed to be in a good mood.

Seeing the upward smile on the corner of the young master's mouth, Xu Lin swallowed and continued: "Because Zhao Tong has always liked Miss Lu Zitian, he doesn't want to see them getting engaged, and he doesn't want to see Lu Zitian being deceived by Li Bo all the time.

That's why I did it on purpose! "

"You said that Zhao Tong likes Lu Zitian?" Shen Jinghan's brows wrinkled again unconsciously.

"Yes, Zhao Tong has liked Miss Lu Zitian since the second year of high school, until now!"

They are talking!

Not far from the hospital entrance, Lu Zitian should have finished the examination and walked out of the hospital with Yan Ling.

When the two were about to take a taxi, a cool Ferrari stopped in front of them.

The car door opened, and a boy in a suit and leather shoes, his hair combed brightly, came out with a large bouquet of roses in his hand.

The boy's goal was very clear, and he came directly to Lu Zitian with a pious face, and actually knelt down on one knee in front of everyone at the hospital entrance.

From Shen Jinghan's point of view, the guy immediately took out a beautiful box from his arms.

Without guessing, he knew that the box contained a diamond ring.

His hands couldn't help clenching.

Xu Lin seemed to understand some of his young master's careful thoughts.

At this time, seeing the situation in the distance, he shouted in surprise: "Young master, look quickly, that person is Zhao Tong, looking at this posture, he is going to propose to Miss Lu Zitian!"

"Shut up, I'm not blind!" Shen Jinghan's voice revealed faint anger.

Xu Lin didn't dare to say anything more.

Fortunately, Lu Zitian at the entrance of the hospital ignored Zhao Tong at all, and walked directly to the roadside with Yan Ling over him.

Zhao Tong didn't give up and chased after him again.

"Tiantian, I'm sincere to you, just promise me! I just heard from Yan Ling that you were in a car accident? Are you okay?" Zhao Tong blocked Lu Zitian's way like a dog-skin plaster.

Lu Zitian glanced at Yan Ling next to her: "Did you call and tell him I had a car accident?" Her voice was a little unpleasant.

Yan Ling lowered her head, her heart was sad at this time, after all, she had always loved Zhao Tong silently, and now she saw the boy she loved and proposed to her best friend.

She felt both pain and bitterness in her heart at this time: "I'm sorry, Tiantian, just now Zhao Tong called and said that he couldn't find us at the residence, so I told him that you had a car accident!"

Only then did Lu Zitian suddenly realize that Zhao Tong's proposal to him had hurt Yan Ling.

So, she was a little overwhelmed, and could only look at Zhao Tong angrily: "Zhao Tong, I have already told you, I have always regarded you as a good friend and have no feelings for you.

Please don't waste your time on me, and cherish those who are worthy of your treasure! "

It's just that Zhao Tong is still very persistent: "Why? Sweet, Li Bo has already betrayed you, my sister is already pregnant with his child, and they are getting married next month.

Why don't you accept me? "

"Why should I accept you? Even if I don't like you now. Zhao Tong, even if I like you, I will not accept you. After I accept you, Li Bo is my brother-in-law.

Don't you think it's funny? Please don't pester me in the future, I don't like you at all! Don't make things last, we can't even do it with ordinary friends! "Lu Zitian looked at him seriously and said.

"Why not? We are us, and Li Bo is Li Bo. After we get married, we will move out and live without them. It's enough not to communicate with them!

Sweet, I really like you! Give me a chance! "Zhao Tong still doesn't give up.

At this moment, a limited edition Maybach slowly stopped beside them.

The window rolled down, and Shen Jinghan's handsome face with no flaws was revealed, and he said softly in his magnetic and pleasant voice: "Sweet, get in the car! I've been waiting to take you back!"

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