Adorable Collection Order: Mr. Lu, Your Nine Sons Shocked the World

Chapter 1535: Discuss the wedding room with designer Lu alone

Just after speaking, Xu Lin was a little worried.

If the young master really fell in love with Lu Zitian, things would be a little troublesome.

Lu Zitian was not the girls from ordinary families in Rongcheng before.

She is the Yucheng Lu family and Lu Chenyu's precious daughter.

With such an identity as the young master and a reputation, how could the Lu family marry their daughter to him?

At that time, if they offend the Lu family because of this incident, I am afraid that the Shen Group will also face a crisis.

Just these words, Xu Lin only dared to think about it in her heart, but did not dare to say it.

On the second day, Lu Zitian and Yan Ling had just arrived at the company when the general manager of Xingyue Home Improvement Branch suddenly found them in the office.

"Lu Zitian, I have a task for you today! You'll pack up later and go to Shen's Group with Liu Ying!" Because of his identity, the manager of the branch spoke politely to them.

"Go to Shen's Group? What are you doing? Does our company cooperate with Shen's Group?" Yan Ling couldn't help asking.

"No, it's just that the assistant to the president of Shen's Group suddenly called today and said that they want to decorate the wedding room. Let's send a designer here to communicate with President Shen!" The manager explained.

Yan Ling couldn't help it anymore: "Manager, what did you say? Who wants to decorate the wedding room? Shen Jinghan? Didn't he just get a cuckold and cancel his engagement with a female star yesterday?

Why do you need to renovate your wedding room? Could it be that he moved so fast and found the next person to marry him!

I'll go, this man is really fighting for the Shen family's property. He can find a wife faster than buying clothes! "In the end, Yan Ling couldn't help but complain.

The manager coughed: "We don't know the specific reason for this, but we are doing home improvement design, and since the customer requested it, we have no reason to refuse.

So, the two of you pack up and go to the Shen Group with Liu Ying later! "

The manager said so, and it was inconvenient for the two of them to say anything more.

"Okay, manager, let's pack up now!" After speaking, Lu Zitian pulled Yan Ling out of the manager's office.

As soon as she left the office, Yan Ling couldn't help but complain again: "I really never thought that someone like Shen Jinghan would be so sloppy about marriage!

From this point of view, he proposed to Manman just to meet the request of the old man of the Shen family, and there should be no feelings between them at all.

Otherwise, Manman has had such a big incident and has been blocked by the company, but he is lucky, and he went downhill and directly announced the cancellation of the marriage.

And what's even more extreme is that when he turned his head, he found his next family again and found a new marriage partner. Such a man is really a proper scumbag!

God let him be the Lonely Scorpion, it was really right! "

Listening to her complaints about Shen Jinghan, Lu Zitian couldn't help laughing, but she really agreed with her point of view: "Okay, we're just going to help him design the wedding room, it's not that you marry her, Why are you so excited!"

"I feel worthless for the woman who wants to marry him! What the hell? It's such a pity for being so handsome, what a pity for that face!"

When they spoke, the two had already returned to their respective positions, quickly packed their things, and went to the Shen Group with Liu Ying.

Liu Ying, who is in her 30s this year, is the director of the design department of Xingyue Home Improvement Rongcheng Branch. She will leave next month.

She has extensive work experience.

Therefore, even if the Shen Group designated that Lu Zitian's designers should come over, the manager decided to let Liu Ying take them with him considering Lu Zitian's work experience.

When they arrived at the lobby on the first floor of the Shen family, they had just revealed their identities, and the person at the front desk politely took them to the elevator dedicated to the president.

Liu Ying was a little surprised when she saw this situation, but she kept silent and took the elevator directly to the 36th floor.

Xu Lin was already there waiting for them, but seeing three people suddenly came, Xu Lin was a little surprised.

"Wait a second, I'll report to President Shen."

However, just as he was about to turn around to report to Shen Jinghan, the inside line on the table rang, and he quickly connected.

Shen Jinghan's low voice came from the inside line: "Let all three of them come in!"

Xu Lin was even more surprised.

It seems that President Shen really attaches great importance to Miss Lu Zitian. As soon as the other party arrives at the president's office, he will know. What does this mean? President Shen should have been checking the monitoring and waiting for Miss Lu.

But he didn't dare to say more, and quickly and politely let the three people into Shen Jinghan's office.

Liu Ying must have some experience and ability to be the design director of Xingyue Home Improvement Branch.

After entering the door, with Lu Zitian and the others, they came to Shen Jinghan generously and stretched out his hand: "Mr. Shen, hello. We are the designers of Xingyue Home Improvement!"

Shen Jinghan glanced at her, but his eyes finally fell on Lu Zitian who was behind her, then stood up slowly, and politely shook hands with Liu Ying.

"Are these two—?" He even deliberately pretended not to know the two of them.

Lu Zitian lowered her head and pouted.

Shen Jinghan, this Scorpio Lone Star, is really good at pretending!

They only met yesterday, and today they pretend that they don't know anyone!

Upon hearing this, Liu Ying quickly introduced: "Mr. Shen, these two are new designers from our company. This is Lu Zitian and this is Yan Ling."

Lu Zitian and Yan Ling came forward very cooperatively, politely and respectfully: "Mr. Shen, hello!"

Shen Jinghan slowly sat down on the leather seat again, but his eyes fell directly on Lu Zitian: "Lu Zitian? I remember that there was an interior design competition held in China half a year ago, and the first prize was awarded. That girl's name is Lu Zitian, isn't she the designer in front of her?"

Liu Ying said quickly, "Yes, it's this designer. It seems that Mr. Shen knows a lot about interior design!"

Shen Jinghan's mouth twitched slightly: "I designed a wedding room this time. I have seen designer Lu's competition works, which are very in line with my taste. Designer Lu Zitian will be solely responsible for the wedding room this time!

If this cooperation is good, I will consider cooperating with Xingyue Home Decoration in the future for all the facade hotels under Shen's Group. "

As soon as his words came out, Liu Ying looked surprised: "President Shen really has a good eye, we, designer Lu, are really talented in interior design, and we will take over as the design director of Xingyue Home Improvement Rongcheng Branch next month. A job.

I believe that her design will definitely satisfy you! "

After hearing her words, Shen Jinghan immediately made the decision: "Okay, that's it. Go back and get busy! Let Designer Lu stay, and we will discuss the specific details of the wedding room and my requirements carefully!"

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